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Everything posted by fusionFX!

  1. I am currently in the works of building and putting up a fantasy wrestling scenario. Here's the details so far: I have 9 promotions, and would like to add 1 more promotion(this promotion should be consisting of something like CHIKARA is now. It will be a small promotion, and I would like the wrestlers to have fun, catchy, and also a few weird but not alot of weird names. To be honest, I like that Comix Wrestling League diary that jpuk is doing in The Dome but I'm not going to steal his wrestlers names unless I can get an ok from him...) I currently have 1 global promotion(Grand Wrestling Industries) 1 national promotion(Dynasty Wrestling Alliance) 2 cult promotions(Online Action Supreme Indy Syndicate and El Orgullo' De Mexico) 4 regional promotions(Canadian Wrestling Legion, All-Star Wrestling, The Extreme, and Motor City Wrestling) and 1 small promotion for now(Excess Pro Wrestling). Will be 2 but only after I get the other promotion. I have the wrestlers and staff for these promotions pretty much written down(still have to get them in the game though, as well as get tag teams, stables, and all that other stuff done). But a few more staff and wrestlers to be in the game as free agents would be good. Wrestlers forms: Fill out everything except for overness..and give me a wide range of people..such as I don't want just males in the game..give me some females, some heavyweights, some lightweights, some stiff workers, some workers that oversell alot of moves, just give me a wide range of people.
  2. Matt Striker is the new manager for Tyson Kidd..found that out after watching Superstars tonight, and The Usos are now faces as they went against Gabriel and Slater. They were actually getting a few cheers from the audience. I say up both of their brawling to about 62-63 as well. Maybe their speed to about 51-52 also.
  3. Check Superstar Look for Markos Estrada: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3571/3497900998_7b5e2c49cc.jpg
  4. I would not add her until there are stats for her IMO. She's actually a worker I've been working on personally... I do have one question... Do you have a source on the Birthmonth and age? Her myspace says she is currently 18 and that she is a Scorpio (Meaning a birthmonth of October or November): http://www.myspace.com/lilconnie123 Just would like to "compare notes," so to speak. -Bill Yes, actually I do. Here it is: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=100002089338917 November 11, 1993 which would make her 17. Turning 18 this year.
  5. Don't really have a promotion to delete to have room for this promotion, but maybe it should be added anyway: http://www.zerooneusa.com/index.php Take a look at it and decide for yourselves. Here's another japanese-american promotion, you could possibly add: http://bjw-usa.com/ Also here's a website dedicated to pretty much every indy promotion around the world: http://prowrestlingpromotions.webs.com/ This promotion's roster appeals to me: http://www.aiwrestling.com/ However, there are alot of people missing from the game. If there are any people that can help me get the missing people's stats together, then that would be great. This would also happen to be a great promotion that has a great roster: http://www.insanityprowrestling.com/index2.html What kind of shit is this: http://www.kaiju.com/home.htm What about these guys: http://www.magwrestling.com/ - Just for your information, I'm thinking that Magnum Pro Wrestling(The one I posted earlier in the thread) and Absolute Intense Wrestling(The one I posted in this post).
