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Posts posted by fourstarfizzle

  1. The only reason they're signed and getting attention is because of him, if it wasnt for him they'd be a bog standard band struggling to get signed, now they're just a bog standard band with a well known frontman/guitarist.

    They're bland as hell in my opinion, they're not doing anything new that other bands aren't doing better.

  2. I'm not a massive fan of Jackson basses, the guitars are good, but they're okish bass makers.

    I prefer Lakland or Warwick basses myself. I've got a Lakland 55-94 which I adore for my 5 string stuff, but most of the time I stick to my 3 string custom, as its a little bit odd looking, but sounds brilliant with its EMG pick-ups.

  3. user posted image

    Benoit Vs Guerrero, Round 4

    The aftermath of Deadbolt didn't seem to change anything after CWA Shockwave, Chris Benoit is CWA World Champion, and Eddie Guerrero is once again the Number 1 Contender. Jarrett had originally planned to give Benoit the night off but after threatening the CWA Owner, Jarrett announced a triple threat that night for the CWA World Championship, it would be Benoit against his 2 new associates, Simon Diamond & Christian!! Any alliances seemed to be off after that announcement, and then Jarrett raised the bar again by announcing at "Random Entry" 20 man Battle Royale for the No.1 Contendership to Benoit's title, thats if he survived the night!

    Guerrero entered the contest at Number 2 and survived to be the last man, although when it was down to 4 men, himself, John Cena, Nate Hatred, The Rock, Guerrero looked like his chances of another shot at Benoit were very slim. But after some teamwork with The Rock, the pair managed to eliminate 2 more men, but then all things seemed against them. The monster, Kane, entered at number 20 and was the freshest man in there, Kane dominated for the most part and it was only a last gasp effort of energy that managed to topple the unaware Rock & Kane over the rope together, giving him yet another shot at the CWA Championship.

    Benoit did manage to save his CWA Championship against Diamond & Christian, who didn't seem to care much for the alliance with Benoit anywhere, it was every man for himself, and in the end, it was Benoit's devious tactics that got him the narrow victory. Capatalising on Diamonds vicious chair shot on Christian, Benoit made quick work of throwing Diamond out of the ring, and locking in the Crippler Crossface, making the ref seem to think he had made Christian unconcious! With the hand raised and dropped 3 times, Benoit made a quick escape with his CWA World Championship.

    Things between The Rock & CWA Owner Jeff Jarrett also seemed to be hotting up. Starting the night by delivering a Rock Bottom to Double J, Jarrett shockingly entered the Battle Royale at Number 9, and The Rock was Number 10!! The Rock managed to deliver another Rock Bottom to Jarrett and eliminate him from the Battle Royale! Jarrett is paying his dues for costing The Rock the World Championship 3 months ago, but will his power in charge of CWA cast a swift blow to The Great One?

    CWA Shockwave Results

    Chavo Guerrero & Rene Dupree bt. Austin Aries & Stevie Fabulous

    CR: 32.2% MQ: 75.0% OR 49.9%

    John Walters bt. Jimmy Jacobs

    CR: 35.2% MQ: 70.2% OR 50.0%

    Shot At The CWA International Championship

    Nate Hatred bt. Chris Hero & Wagner Brown (Assist from CM Punk)

    CR: 42.2% MQ: 68.7% OR 56.4%

    CWA World Championship

    Chris Benoit bt. Christian & Simon Diamond

    CR: 60.1% MQ: 72.0% OR 65.8%

    CWA Number 1 Contenders 20 man Battle Royale

    Random Entries

    CR: 60.9% MQ: 74.5% OR 26.0%

    Overall Rating for Show: 50.0%

    Entry list

    1. Julio Dinero

    2. Eddie Guerrero

    3. CM Punk

    4. Rene Dupree

    5. Andy Douglas

    6. Edge

    7. Tiger Mask IV

    8. Jay Briscoe

    9. Sonny Siaki

    10. Christian

    11. John Cena

    12. Jeff Jarrett

    13. The Rock

    14. Glenn Gilberti

    15. Spanky

    16. Chris Hero

    17. Simon Diamond

    18. Masada

    19. Nate Hatred

    20. Kane

    Elimination List

    1. Julio Dinero (by E.Guerrero)

    2. Rene Dupree b(by E.Guerrero)

    3. Andy Douglas (by CM Punk)

    4. Sonny Siaki (by E.Guerrero)

    5. Tiger Mask IV (by CM Punk)

    6. Jay Briscoe (by Edge)

    7. CM Punk (by John Cena)

    8. Christian (by E.Guerrero)

    9. Glenn Gilberti by (John Cena)

    10. Jeff Jarrett (by The Rock)

    11. Spanky by (The Rock)

    12. Masada (by Simon Diamond)

    13. Chris Hero (by Kane)

    14. Simon Diamond (by Kane)

    15. Edge (by Kane)

    16. John Cena (by Kane)

    17. Nate Hatred (by E.Guerrero & The Rock)

    19. = The Rock (by E.Guerrero)

