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Posts posted by ragbag

  1. With under a month to go (in America) here's the official set list for Rocks the 80s.

    1) Opening Licks

    (Bang Your Head) Metal Health - Quiet Riot

    We Got The Beat - The Go Go's

    I Ran (So Far Away) - Flock Of Seagulls (original artist)

    Balls To The Wall - Accept

    18 And Life - Skid Row

    2) Amp Warmers

    No One Like You - Scorpions

    Shakin' - Eddie Money

    Heat Of The Moment - Asia

    Radar Love - White Lion

    Because, It's Midnite - Limozeen (original artist)

    3) String Snappers

    Holy Diver - Dio

    Turning Japanese - The Vapors

    Hold On Loosely - .38 Special

    The Warrior - Scandal (original artist)

    I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister (original artist)

    4) Return Of The Shred

    What I Like About You - The Romantics

    Synchronicity II - The Police

    Ballroom Blitz - Krokus

    Only A Lad - Oingo Boingo

    Round And Round - Ratt

    5) Relentless Riffs

    Ain't Nothin But A Good Time - Poison

    Lonely Is The Night - Billy Squier

    Bathroom Wall - Faster Pussycat

    Los Angeles - X

    Wrathchild - Iron Maiden

    6) Furious Fretwork

    Electric Eye - Judas Priest (original artist)

    Police Truck - Dead Kennedys

    Seventeen - Winger

    Caught In A Mosh - Anthrax

    Play With Me - Extreme

  2. Some interesting new info about Rock Band. Taken from http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=165999

    which reports it from Game Informer.

    A ton of new details on Harmonix's Rock Band have swaggered onto the internet, revealing the likes of four-player online play on both PS3 and Xbox 360 and that the game's drums are insane. Apparently.

    Information has come from a feature on Rock Band appearing in Game Informer magazine, which a poster on NeoGaf has waded through and picked out the juicy bits.

    According what's been posted, the game will have four unique campaigns for guitar, drums, bass and vocals in addition to a "full band game" that it's explained "is designed to allow for one huge co-op playthrough" which can occur online for offline - or apparently a combination of both.

    Helping you locate fellow musicians to form a band will be a community system that reaches worldwide.

    In terms of instruments, it's said that guitar and bass have ten frets - "five for the regular sections of the game and five for the newly designated solo sections - the guitar features a five-way switch letting you apply five different sound effects and the "Whammy bar is back as is the tilt to activate rock band's version of star power".

    Singing is described as more in-depth, with a phoneme detector picking up "individual vowels and consonants you say. Build up enough highly judged phrases and you'll be able to sing free-form. If you do well enough in free-form, then you'll trigger the vocalist's version of star power."

    Stopping singers nodding off during lengthy guitar solos, Rock Band's microphone doubles as a tambourine on many tracks - so warblers can still feel involved. And the drums? Well, they're apparently insane (or did we mention that already?).

    "You use actual sticks and hit one of four coloured pads in front of you, in addition to a kick pedal attached to the drumming unit. Drummers will also have the ability to do fills etc. in their own little free-form section, do well and you'll trigger the drummers version of star power", the post explains.

    It also mentions four songs: Weezer - Say It Ain't So - Original Master Track; Black Sabbath - Paranoid - Original Master Track; The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again - Original Master Track; and Nirvana - In Bloom - Original Master Track.

  3. Rumored new songs for Rocks the 80s from the back of a pre-order display case box.

    Wrathchild by Iron Maiden

    Caught in a Mosh by Anthrax

    No One Like You by Scorpions

    Turning Japanese by The Vapors

    Hold on Loosely by .38 Special

    Seventeen by Winger

    Here is the pics of the box:



    Also White Lion's cover of "Radar Love" has been confirmed from worthplaying.com's preview.

  4. At the Electronic Entertainment Expo last year, Konami revealed that work had begun on a live-action movie based on Metal Gear Solid. The news broke via a pamphlet for Studio Kojima, the Konami-owned development house headed up by Metal Gear series creator Hideo Kojima.

    "I have received many offers to adapt Metal Gear Solid. It has taken a long time, but we have finally settled on an arrangement," Kojima said in a statement. "False facts aside, a movie project is underway. I have finalized a Class-A contract with a party in Hollywood."