  6. -Add Connie Steele to the game. Connie Steele C. Steele, Female November, 17(Turns 18 in November) Lightweight Not to sure on stats as their are no matches of her on Youtube. I just found her on Facebook. Check Diva. Add a blood relationship with Klondyke Kate. She is her mom. And if Justin Starr, Phil Powers or Erin Angel are in the game add loyalty relationships for them and Connie as they all trained her. British, wage: 1,000 Face, Girl Power(From her interview at: http://ladysports.com/stories/connie_steele.htm) Leave the finishers alone or go with DDT(Impact) for both. Pic of her: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/228744_124806970932280_100002089338917_198108_5345819_n.jpg
  7. -Add Jay Knox to the game. Jay Knox Jivin', Male April, 23 Lightweight Brawl: 56 Speed: 80 Technical: 34 Stiffness: 37 Selling: 63 Over: 3 Charisma: 52 Attitude: 90 Behavior: 90 Check high spots. Wage: $2000 British Face, Fun Babyface Primary Finisher: Swanton Bomb(Top Rope) Secondary Finisher: Tornado DDT(Impact) - Pic of him: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=125851394161258&set=a.125851390827925.31381.125851304161267&type=1 - Add James Riley(real name) and Max Pepsi as alter egos. Picture of him in the Max Pepsi costume: http://oliverthesuperstar.weebly.com/uploads/6/4/6/5/6465139/4669315.jpg
  8. First off, here's a picture of Ahtu: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/203199_100001853305442_6835565_n.jpg Secondly, according to this link, the guys name is just Ahtu. As for the Damien Dragon/Damian Dragon thing...the spelling is correct in-game. According to that poster, its right anyway. Here's a better picture of Ahtu: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=145875195484256&set=a.145875052150937.35938.100001853305442&type=1
  9. Can I get these on kyky? http://indyinsider.webs.com/photos/ARIZONA-INDY-TALENT/funny%20bone.jpg The guy in the green/white trunks: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=146128898782692&set=a.146411698754412.32344.142791569116425&type=1
  10. The final 2 wrestlers out of Magnum Pro Wrestling!: - Add Ryan Kidd to the game. Ryan Kidd R. Kidd, Male Unknown, 20(Guess) Lightweight Face, Highlight Reel Brawl: 25 Speed: 78 Technical: 10 Stiffness: 38 Selling: 70 Over: 4 Charisma: 37 Attitude: 90 Behavior: 90 Wage: $1,000 Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Sliced Bread No. 3(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Running Shooting Star Press(Ground?) Picture of him: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=175918939107165&set=a.175917605773965.40519.175916515774074&type=1 - Check superstar look for Johnny Yuma and maybe even his RockNES Monster tag team partner, Johnny Goodtime. What's others thoughts on this? - Add Dave Clark to the game. Dave Clark Clark, Male Unknown, 24 Lightweight Heel, Cocky Brawl: 40 Speed: 65 Technical: 43 Stiffness: 50 Selling: 66 Over: 7 Charisma: 47 Attitude: 90 Behavior: 90 Wage: $2,000 Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Brainbuster(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Lariat(Impact) Picture of him: http://missouriwrestlingrevival.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/pro-wrestling-phoneix-12-19-09-babyface-becomes-champion-090.jpg - Raise Alex Plexis' speed to 66, raise his charisma to 50, and check SS Look.
  11. Are you sure he didn't train with them? Because here it is: http://f1pw.110mb.com/index.php Unless that's a different Force 1. - Change Ryan Taylor's primary finisher to Michinoku Driver(Impact) and move his primary now to the secondary spot.
  12. - Add Aida Marie to the game. Aida Marie Marie, Female Unknown, 23(Guess) Lightweight Heel, Arrogant Brawl: 17 Speed: 5 Technical: 10 Stiffness: 18 Selling: 40 Over: 2 Charisma: 50 Attitude: 85 Behaviour: 80 Wage: $2,000 Speaks: Yes American, but then again she looks like she might have some latina in her. Primary Finisher: Hip-Clench Driver(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Lacy DDT(Impact) Picture of her: http://www.indywrestlers.net/indynet/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Aida-Marie.jpg - Loyalty with Savio Vega. She trained with him a little bit.
  13. Just IMO. I don't think it is a rude request but she was in "diva shape" at one point and now got "fluffier." So I would keep it ticked as she COULD return to that shape. Bhudakahn committed suicide in 2007. IMO I would raise Snooki's speed to 12. She was actually decent during her few spots at WrestleMania. Add Histeria AAA for Kaoma Jr.'s alter egos as he briefly wrestled under the name and gimmick. Edit: Rebecca Reyes should be added as a heel manager in EVOLVE. Raise Sicodelico Jr.'s overness to 29 and make his secondary finisher an impact move. Where exactly have I been? I never heard anything about it, so I just went ahead and read all about it. Sad times indeed.