    19. = Kane (by E.Guerrero)

  4. I'd go for the Fender combo as you're getting everything in it really, a decent bass for a beginner, a nice little 20 watt amp and a guitar lead. Fenders are really good for beginners so I'd go for that. I ain't played a Fender for about 4 years but it'll do the job for you.

    The Tobias is a piece of crap, and it's an active bass, you don't want the hassle of that with the batteries and stuff. Mine is an active bass but I built this myself for my own specifications (it's a 3 string bass :P). To learn on you just need passive pick ups for now.

  5. Well, they've announced the headliners, and I must say, it's good and shit at the same time:

    DOWNLOAD 2005

    June 10 - Feeder (headlining), Garbage, Billy Idol.

    June 11 ("OZZFEST DAY") - Black Sabbath (headlining), Velvet Revolver, H.I.M.

    June 12 - System Of A Down (headlining), Slipknot, Slayer

  6. For camping, my usual stuff is:

    5-6 litres of Jd & Coke, premixed

    Loads of tins of all day breakfasts and pot noodles


    Sleeping bag


    Crate of beer

    Steel toe cap boots.

    Tooth brush and stuff



    Thats my recommend minimum to take.

  7. CWA News & Rumours

    CWA Avarice Poster Released

    The preview poster for CWA Avarice, the 3 hour Super PPV, was released the morning prior to CWA Deadbolt. The rather plain cover shows Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero & The Rock on the it, hinting at a possible triple threat for the CWA World Championship at Avarice. The Rock made his return at Deadbolt after finishing filming on his new movie "Universal Force" and has clearly stated in several interviews that with the World Draft being brought into play, he wants to refocus his attention to wrestling, as he has so many new goals to acheive with a new company and new business.

    CWA Avarice Promo Poster

    CWA Shockwave Matches Announced

    In the wake of Deadbolt's results, several matches have been booked already for the fallout on CWA Shockwave! There will also be an announcement on who will face CWA Champion, Chris Benoit, at Avarice in 21 days! Matches confirmed so far are:

    CWA Shockwave 04/04/05

    Austen Aries & Stevie Fabulous Vs Chavo Guerrero & Rene Dupree

    Jimmy Jacobs Vs John Walters

    Shot At The CWA International Championship

    Nate Hatred Vs Chris Hero Vs Wagner Brown

  8. all wrestling schools are no longer affiliated with their former promotions, they have the option to go solo as a promotion or create a partnership with a federation if they wish.

    Anyways, heres the sizes for most of the feds:

    Financial Draw

    3PW Overness: (World: 44.2% / US: 52.0%)

    BCW Overness: (World: 60.1% / US: 81.2%)

    CanAm School Overness: (World: 7.1% / US: 12.9%)

    CWA Overness: (World: % / US: %)

    CZW Overness: (World: 4.9% / US: 9.0%)

    CZW Academy Overness: (World: 13.9% / US: 10.0%)

    ECWA Overness: (World: 45.3% / US: 54.2%)

    ECWA WrestleTech Overness: (World: 52.1% / US: 66.7%)

    FLI Overness: (World: 49.8% / US: 62.8%)

    FWA Overness: (World: 12.2% / US: 10.0%)

    FWA Academy Overness: (World: 0.7% / US: 0.0%)

    IWA-MS Overness: (World: 53.7% / US: 69.5%)

    IWS Overness: (World: 43.2% / US: 50.3%)

    NWA Wildside Overness: (World: 13.9% / US: 25.2%)

    NWA:TNA Overness: (World: 27.0% / US: 49.4%)

    NWA: UK Overness: (World: 2.0% / US: 0.0%)

    OVW Overness: (World: 14.0% / US: 25.4%)

    OVW Training Overness: (World: 17.2% / US: 31.2%)

    PWG Overness: (World: 2.2% / US: 4.0%)

    RoH Overness: (World: 15.1% / US: 27.5%)

    RoH School Overness: (World: 44.8% / US: 53.3%)

    Rougeau Gym Overness: (World: 0.8% / US: 1.4%)

    The Asylum Overness: (World: 8.0% / US: 14.6%)

    WWE Overness: (World: 15.1% / US: 27.4%)

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