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Posts posted by ragbag

  1. Vocals-(Hard I think)

    In Bloom-186,379

    Welcome Home-171,843

    Ballroom Blitz-163,772

    Flirtin' With Disaster-156,905

    Dani California-147,216

    Guitar (Expert)

    ...And Justice for All-256,812


    Welcome Home-218,051


    Foreplay/Long Time-201,821

    Drums (hard+medium)

    Green Grass and High Tides-228,880

    ...And Justice for All-133,300 (probably medium)

    Won't Get Fooled Again-119,825 (medium)

    Highway Star-118,283 (medium)

    Train Kept A Rollin-117,304

  2. Just got done playing all seven of the available songs for Boston's debut album with ragbag. It was really fun playing it in the order of the album. Still have trouble getting that first part of "Foreplay/Long Time" down right. I missed a few on "Smokin'" but did good on the others. ragbag was doing awesome on guitar, though.

    We pretty much dominated all of them even though I'm still messing up here and there on Smokin'.

    And Gabriel, it's tomorrow around 2 EST when next weeks DLC will be announced.

  3. Big update out for Rock Band today.

    In this latest software update, you’ll find:

    • (New!) Music Store: Rock Band now has a new feature that lets you preview and purchase songs from within the game! Accessible from the main menu, the Music Store lets you view, purchase and sort all available music based on various categories, view album art, listen to song previews, and check out extended information about the song like difficulty for each instrument.

    • Revised Fan Caps: To allow Easy, Medium, and Hard players to progress further in the Band World Tour, we’ve increased the number of fans that you can earn before hitting the cap. Easy players can now travel across the Atlantic, Medium players have a wider range of venues they can play at, and Hard players on the Xbox 360 are now able to unlock the “One Million Fans” achievement.

    • More diverse songs in Band World Tour: If you’ve ever cursed about having to play “Say it Ain’t So” or a Metallica track multiple times in the same hour, then you’ll be glad to know that we’ve tracked down and fixed the issues that triggered these very repetitive moments in Band World Tour.

    • Improved phoneme recognition: We’ve improved the detection and scoring for phoneme recognition. If you had trouble on songs like “Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld” or “Blitzkrieg Bop”, you should have an easier time beating these songs now.

    • Microphone Latency on PlayStation 3 improved: Our awesome team of audio programmers has found some optimizations that reduce microphone latency on the PlayStation 3 in certain situations.

    • Xbox 360 Band Logos are now visible through Xbox LIVE: An issue with parental controls stopped band logos from being visible over Xbox LIVE. With this update, you can now view all of the awesome band logos that people around the world have created!

    • Faster loading of downloadable content: Not only is the loading speed faster, but this information is now cached so that this loading time is a “once only” wait rather than something that happens every time you turn on the game.

  4. Fuck, tried 'Blinded By Fear' on expert in practice mode and that's a workout. I seemed to be going good at first by just flailing at my drum pad, but then my leg gave out on me and it all went downhill from there. Still 69 (or so)% is alot better than I expected.

  5. After reading through the first series of the Ultimates, I've come to like Tony Stark. I did find out that their was only a limited run on Ultimate Iron Man and seeing as that their is quite a few Iron Man comics out there, I was wanting to know which was the best to pick up.

  6. My throat hates me after downloading the thrash pack.

    Oh and fuck 'Thrasher' on guitar. Too much alt. struming.

    And thank god I'm not high up on drums as the vids for those look inhuman to complete.

  7. Good news for Portal fans, Still Alive is now officially confirmed for DLC. From the rockband.com blog,

    "The entertainment at the party was geek troubadour sensation Jonathan Coulton. If you aren't familiar with his songs I want you to go to his website and listen to a few. I suggest "RE Your Brains", "Skullcrusher Mountain", and "The Future Soon" (Creative Commons FTW). He has plenty of other rad tracks but those are some of the ones I like the best.

    At around 10:00pm Jonathan took the stage. A bunch of us crowded up front, because we frankly have a bit of a man crush on him, and watched him run through his setlist. Right towards the end he announced he had only one left...

    "I'd like to invite a couple of my friends up here to help me with my last song."

    That is when we jumped on-stage and pulled out our Rock Band equipment piece by piece. Dan Teasdale (one of our senior designers) started picking a three person band with Jonathan and Alex Rigopulos (co-founder of Harmonix and head honcho). When they got to the song list they scrolled through an almost infinite amount of DLC until eventually they stopped on one-

    "Still Alive" by GLaDOS


    Yup. That is the song that Jonathan wrote that is the credits song at the end of Portal. The crowd went nuts. Earlier we had turned the backing vocals all the way down and the microphone vocals all the way up so we could actually hear his voice instead of GLaDOS. Alex was on drums ruling it, and Dan Teasdale held his own on guitar. By the end of the song even the people in the back of the room were screaming. It was an awesome way to debut a song we've been working on.

    So awesome that one dude tried to jump onstage and steal the song onto a memory card he had in his pocket (who walks around with a memory card in their pocket at all times, just in case?) That was weird.

    At any rate, it went very well, and everyone from Jonathan, to Harmonix, to Valve, to the other developers were stoked. I'd personally like to thank everybody for an incredible night but especially Doug Lombardi, Jonathan Coulton, the amazing staff at Temple, and our audio team for getting the song done in time."

  8. A: All That Remains

    B: Bullet for my Valentine

    C: Coheed & Cambria

    D: Dead Kennedys

    E: Europe

    F: Foo Fighters

    G: Guns N' Roses

    H: Haste the Day

    I: Iron Maiden

    J: Journey

    K: Killswitch Engage

    L: Living Colour

    M: Motorhead

    N: Nine Inch Nails

    O: Outlaws

    P: Priestess

    Q: Queens of the Stone Age

    R: Rise Against

    S: Sublime

    T: Three Inches of Blood

    U: Underoath

    V: The Vapors

    W: Weezer


    Y: Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    Z: Zao

  9. Just got back from it and holy shit was that fucking awesome. The monster is indeed odd and hard to describe. I believe that filming with the handheld cameras, while making it impossible to see at times, made it so much better. I'll probably go and watch it again just to see if I can make anymore sense of what exactly the monster is.

  10. :rolleyes:

    Oh come on, you couldn't edit your last post? And no, no online co-op career.

    I could, but I wanted attention like a dirty whore.

    Actually I didn't realise I was last :blush:

    That's really gay, co-op has some awesome songs I want to play but can't unlock without a second guitar, fucking Activision bunch of cunts :(

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