  14. I agree also. Here's a couple more wrestlers that you could possibly add into the game. They're both indy wrestlers from Tennessee. - Add Chris Lexxus to the game: Chris Lexxus Lexxus, Male November, 28 Heavyweight Heel, Cocky Brawl: 58 Speed: 8 Technical: 15 Stiffness: 59 Selling: 50 Over: 2 Charisma: 56 Attitude: 82 Behavior: 90 Check Superstar Look Wage: $5,000 Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Spinal Fusion(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Figure Four Leglock(Submission) Picture of him: http://www.tiwf.org/lexxus.JPG - Add Breaker Morant to the game: Breaker Morant Morant, Male Unknown, 25 Heavyweight Face, Old School Face or Bad Ass Brawl: 56 Speed: 10 Technical: 7 Stiffness: 43 Selling: 61 Over: 0 Charisma: 64 Attitude: 86 Behavior: 90 Wage: $3,000 Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Ice Breaker(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Ice Breaker(Impact) Picture of him: http://www.twaprowrestling.com/breakermorantrosterpic.jpg - Add Matthew Boyd as an alter ego. That's his real name. - He used to wrestle with Force 1 Pro, I don't think he still does. But shouldn't he have loyalty relationships with all the trainers from that promotion? Atleast with Tommy Cairo anyway. - Change White Lotus to a heel. Lower his overness to 14 and change him to a heavyweight. - Raise Aaron Stride's speed to 58 and technical to 37. - Check menacing and highspots for Madman Martin. - Here's an updated picture of Jason Bates: http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictures/j/jasonbates/02.jpg. I think he needs Superstar Look checked. - Change Pogo The Clown's finishing moves to Buried In The Basement(Impact) and Flying Splash(Top Rope) - Wasn't this wrestler in the data at 1 point in time? http://devilbhudakahn.tripod.com/
  15. Two more wrestlers stats completed, Bill. - Add Funny Bone to the game: Funny Bone Funny Bone, Male Unknown, 25(Guess) Lightweight Face, Bad Ass Brawl: 70 Speed: 75 Technical: 68 Stiffness: 44 Selling: 70 Over: 11 Charisma: 66 Attitude: 80 Behavior: 80 Check High Spots, Superstar Look Wage: $8,000 Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: TKO-GTS(Mixture of both moves)(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Diving Double Stomp(Top Rope) Picture of him: http://indyinsider.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoID=109376085 - Add Tyler Bateman to the game: Tyler Bateman The Butcher, Male May, 27(Guess) Lightweight Heel, No Gimmick Needed Brawl: 69 Speed: 68 Technical: 71 Stiffness: 39 Selling: 70 Over: 11 Charisma: 68 Attitude: 72 Behavior: 80 Check High Spots Wage: $8,000 Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Zombie Dispatching Lariat - ZDL if the full name don't fit(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Shining Lizard(Impact) Picture of him: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/174873_142791569116425_8264616_n.jpg - Add a friendship between the 2. - Add a tag team between the 2. Call it Funny Bone and Bateman, 4 experience. Deactivate it. - Great match between the 2: You guys should definitely watch that match. - Check Superstar Look for Carter Gray and Brett Idol. - The last 2 I need from Magnum Pro Wrestling are Dave Clark and Ryan Kidd and everybody from that roster will be in the game. I just can't seem to find anything on their ages, birthdates, or wages. Edit: - Change Facade's finishing moves to Springboard Swanton Bomb(Whatever a Springboard move is. I think its a Top Rope?) as the primary and Dragon Cutter(Impact) as the secondary. - Change Sean Dahmer's finishing moves to Greetings From The Asylum(Impact) as the primary and Syko Driver(Impact) as the secondary. - Change Jason Gory's finishing moves to Trepidation(Impact) as his primary and either leave Q.A.S as his secondary or change it to 450 Splash(Top Rope). Check high spots. Up his brawl to 22, his speed to 69, technical to 44, and charisma to 47. - Change Justin Idol's finishing moves to Spirit Crusher(Impact) as his primary and move Idolizer to his secondary.
