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Posts posted by fourstarfizzle

  1. This is now...

    Reading back on those past journal entries, it feels like the draft was years ago, yet it was only 3 months ago, and already, the wrestling world has gotten back into gear and is moving along, and I'm glad to say, with us as one of the forefront federations.

    We eventually got a roster we were happy with, along with some excellent staff and within a week we had a PPV booked, the first federation to do one since the draft infact, and now we've also become the first company to tie down a TV deal. After the draft, all the TV companies cut their ties with the federations, as they never knew what they'd end up with, they could have no wrestlers for a prime time show (much like WWE did infact end up with). We ended up with 2 hour show on Monday nights on Comedy Central, its a great slot in our opinion and can only help elevate our chances of becoming the new kings of professional wrestling,

    We're basically running our promotion like nothing happened now, our wrestlers have settled and our new fan base is adjusting to the new layout, and our storylines are going great, and our matches are solid. Let me run you upto speed with the recent on goings in CWA....

    CWA Roster

    Al Snow

    Andy Douglas

    Austin Aries

    Casey "Izzy" Jones

    Chavo Guerrero Jr

    Chris Benoit

    Chris Hero

    Chris Jericho


    CM Punk

    David Finlay

    Devon Storm

    Eddie Guerrero


    Frankie Kazarian

    Glenn Gilberti

    Hardkore Kidd

    Jay Briscoe

    Jeff Jarrett

    Jimmy Jacobs

    Joel Maximo

    John Cena

    John Walters

    Jose Maximo

    Josh Daniels

    Julio Dinero


    Mark Briscoe


    Matt Cross

    Nate Hatred


    Rene Dupree

    Ricky Reyes

    Rocky Romero

    Simon Diamond

    Sonjay Dutt

    Sonny Siaki


    Stevie Fabulous

    The Rock

    Tiger Mask IV

    Vito Thomaselli

    Wagner Brown

    CWA Deadbolt 2005 Results

    Simon Diamond beat Frankie Kazarian

    "Mr CWA" proved that the future was not ready to take over in the opening match of Deadbolt. But only be means of illegal tactics, 2 feet on the ropes were the only thing that seemed to seal victory for the "man of CWA". "It doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you get the job done" he exclalimed on the mic as he walked up the ramp way, and he promised that this saying would once again be put into effect tonight...?

    Overall Rating: 70.2%

    CWA World Tag Team Championships

    The Briscoe Brothers beat The SAT's

    The SAT's must be cursing their luck as their losing streak continues, 6 matches without a win and tension seems to be building between the brothers. The SAT's had the titles won but as Joel made the last stretch for dangling titles, a dizzy Jose stumbled into the ladder, sending his brother to the outside! With that, The Briscoes made short work of Jose and clambered up to retain their CWA Tag Titles!!

    Overall Rating: 66.1%

    Hardcore Cage Match

    Devon Storm beat Al Snow

    The 4th match in the Hardcore Series between Storm & Snow proved to be as brutal as the last 3, and Storm made it 4-0 in the series once again, and it could possibly be the last of the series after both men we're stretchered out of the arena. The match ended after Storm delivered a brutal powerbomb, which Snow attempted to turn into a hurricanrana, however, before either move could be pulled off, the pair smashed through a barbed wire table in the ring, both men landing badly on their heads, Storm seemed to have enough strength to lay a hand on Snow to get the 3 count, but other than that, both men were motionless.

    Overall Rating: 73.6%

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Rene Dupree beat Spanky and Sonny Siaki

    The "Mexicanadian" Connection got their first PPV win at Deadbolt over Spanky & Siaki. In a rather one sided match, the victors claimed that it was only a matter of time before this "multi cultural team of perfection" became the CWA Tag Team Champions, and promised that nobody would get in there way.

    Overall Rating: 74.6%

    CWA International Championship

    John Cena beat CM Punk

    CM Punk has been the thorn in International Champion, John Cena's side for the past month. Since Cena finished Punk's unbeaten run, Punk has attacked Cena every chance he gets, mainly through blindsided attacks or when Cena was vunerable, but at Deadbolt, Cena was 100% and he proved that to Punk, although Punk also brought up the goods and was half a second from being International Champion on several occasions. With Cena eventually grasping the win, and offering a handshake in respect to Punks hard working efforts, Punk replied with a low blow and the Staight Edge to Cena, leaving him flat out. Punk then stole the International Championship and claimed respect isnt earned, it's taken...

    Overall Rating: 82.3%

    Edge beat Kane

    After costing Kane the chance to become CWA International Champion 2 weeks ago, Edge has been stalked by the monster, yet at every turn, the mysterious loner has turned out to plan surprise attacks against Kane every time. With each attack he angered the monster even more and at Deadbolt, there was no more traps, Edge & Kane went toe to toe and Edge managed to pull out one more trick to get the win against Kane. Kane dominated the match early on and was destroying Edge, yet when Kane claimed the end was nigh for Edge, it was revealed he was finished yet and delivered fireball to the face of Kane, much like the old fireballs of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. With Kane partially stunned, Edge swift Edgecution onto a chair for the win, and the quick exit through the crowd.

