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Everything posted by fusionFX!

  1. Raise Donny Marlow's overness to 16 and add a tag team between him and Roman Leakee - name it Leakee and Marlow - 6 exp. Raise Alberto Del Rio's overness to 91. He's supposedly the crown jewel from the WWE Draft.
  2. So, should we add a friendship or loyalty between Taz and the list of members from Team 13? Who exactly is training out of Team 13? Search Team 13 Taz on Google or something and it should come up. All of the talent is listed on the website. Aden Chambers is 1 of them.
  3. Can I get this picture on kyky? http://www.thrashhits.com/wpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/new_slipknot_mask_all_hope_is_gone_mick_7_lead_guitar.jpg
  4. Can I get this Cory Kastle on kyky? http://corykastle.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/CK.jpg
  5. Can you please post things that happened on tv this week or will happen via tapings under spoiler tags? and BTW: Example of using spoiler tags for an event: It's not hard to do, just click spoiler tags under the Other styles tab. I don't think Daniel Bryan actually looks like a superstar though. I love the guy's wrestling ability and all but he does not look like a star. He looks more like a star than Jacob Novak and Conor O'Brian do, and both of them have SS Look checked. I say up his speed to about 77 too.
  6. i also need a kyky pic of Cedric Alexander Is this him? I'm not the guy who requested it but yeah, thats him.
  7. On the Ivelisse Velez stats, 50 as brawl, 64 as speed, 55 as technical, and 50 charisma sounds alot better.
  8. Looks good Bill, great job. Great logos as well Rocky. - According to Brandon Gatson's wiki page, he is 205 lbs. Therefore, he should be a lightweight. Raise his charisma to 56, and his technical to 75. His finishers in game are wrong as well. Here's what Wiki has as his finishers: - 450° splash - Backbreaker rack dropped into a DDT - Front flip sidewalk slam into a sitout side facebuster - Sitout powerbomb I'm guessing you would have to choose 2 out of the 4. - Check SS Look for Vladimir Kozlov and Brett DiBiase. - Check menacing for Chris Masters. - Raise Shelton Benjamin's charisma to 72. - Raise Symon Frost's charisma to 65, and his brawling to 33. - Check SS Look for Chavo Guerrero.
  9. Why after, Extreme Rules is on May 1st so anything that happens on the show should be added for the May update not the April one. So Bill can change all the champions after Extreme Rules, if their will be any title changing hands. But I suppose you have a point.
  10. When is the new update going to come out? I think it should wait until after Extreme Rules this Sunday.
  11. If you have him as a heavyweight, don't you think he should have a higher brawling stat than his speed? You should tick SS Look as well.
  12. Can I get this on Kyky? http://www.fcwwrestling.info/images/talent_lg/raines_lg3.jpg
  13. Move Undertaker to RAW According to the Buddy Stretcher quote there, I wouldn't tick SS Look. Menacing is on the line there, but I say go ahead. Edit: If Conor O'Brian has SS Look ticked, shouldn't Vladimir Kozlov and Jacob Novak have it checked as well? - Raise Jacob Novak's charisma to 63, and brawl to 61. Change his secondary finisher to Big Boot. - Raise Conor O' Brian's brawl to 69, technical to 60, and charisma to 82. - Check SS Look for Tyson Kidd. - Check Shooting Ability for David Hart Smith. - Change both of Calvin Raines' finishers to Raines of Fire. - Raise Big E Langston's brawl to 62, speed to 18, technical to 30, and charisma to 47. - Change Rick Victor to a heavyweight. - Change Wes Brisco's primary finisher to Brisco Roll.
  14. - Erick Rowan Rowan Heavyweight November, 30 years old Brawl: 58 Speed: 10 Technical: 10 Stiffness: 64 Selling: 50 Over: 11 Charisma: 50 Attitude: 80 Behavior: 80 Wages: Normal WWE Development pay Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Chokeslam(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Fallaway Slam(Impact) Heel, Evil or Monster Check Menacing Add him to WWE, developmental deal. Add Thoruf Marius as an Alter Ego. - DeSean Bishop Bishop Heavyweight Don't know what month, 27 years old(guess on his age) Brawl: 62 Speed: 25 Technical: 20 Stiffness: 52 Selling: 57 Over: 10 Charisma: 62 Attitude: 80 Behavior: 80 Wages: Normal WWE Development pay Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Uranage(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Boston Crab(Submission) Tweener, Legitimate Athlete Check SS Look Add him to WWE, developmental deal. Add Navy Blue as an alter ego. - Check SS Look and menacing for DT Porter. Jason Mullen and Buddy Stretcher are left that needs stats. If anybody knows them that can make stats, please feel free. Buddy Stretcher wrestled as Samuel Elias in the indies. Look that up on youtube and you should be able to find some matches of his.