  16. - Add Vinny Marseglia to the game: Vinny Marseglia Varseglia, Male January, 25 Lightweight Tweener, Daredevil Brawl: 61 Speed: 74 Technical: 50 Stiffness: 38 Selling: 65 Over: 12 Charisma: 66 Attitude: 80 Behavior: 77 Check High Spots, Superstar Look Wage: $10,000 Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Running Neckbreaker(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Missile Dropkick(Top Rope) Picture of him: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/47039_1611553538483_1525593662_31535108_1203489_n.jpg Add a tag team between Vinny Marseglia and Jim Neidhart. Name it Neidhart and Marseglia. I'd go with 2 experience, deactivate it. Add Nero as an alter ego. Friendship relationship between him and Jim Neidhart. Loyalty relationships with Ryan Waters, Spike Dudley, Mike Bennett, and Bob Evans. They all trained him. Edit: - Add Derek Cornell to the game: Derek Cornell Cornell, Male March, 24 Lightweight Heel, Arrogant Brawl: 19 Speed: 64 Technical: 50 Stiffness: 31 Selling: 60 Over: 5 Charisma: 67 Attitude: 80 Behavior: 83 Check High Spots Wage: $8,000 Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Sunset Driver(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Shining Hero(Impact) Picture of him: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=179609102082886&set=a.179492512094545.44526.159540340756429&type=1 Edit again: - Add Supafli to the game: Supafli Supafli, Male September, 22 Lightweight Face, Fun Babyface Brawl: 16 Speed: 75 Technical: 37 Stiffness: 35 Selling: 65 Over: 8 Charisma: 60 Attitude: 85 Behavior: 85 Check High Spots Wage: $5,000 Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Frog Splash(Top Rope) Secondary Finisher: Supafried(MVP's Playmaker)(Impact) Picture of him: http://a3.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/116/dfcd38dc3be848e0a3aa100cfcbd8900/m.jpg - Add SUPAFLI(All caps) as an alter-ego. - Check superstar look for Ryan Taylor and up his charisma to 48. - Add Tony Cortez as an alter ego for Abu Colossus after you add him in the game.
  17. First off, here's a picture of Ahtu: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/203199_100001853305442_6835565_n.jpg Secondly, according to this link, the guys name is just Ahtu. As for the Damien Dragon/Damian Dragon thing...the spelling is correct in-game. According to that poster, its right anyway.
  18. Yeah, I know. I figured she was going to be champion in no time. Hey Bill, I made some wrestlers from that promotion(Magnum Pro Wrestling) I requested to be added next month. That's all I have for now. More stats will be made for the others from the promotion that aren't in the game so you can get them added. - Abu Colossus - Brian Gott
  19. To the bolded part, is that why she broke down and cried in the ring on RAW? Lol.
  20. - I know I've already requested 2 promotions but here's another 1 the could also possibly be added in: Fight The World Pro Wrestling(FTW) - I say take out APW. The roster in game is nowhere near what it really is because there's a few guys missing. There's hardly any updates on their website. - Why it needs to be added? It features alot of great wrestlers that already in the game such as Balls Mahoney, Homicide, Grim Reefer, Dan Barry(I think he's in), Josh Daniels, Lenn Oddity(I requested for him to be added in next month), Javi Air, Matt Taven, Spyral, Tommaso Ciampa, Barbie, and Divina Fly(aka Rosita from TNA). The tag team called 'The Best Around' aka TJ Cannon and Bruce Maxwell are on the roster. Mick Foley makes appearances from time to time.
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