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Everything posted by fusionFX!

  1. According to Tyler Reks' Wikipedia page, his Burning Hammer finisher's name is "Rekkoning Day".
  2. Primo is neither face nor heel... nor tweener. He teams with who ever needs a partner. Last week he's teaming with the faces in the 5v5(?) tag match and thius week he's teaming with a heel in a tag match. I would at least put him as a tweener..since he isn't either a face or heel. But has anybody else noticed that since Carlito's been gone, Primo hasn't been used that much at all? Next person to go on the future endeavors list? Yes, I think so.
  3. IMO, I think Xavier Woods looks more like a superstar than Kevin Hackman, Roman Leakee, and Calvin Raines. So I say check SS look for Xavier Woods as well.
  4. Matt Hardy's new haircut(Really shitty).. http://www.ringsidenews.com/file/pic/photo/2011/01/carrierlp-hardys-new-haircut_500.jpg
  5. Can I get me and my friend on Kyky? I am using me and him in a backyard to global game. Me: http://i925.photobucket.com/albums/ad100/falloutFX/eddie.jpg My friend: http://i925.photobucket.com/albums/ad100/falloutFX/nathan.jpg
  6. Thanks once again Bill. I haven't gotten around to looking at it yet but when I do, I'll post some changes that should be made.
  7. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs634.snc4/59482_1526262669805_1031798310_1453654_1715229_n.jpg The H3RD: Tommy Treznik, J. Miller, Raven and Beulah McGillicutty's niece, Tiffany Hayes I'd like that Tommy Treznik on KyKy too Can I possibly get that J. Miller on kyky too? And this Facade on KyKy.. http://www.accelerator3359.com/Wrestling/pictures/facade.jpg
  8. The finisher should be named 'Avada Kedavra' not Abracadabra. Good try though. Look at his Wikipedia page.
  9. This wrestler should be added: name is Karcamo. He's the guy with the face paint. No idea on stats or anything.
  10. This is my opinion but here it goes. Michael McGillicutty and Husky Harris should have a boost in overness because of the airtime they're getting while on RAW in Nexus. Husky's at 58 now, he should get to about at least 68 and McGillicutty should be about 72-73.
  11. Robbie E from TNA..aka Rob Eckos. (Zack Ryder wannabe)...just saying.
  12. The hell? Is he trying to say "Magician"? ...NO, how would that fit Brian Kendrick, dude?
  13. So my take on this is to turn him into a non-wrestler.
  14. I'm thinking we should do a fictional scenario sort of. Like I would create a promotion, give its PI, it size, the money in the promotion, training camps and development facilities(if it has those), place its at(America, Canada, or Mexico), and all the other stuff. Then I would come up with workers for THAT promotion, stats, finisher names, relationships, alter egos, tag teams, stables, staff, and everything else. Then person #2(whoever that may be) comes up with promotion #2. Does the exact same things that I would have done with promotion #1. Person #3 would do the exact same thing. We could do a really big scenario with all 35 promotion slots filled or we could do a really small scenario with 10 or so promotions. Doing it this way would be alot better, because people can make their own promotions, workers, staff, and everything they wanted to. As long as it's within reason. For example, no backyard wrestler would have 70+ in every stat. How's that sound to you guys? Edit: Was beaten to it by TenaciousG. But I put a little more detail into it.
  15. Alright, that sounds good. Count me in.
  16. Like made up promotions, made up workers, events, tv shows, and all that? If so, then yeah, I would be interested.
  17. Thanks for the update Bill. Great work as always. If McGillicutty and Husky are added to The Nexus with Cena, they should have rebel as their gimmick, not anything else. Mainly because that's what they are, they get into everybody's business and also that's what The Nexus currently have as their gimmicks, except for Barrett of course.
  18. This isn't the one your talking about but will this work? http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/F%20Images/Flash_Christian.jpg
  19. I started a game with SWA when this data first came out. Have you thought about adding more workers and/or promotions and uploading another version of it? I would be willing to help you get some of the workers and their stats together.
  20. Thanks Bill. Could you upload it somewhere else if you don't mind? Megaupload is saying "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable." and it won't let me download it. Edit: Nevermind Bill, it's working now.
  21. Obnoxious don't work for faces. SO either turn him heel or make him Evolution or something like that. It (obnoxious) does work with Tweeners however, so if it is decided this gimmick is best he could be put as a tweener... That would be the best procedure. Tweener with the obnoxious gimmick. Because, I mean he came out during the Orton/Barrett match and he was fussing at the heel(Barrett of course) and then got RKO'd by Orton(the face). So you could pretty much say that he's between the 2 dispositions.
  22. I don't know if you should make Luke Gallows a face now that CM Punk turned on him after their handicap match with Big Show.
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