  15. Point made. In that, I would switch Jeremiah's and Jason's speed stats around. - Raise Mason Ryan's overness to 65, brawl to 72, speed to 25, technical to 22, and charisma to 62. Change his primary finisher to Powerbomb, move House of Pain to his secondary finisher. Check shooting ability IMO since he was on the UK Gladiators show. - Raise AJ Kirsch's overness to 12, raise his charisma to 48. Check SS Look. Give him a loyalty relationship with Mr. Prime Time. Change both his primary and secondary finishers to Superkick. - Raise Andy Levine's overness to 18, raise his technical to 23, and raise his charisma to 55. Check menacing(?). Check shooting ability. He played football and during the offseason he went through some MMA training.
  16. Jason/Eric Watts isn't the greatest speedy type guy in the wrestling business. His speed sucks, and he's out of shape..Jeremiah's got alot more speed than Eric does. If you watched last night's Tough Enough, you can tell that from the challenge they did. Jason should have between 10-15 at the most in speed..
  17. Also, has anybody discussed this thing with WWE Superstars? It's shown on the internet on WWE's website so shouldn't it still be in the game? Just change the network from WGN America to the same network(TV-PG Online) that NXT is on.
  18. Are those stats for Zaki? If they are, he should have SS Look checked as well. I'm the guy who came up with the stats. From watching Tough Enough, I really think that Jeremiah is the better worker there. Brawling could possibly be switched around but as for speed and technical, they should stay the absolute same.
  19. Eric Watts(From Tough Enough) Watts Heavyweight 25 years old Brawl: 55 Speed: 7 Technical: 10 Stiffness: 65 Selling: 52 Over: 13 Charisma: 55 Attitude: 67 Behavior: 85 Wages: Normal WWE Development pay Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Crucifix Powerbomb(Impact) Secondary Finisher: Chokeslam(Impact) Heel, None Check SS Look(?) and Menacing Add him to WWE, developmental deal. http://www.buzzfocus.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Eric-Watts.jpg - Add Big Nasty and Jason Watts as alter egos. Jeremiah Riggs(From Tough Enough) Riggs Heavyweight 28 years old Brawl: 66 Speed: 33 Technical: 53 Stiffness: 62 Selling: 67 Over: 22 Charisma: 63 Attitude: 78 Behavior: 90 Wages: Normal WWE Development pay Speaks: Yes American Both Finishers: Ankle Lock for now I guess?(Submission) Face, Legitimate Athlete Check SS Look and Shooting Ability Add him to WWE, developmental deal. http://www.buzzfocus.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Jeremiah-Riggs.jpg Luke Robinson(From Tough Enough) Robinson Heavyweight 26 years old Brawl: 62 Speed: 27 Technical: 40 Stiffness: 42 Selling: 63 Over: 26 Charisma: 72 Attitude: 90 Behavior: 90 Wages: Normal WWE Development pay Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Superkick Secondary Finisher: Superkick Heel, Cocky Check SS Look, Shooting Ability(?), and Fonz Factor(?) Add him to WWE, developmental deal. http://www.sunjournal.com/files/imagecache/story_large/2011/04/04/NUP_143128_0063.jpg - Add a friendship between Luke Robinson and Jeremiah Riggs. Ryan Howe(From Tough Enough) Ryan Howe Lightweight 23 years old Brawl: 35 Speed: 63 Technical: 33 Stiffness: 36 Selling: 63 Over: 16 Charisma: 60 Attitude: 90 Behavior: 90 Wages: Normal WWE Development pay Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Double Jump Moonsault(Like Christopher Daniels' BME)(Top Rope) Secondary Finisher: Springboard Legdrop(Impact or Top Rope?) Face, Old School Face Check SS Look, and high spots(?) Add him to WWE, developmental deal. http://cdn.sescoops.com/wp-content/uploads/RyanHowe.jpg - Add Diamond Steel as an alter ego. Martin Casaus(From Tough Enough) Casaus Heavyweight 26 years old Brawl: 60 Speed: 45 Technical: 50 Stiffness: 36 Selling: 63 Over: 16 Charisma: 60 Attitude: 90 Behavior: 90 Wages: Normal WWE Development pay Speaks: Yes American Primary Finisher: Spinning TKO(Impact) -He called it the Perfector in the indy scene. Secondary Finisher: Diving Fist Drop(Top Rope) Heel, Cocky Check SS Look Add him to WWE, developmental deal. http://cdn.sescoops.com/wp-content/uploads/MartinCasaus.jpg - Add Tristan Gallo as an alter ego.
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