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Everything posted by probablyoliver

  1. I get you. I feel exactly the same most nights after I complete a section. It's exhausting.
  2. Just quoting this so Forky isn't able to correct his autocorrect. All those in favour of renaming @Kaney 'Janet' say aye.
  3. Same. Base PS4, and it looks incredible. I'm so excited to replay this when I get a PS5 because it's going to look ridiculous.
  4. Stick that in spoiler tags @apsham! I just completed Seattle Day 3. I am shaken to my very core. This is by far one of the greatest bits of content I've ever consumed. It is relentless and harrowing and haunting and brilliant.
  5. Hey @Hellraiser, give some context for what your spoilers are.
  6. I just reached Seattle Day 3. There is so much I need to talk about this game. It's genuinely harrowing.
  7. Yeah, the reviews I've read/listened to have all agreed that there's a slight pacing issue in the last quarter of the game, which definitely happens a lot in a lot of games. Considering it's a 25+ hour story, I doubt those giving it a 0/10 an hour after launch were all too concerned with the pacing. People review bombing it are just wankers who are mad that you have to play as a gay woman. And those people are trash.
  8. This game is relentless. I'm incredibly cautious about putting any spoilers in tags because I really don't want anyone who's playing to even have the temptation to click. All told I'm probably about 8 hours in, and it's just incredible.
  9. I'm roughly 3 hours in. Fuck. I can't wait to talk about this game.
  10. That might be the single most eye-roll inducing statement I've ever read on this board. Now please, tell us who exactly wasn't fleshed out in the Last of Us?
  11. Thanks all for the suggestions. @Gabriel I have considered using Random for everyone's potential, I'm using it for all the Maturity/Retired stats, so it's not out of the realm of possibilities. If anyone has any strong opinions on that either way, I'd love to hear them. @iDOL and @C-MIL, I've been using both cagematch and wrestlingdata for a few bits, I'll certainly use them for active areas too. Finally, @KJE, the name issue is one I'll be going back and forth on. Honestly, I think I'm likely to settle on having Braun Strowman be Braun Strowman, and the same goes for anyone else who's gone through the WWE system. They've never been known as anything else, I don't think it makes sense to have them use their real names when there's no precedent for anything else. Also, a lot of those guys aren't set to debut until, like, ten years in the future, so it's an issue I've certainly got time to consider. I like the idea @Skummy suggested, having them listed as direct graduates of a WWE dojo, that way it's very unlikely they'll go anywhere else when they do debut.
  12. Right. Time for an update! As it stands, there's currently 1,125 workers in the database. Of these, 646 are set to debut prior to the game's start date of January 2001. There's then an additional 138 set to debut between Jan 2001 and Dec 2003. My plan is to make sure that everyone who's set to debut before the end of 2003 is included in the initial release, this will give people enough workers to ensure a long-term game is possible without stagnating. I'm not yet finished adding workers in, and I'm still planning on adding at least another 250 workers who had already debuted by the games start date. A lot of these 646 workers still don't have stats (250 by my count), but that's my next task. I'm taking a little break from adding people to instead focus on the stats of those already added. After that, I'll be working on worker popularity, before moving onto Companies and everything else. This is still incredibly early days in this project, I don't foresee an actual release until much later in the year. There's a couple of areas I'm going to be looking for some input on, as I've um'd and ah'd over what to do with them since I started. I'd love some feedback as to what people think is the best way to go about things. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer per se, but I'm more than happy to be told why I'm wrong! Firstly, Active Areas. The game's file itself states 'A worker's active areas inform the game what companies are allowed to approach the worker. Larger companies can get around these blocks, but it stops lower level workers from ending up working abroad in an unrealistic manor'. Now I'm not sure whether to be totally harsh on this, in the sense that most workers won't just up sticks and move to a different continent for work, thus keeping most workers only active in their native country (with exceptions, of course), or whether to be more lenient, and have anyone who's at least somewhat likely to appear around the globe active in whatever areas they're likely to work in. Secondly, Potential. Now the game itself doesn't say much in regards to how these values work, other than it's a little RNG that's decided when you first start the game, and so I'm not sure whether to use it as an all-time value or a year specific thing. As an example, if I was to go with an all-time value, someone like Ric Flair would have his Primary Skills potential set to 'Excellent', but if I'm working it on the basis of being 2001-centric, his potential would actually be 'Low' or even 'Very Low' because he's already reached his peak in terms of talent. For those who wish to peruse the data so far (and who are too lazy to scroll to the top of this page, you can find the spreadsheet HERE. Again, I'm open to suggestions and corrections on anything you either think or know I've got wrong.
  13. I'll be getting the PS5 and I won't be getting an Xbox. I have Gamepass on my PC, and with all first party games coming to that day and date, there's really no point in picking up the new Xbox. Plus, though they've not been announced, God of War 2, Spider-Man 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn 2 are all sure-fire things for the PS5, plus whatever Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Bend and Japan Studio end up working on. We're at a point where the performance of both consoles are going to be very similar to anyone who's not completely tech-savvy, and console UI isn't enough to sway me either way. The games I want to play are all going to be on Playstation, so for me it's a no brainer.