    Overall Rating: 71.2%

    No-DQ Match

    Chris Jericho beat Jeff Jarrett

    Jericho went head to head with the head honcho at Deadbolt, and he came out smiling. Jericho's "Ace in the Hat" was finally revealed just as Jarrett through he had the upper hand against Jericho. As 'The Firm' delivered a brutal attack to Jericho on the outside, from within the crowd, appeared Jericho's surprise, and it came in the shape of The Rock!! The Rock made his voice heard on his first appearance in 3 months by delivering a shattering 4 Rock Bottoms and a Rock Elbow Drop to Jarrett! Revenge was due on Jarrett after having The Firm brutally attack The Rock prior to the fatal 4 way at CWA Rebirth for the World Title, and now he returns in great fashion. After chasing The Firm off with a chair, Jericho was able to muster the strength to get back in the ring and finish off Jarrett with the Lionheart.

    Overall Rating: 84.3%

    CWA World Championship

    Chris Benoit beat Eddie Guerrero

    A hatred that brewed from the start of the new CWA, had a new chapter written at Deadbolt, for the 3rd month running, this pair clashed for the CWA World Championship, and Benoit narrowly escaped with his CWA Title. After the brutal assault on Guerrero just 6 days before on Overload, Guerrero came out all guns ablazing in another bid to take the title from the ruthless CWA World Champion. A match that went on for almost 40 minutes ended in bizarre fashion, Christian appeared on the ramp way, much to the displeasure of Chris Benoit it seemed, when he made his way down to the ring, a distracted ref and Christ Benoit were seemed to be easy pickings for Guerrero, but just as he thought his time for gold had come, Simon Diamond appeared from the crowd and behind Guerrero and delivered a huge Problem Solver and then quickly dashed back into the crowd, with that Benoit turned his attention back to Guerrero and delivered a diving headbutt for the win. Afterwards, Christina and Benoit celebrated together, it was a trap all along!!

    Overall Rating: 95.8%

  2. SOAD seems possible, as they dont have gig on that day in their European Tour, and they're playing Munich on the 11th, last time they played there was Ozzfest 2002 wasnt it? Ace gig, Daron nearly got killed too thanks to high winds and lighting falling down.

  3. Your car ain't been pimped, it's been FIZZLED!!!

    (Due to me going back to Uni tomorrow and my PC only following me up there a few days later, I did mine now, I like it....)


    Ways I "Fizzled" it:

    - Added alloys

    - Lowered the suspension

    - Custom Paint Job

    - Modified the front grill

    - Added a spoiler

    - Removed the Aerial

  4. True, Pegg is the man, I saw him live supporting Steve Coogan, it was ace. Then I saw him again in Big Train (possibly the one of the greatest comedy shows ever) and recently saw him again in Black Books 3, which I must say, is a wicked DVD.

  5. Started my game with Liverpool, no matter who I bought and what fomations or players I play, they were shit and we finished 15th, got fired, joined Sheffield Wednesday, got them to the playoffs without spending a penny (got a few free signings like Batistuta, Hierro, Djorkeaff) and finished the season in good fashion as it's show here. Roll on English Championship.

    How the hell?

    I'm at Wednesday too, and without spending a penny I was rock bottom. Then I brought in Duberry and Hutchison, and am 5th, but still, it's not as easy as it is for you :( I suck.

    Good on ya for thrashing City, though..

    However, my reserves and U18s are trouncing everyone. So maybe theres a wonderkid in the reserves I forgot about...

  6. They need to bring out a damn Whose Line Is It Anyway? Best of DVD, for the British one, it'd sell, and it was just legendary. And yeh, I agree that it was better the way the comedians were changed every so often, cept for Ryan Stiles really, as he was always on form.

  7. Started my game with Liverpool, no matter who I bought and what fomations or players I play, they were shit and we finished 15th, got fired, joined Sheffield Wednesday, got them to the playoffs without spending a penny (got a few free signings like Batistuta, Hierro, Djorkeaff) and finished the season in good fashion as it's show here. Roll on English Championship.

    Bet you were worrying when Bristol went 1-0 up!

    Cogratulations. You know how much money you'll have to spend next season, if any? You'll definitely need to strengthen your squad.

  8. Started my game with Liverpool, no matter who I bought and what fomations or players I play, they were shit and we finished 15th, got fired, joined Sheffield Wednesday, got them to the playoffs without spending a penny (got a few free signings like Batistuta, Hierro, Djorkeaff) and finished the season in good fashion as it's show here. Roll on English Championship.



  9. Red Dwarf rules, the last few series were crap though, it did start to lose it around Series 6/7. I still have both Smeg Up VHS tapes and they rule so much! Some classic quotes which I love:

    Kryten - "They've taken Mr. Rimmer!"

    Cat - "Quick lets get out of here before they bring him back!"

    Rimmer - "I used to be in the Samaritans."

    Lister - "I know. For one morning."

    Rimmer - "I couldn't take any more."

    Lister - "I don't blame you. You spoke to five people and they all committed suicide. I wouldn't mind, but one was a wrong number! He only phoned up for the cricket scores!"

    Rimmer - " Broadcast on all frequencies and all known languages, including Welsh. "

  10. At the Porstmouth game a while back, a few guys next to me tried to start a chant that went something like:

    "Diouf, Diouf, Diouf is on fire, now he plays for Bolton let the mother f**ker burn!"

    Which I thought was erm, nice?

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