    For eight months, the identity of the aforementioned "party" was unknown. That changed this week, when Sony Pictures Entertainment vice chairman Yair Landau revealed his studio is developing the project.

    "We're working with the Metal Gear guys," Landau told GameSpot following his D.I.C.E. summit keynote address in Las Vegas. "It's a very cinematic game, it really lends itself to movie telling. But the question is, 'How do you translate Snake's experience into a full arc that conforms to what audiences expect on the large screen?'"

    Landau also hinted the Metal Gear Solid movie may just be the beginning. "There are other games we are looking to develop," the executive said. "We're working with one of my favorite producers right now on an idea for an EverQuest movie." The producer was apparently of such stature that Landau declined to name him. "I'll let him disclose that," he said cryptically.

    Besides the forthcoming World of Warcraft film, currently in development at Warner Bros., the Metal Gear Solid movie is the highest-profile game-film project in Hollywood. Previously, that stature was held by the Peter Jackson-produced Halo adaptation, which imploded last year.

  5. GAME seem to be completely unaware as to when GHII comes out. I preordered it and was told it'd by the girl at the till be out on the 24th of November, despite the giant upcoming releases poster behind her declaring the release to be the 3rd of November. At other GAME stores, I've been told the 10th of November, the 2nd of December, and that it's been cancelled and pushed back to Easter (WTF?!?). Despite pre-ordering from GAME, I think I'll go and get it from the infinitely more reliable Gamestation, who've stuck fast to the 24th of November as the date.

  6. IGN has revealed the final tracklist (excluding the bonus songs), 40 in total.

    1. Opening Licks

    Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil

    Danzig - Mother

    Cheap Trick - Surrender

    Wolfmother - Woman

    Spinal Tap - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight

    2. Amp-Warmers

    Kiss - Strutter

    Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box

    Police - Message in a Bottle

    Van Halen - You Really Got Me

    Kansas - Carry on Wayward Son

    3. String-Snappers

    Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench

    Alice in Chains - Them Bones

    Iggy Pop and the Stooges - Search and Destroy

    Pretenders - Tattooed Love Boys

    Black Sabbath - War Pigs

    4. Thrash and Burn

    Warrant - Cherry Pie

    Butthole Surfers - Who Was in My Room Last Night

    Mathew Sweet - Girlfriend

    Rolling Stones - Can't You Hear Me Knockin'

    Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine

    5. Return of the Shred

    Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of

    Primus - John the Fisherman

    Sword - Freya

    Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation

    Aerosmtih - Last Child

    6. Relentless Riffs

    Heart - Crazy on You

    Stone Temple Pilots - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart

    Stray Cats - Rock This Town

    Allman Brothers - Jessica

    Jane's Addiction - Stop

    7. Furious Fretwork

    Anthrax - Madhouse

    Living End - Carry Me Home

    Lamb of God - Laid to Rest

    Reverend Horton Heat - Psychobilly Freakout

    Rush - YYZ

    8. Face-Melters

    Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot

    Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized

    Dick Dale - Misirlou

    Megadeth - Hangar 18

    Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

  7. You're in for MR. LCS. And what a role:

    You are Revolver Ocelot, INDIVIDUAL aligned

    - Victory when Solid, Liquid, Solidus and Raiden are dead



    Each night, Ocelot has the ability to shoot one person.

    Power can only be used until Ocelot runs out of bullets (six bullets);

    each murder attempt will be subjected to a dice roll: whatever number comes up is the number of bullets used in the killing. If you "use" more than you've got (i.e. you have three bullets, and my dice roll comes up four or greater), you'll embarrassingly run out of shots, and be revealed to the game.

  8. Ok, I just got the game, and I need to know, how exactly do I get the kits that I downloaded to show up in the game. Because I downloaded them and put them in the right place, but when I go to look at my kits, it's still the default ones.

    Methinks you have to uncheck (or is it check?) the "Skin Cache" option in 'Preferences'.

  9. Ok, I just got the game, and I need to know, how exactly do I get the kits that I downloaded to show up in the game. Because I downloaded them and put them in the right place, but when I go to look at my kits, it's still the default ones.

  10. I read something about tonight's episode, got it off IGN's 24 board so I don't really know how credible it is but here it is.

    Supposedly, tonight features the most expensive cgi piece in 24 history as we witness the plane land on a freeway and we get to see it from Curtis' car.

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