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Everything posted by probablyoliver

  1. @GhostMachine neither of those are in the remake. The remake is only up until the end of Midgar. Anyway, I beat that big stupid idiot. Now I'm on the final boss, and again, oof. Hard mode is hard.
  2. Also, I'm now only two trophies away from the platinum. All that's left is last Shinra combat simulator fight and then the last two chapters on Hard. What an absolute journey it's been.
  3. As expected, hard mode Hell House isn't fun.
  4. Finished it today. I have a lot of thoughts but I think I loved it? I'm now on my hard mode playthrough, just beat chapter 4. It's not too bad so far but boy am I not looking forward to a handful of bosses.
  5. I'm still only on chapter 9 as I've barely had a chance to play over the last week. All I want to say right now is that Beck, Burke and Butch might be my favourite new additions to the game. Hot damn.
  6. Tonight. 9pm (like, 25 mins). I'm playing Streets of Rage 4 or maybe Mario if I can't get it to work in the way I've planned it to work. Come hang! https://twitch.tv/probablyoliver
  7. And now I'm playing Hitman 2! It will also be infuriating! https://twitch.tv/probablyoliver
  8. Thanks to anyone who stopped by last night. It was fun. I'm gonna do it all again tonight with more Super Mario Maker 2 from half 8! It will be infuriating. https://twitch.tv/probablyoliver Thanks to anyone who stopped by last night. It was fun. I'm gonna do it all again tonight with more Super Mario Maker 2 from half 8! It will be infuriating. https://twitch.tv/probablyoliver
  9. After a month off (mental health is important yo) I'm back tonight with a brand new set-up! I'll be playing some hard levels on Super Mario Maker 2. Might drop into some Dreams too. Join me at 8pm for some chill vibes and swearing at Mario's inability to jump when I say jump dammit. https://twitch.tv/probablyoliver
  10. I'm still only on chapter 8. All these spoiler tags are killing me. I wanna click them all so bad.
  11. Yo. Quick request. Let's just spoiler tag everything I guess?
  12. Get it. There's new stuff, and it's different, and they've changed things, sure. But it's also blowing me away with just how faithful it is to a lot of the stuff from the original. It's a new, modern take, but not in a bad way at all. I've genuinely had a massive smile on my face throughout my playthrough so far, and more often than not it's because of the way in which it compliments the original.
  13. Also I might be late to realise this but did everyone else notice the symbol on the benches you rest at?
  14. I remember when the Crash Bandicoot remake came out a couple years ago. It was amazing. The best compliment I could give it was that it looked exactly like how 7 year old me remembered it looking in 1996. The FFVII Remake goes one better, it fills in the gaps that were in the original and is exactly what 8 year old me imagined it could be. It's perfect, and I absolutely had a lump in my throat when it started.
  15. DOOM Eternal update: Marauders can get in the bin.
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