  14. I played Horizon when it first came out, and I absolutely adored it. It wasn't without it's issues, but as far as the first game in a (expected) franchise is concerned, it was great. It reminded me of the original Assassin's Creed (albeit a lot better) in that the foundations for everything were so solid that there's no reason the second game can't be a stone cold classic. I think it suffers from the same issue as all Sony first party games in that everything's perhaps a little too polished. It does everything it does competently and well, and everything looks great, and all the buttons work and it controls as it should, and yet doesn't take enough risks. There's literally nothing about Horizon that's bad, but that's almost to its detriment because there's also nothing about it that's revolutionary or new.
  15. Thanks for the maps @Forked Out and @TheWho87. I already had the Americas one, but the rest will help out a lot. I'm planning on doing a few breakdowns and updates each week or so as I work through this. I want this to be a totally transparent project, which is why I've attached the spreadsheet I'm working through. If anyone wants to chime in with suggestions or the like, you're welcome to. One thing I did want to mention is my plans on stat distribution. As much as I love TEW, a common issue I have with many mods is how easy they can be, so I'm trying to be relatively harsh on the stats I give people. For example, it's going to be extremely rare to see anyone with a 90+ in anything other than some of the more static stats (mainly experience and physical health), and even the 80-90 range will be limited. As it stands, I think the highest number for any of the primary skills (Brawling, Puroesu, Hardcore, Technical, Aerial, Flashiness) I've given so far is an 87, and there's less than ten workers with an 80+ in any of those six stats. Granted, this could change when it comes to actually testing the scenario, but I truly doubt it will. Also, as early days as it is, I'm also looking for some suggestions on milestone moments over the last 20 years to aim towards. The stats I'm building now are to start January 2001, and the current early snapshots in time I'm looking at are as follows: January 2001- WCW and ECW's last stand April 2001 - post-WrestleMania X7, Steve Austin turns heel June 2001 - beginning of the InVasion December 2001 - end of the InVasion February 2002 - nWo debut in WWF, start of ROH April 2002 - post WrestleMania X8, beginning of the brand split June 2002 - beginning of NWA:TNA September 2002 - Brock Lesnar becomes WWE Champion, departure of the Rock Of course, there will be more going forward, with a view to have two or three scenarios for each year. The start of Evolution, the Feinstein incident and it's effect on ROH, the passing of the torch to John Cena and Batista in 2005, etc. etc. As for the work I'm currently doing, there's currently 595 workers with full personal details added, 380 of these have their full primary and mental skills completed. Currently I'm working on Performance and Fundamental skills for everyone who's set to debut before January 2001. I'll likely keep working purely on workers for the next few weeks. I'm hoping to have around 900 already debuted wrestlers for the first release.
  16. Thanks Skum, all of those have been addressed now. I did think 'left the business' was a little severe, and had put it in as a placeholder, but you're right to suggest they need changing. There's going to be a bunch of name issues I think, I've gone back and forth on whether to use real names or not for people who have never been known by anything else. For Strowman, for instance, he's never been known as anything else, and where he's a direct product of WWE, it's not like he has an indy name to fall back on, so I've umm'd and ahh'd over calling him Adam Schurr or Braun Strowman.
  17. Well no, the plan is to edit the stats/popularity of the workers for every six months or so, whilst keeping the core of everything else the same.
  18. This is the exact reason I started this thread. Thanks @Naitch
  19. I mentioned this in the TEW 2020 release thread last week, and in the interest of transparency, I wanted to show y'all what I've been working on. As it stands, the scenario is set to start in 2001, with a long-term goal of editing the data to be able to start from each six month period or milestone moment (say, the opening of TNA, or the start of the WWE network, or the beginning of the original brand split etc. etc.) I'll be undertaking the creation of this scenario on my own, and it'll be being created from scratch. I think we can all agree that a common issue with a great deal of TEW mods through the years is that sometimes too many cooks spoil the broth, and that converting data from previous versions of the game can really throw everything out of whack. I don't want this mod to be just okay, I want it to be excellent, and to do that, it needs to be created from scratch. With that, I'd like to present the data as it currently stands, presented in Google Sheets. So far about 100 workers or so are fully defined, with another 400 or so part-way there. I don't want any suggestions on who to add at this stage, but feel free to question numbers or stats or decisions I've made. At this early stage, I'm hoping to have roughly 900 or so active workers in the game-world ready to start for 2001, with an additional 600 yet to debut. I'm also hoping to have around 10-15 playable companies at launch including (but not limited to) WWE, OVW, XPW, CZW, NJPW, AJPW and NOAH. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/169SyevMvdjhRyhZZO-c5sstdf9zniA_FL2Gnzw1Hdoc/edit#gid=0
  20. Started playing Ori and the Will of the Wisps today on gamepass and fuck, it's beautiful and lovely and it's going to make me cry. I played the first one on Switch over christmas, but never played it in docked mode, so as lovely as it was, I don't know if I ever got just how truly pretty this world is. Playing this on a big screen is fantastic, and if anyone has gamepass or an Xbox, I urge them to check it out. It's going to make me cry so damn hard.
  21. Streets of Rage 2 Final Fantasy VII Ocarina of Time Tetris Metal Gear Solid
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