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Posts posted by Psicosis

  1. The video could have easily stuck to the stock footage of Katrina aid efforts and of the bands in the studio, thus allowing the best of both worlds, rather than spending huge sums of money on the video itself that could have gone towards the cause they're aiming to help.

  2. Ugh. I hate that argument "it's better than a lot of other new stuff". I can't think of any point in the 20th century where that hasn't been a wealth of amazing contemporary music available. There is always fantastic "new" music available, settling for the best of what's forced upon you is just lazy.

  3. Pre-ordered my Wii today, and had a chance to try it out. They had eight consoles on display, with Zelda and Wii Sports on two, Excite Truck on one, Wario Ware on one, a modern version of Pong and one machine turned off. Most people were in line for Zelda so I managed to get on a Wii Sports machine within five minutes.

    The Wii Remote is the perfect size and has force feedback (didn't read anything about that). Decided to play Wii Bowling and away we went. After a few early mistakes which resulted in a very slow ball travling down the lane, I quickly got the hang of it and bowled a few strikes. One thing is, once you get the hand of it you find how amazingly realistic gameplay is with the Wii Remote. I was bowling in the same fashion that I do in real life (step to the extreme left then bowl with spin) and found that the ball acted the same as it did in real life. The pins didn't quite clatter in the same fashion.. but it's easily the most realistic bowling game I've ever played.

    That's the other thing about about the console, it is amazingly fun to play. It is really enjoyable to stand there and play because your not just sitting there trying to win. I really hope the other games are like this. All in all, a fun game for a great console and I look forward to picking mine up in December.

  4. Saw it last week and thought it was awful. I'm a big Taxi Driver fan and thought that the characters were one dimensional, which is amazing given all the background they gave the characters in the first 20 minutes of the film. I had no real reason to care about what happens to Dicaprio's character and the final scene felt like a ripoff of the shootout in the South Park episode Lil' Crime Stoppers. Thumbs down.

  5. I've heard differing stories on that though. Some say only 13 episodes, but other are say that what's actually happening this season is similar to the first season of 24. The first thirteen episodes will deal with something, with an overarching story surrounding everything. If they get picked up for another 8, they'll go further in depth with the overarching story.

  6. Apparently they are returning in March of 2007 for season 4? I also think I read that they will air 8 episodes for season 4 in March and then come back in the summer with another set for season 5? I don't know if any of this is true, but I was reading it.

  7. Saw it tonight, really enjoyable film. Thing is, if they made it into a serious film like they were intending to, I doubt it would of been as good. It had all the great action movie bits (guy falling in love on plane, evil guy getting his etc) but felt it could of done with a few more corny lines towards the start of the film.

    Loved "It was the snakes!" when the lights went out. Seeing the stuard's girlfriend at the end was great too.

  8. Second is Paris Hilton as a supporting character. She can't act, let me just say that up front and right off the bat. She flat out can't act to save her life. Similarly, seeing her takes me right out of the story each and every time she's on screen. Both of these things detracts from my viewing pleasure completely.

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