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Posts posted by Powerhart

  1. I had planned to invite a couple people over to all split the cost up for the show but they can't make it so I'm just going to have to wait until morning I'm guessing before I get a chance to see it. I haven't seen much of Velasquez but everyone I talk to seems to think he has as good of a chance as Carwin did to take Brock out, so it should be interesting if nothing else. The undercard is really solid in name value and talent, this is looking to be a really good overall show and one I'm pretty disappointed I won't have the chance to catch live.

    If the problem is the prize, you could always find a good illegal stream to watch it.

    Can't wait for this, Main Event could very well go to any side.

  2. For the Robinson hit, I know it was a defenseless WR, but what is he supposed to do? Let him catch the ball?

    The Robinson hit was more of a head-on collision than a pure helmet-to-helmet hit, however, it's still helmet-to-helmet.

    The other two have no excuse, Merriweather and Harrison should be suspended for more than one game.

  3. From MiddleEasy.com, part of their Sunday Rumor Mill's entries:

    • As of Thursday, FEG has contacted M-1 Global in order to get Fedor Emelianenko to participate in Dynamite!! 2010. No opponent has been named.
    • Bas Rutten is trying to pitch a show that would mimic 'The Office' but be centered around 'relationship battles'.
    • Last week at Strikeforce San Jose, I overheard someone from the media ask Scott Coker if they would be having a Strikeforce heavyweight grand-prix. Coker responded with 'I can't talk too much about that right now, but definitely some exciting stuff coming in the future'.
    • At this point, Batista vs. Lashley is pretty much a lock, but expect some announcement to come by the end of 2010.

  4. From MiddleEasy.com, part of their Sunday Rumor Mill's entries:

    • This really isn't that much of a shocker considering Dana White made UFC the 'unstoppable frate trane' that it is, but in getting the sport legalized/authorized in other parts of the world, Dana White (or more likely a collection of people) attempted to push something they've coined (and are in the process of trademarking) as 'UFC combative sports'. This would distinguish the UFC from 'MMA' and essentially greenlight 'UFC combative sports' under the UFC/ZUFFA banner in parts of the world where other MMA organizations can't host events. Some of you may be confused and granted, I'm not doing a great job explaining this, but in short, ZUFFA is trying to distinguish UFC from MMA and get 'UFC combative sports' legalized in certain local governments while 'MMA' would still be 'illegal'. Great business tactic if you want to dominate the sport. I'm sure I will receive a 'cease and desist' notification sometime this week regarding this 'rumor', so read it while you can.

    • Yoshihiro Akiyama will not be cut from the UFC, despite some premature reports.

  5. Need some help sending Xbox to Microsoft. About two days ago, I registered the console on their webiste and all that, then I got the receipt and it was all fine and dandy but I couldn't print it right there because my printer didn't had any ink, so I closed it and the next day I was at a friend's and tried to print it there but the receipt was incomplete. I checked it on my PC and it's still incomplete, something like this:


    I don't know why it isn't showing complete, the first time I saw it it was complete but then these last few times it's incomplete, anyone knows what's the problem here?

  6. I read somewhere that they had ordered Justin.tv to give them the IPs of the users that streamed UFC Events, then days later another report said that Justin.tv had given them 6 IP addresses. Didn't thought they would take it that far. Sure, a warning I expected, letter/e-mail even a phone call, but to actually sue them, didn't expect that.

  7. UFC sued some guy because of illegal streaming. [link]

    UFC sues British man over online streaming of events

    By Steve Green

    Monday, Oct. 11, 2010 | 1:45 a.m.

    The Las Vegas-based Ultimate Fighting Championship is suing a British man and wants a court order blocking him from airing pirated UFC broadcasts.

    Zuffa LLC, owner of the UFC, filed suit Friday in U.S. District Court in Las Vegas against Daniel Wallace of Selsey, West Sussex, England.

    Attorneys for Zuffa with the Las Vegas office of the law firm Lewis and Roca LLP charge in the suit that Wallace's website, livevss.tv (associated with livevss.net), has carried unauthorized live-streaming video of UFC events including UFC 119 on Sept. 25.

    "Given that events are streamed for free on defendant’s website, defendant derives revenue from selling advertising space on the website such that the viewer is continuously bombarded with 'pop up' ads during any given broadcast," the lawsuit says.

    "Based upon defendant’s history of offering 'live streaming' of plaintiff’s past events, as well as those of other MMA (mixed martial arts) providers, plaintiff believes that defendant will similarly offer an unauthorized 'live streaming' video of UFC 120 on Oct. 16, the date of the event (in London)," the lawsuit alleges.

    "Plaintiff believes that defendant will 'live stream' UFC 120 to Internet viewers for free," the suit said, suggesting unauthorized broadcasts would undermine the authorized live broadcast on Spike TV in the United States and the pay-per-view broadcast in Australia.

    A message for comment on the lawsuit was left with Wallace.

    The lawsuit accuses him of copyright infringement and seeks a court order blocking him from copying, displaying and distributing UFC broadcasts as well as damages of $150,000 per infringement, attorneys fees and legal costs and forfeiture of any revenue derived from the allegedly unauthorized broadcasts.

  8. Griffin/Franklin I'm interested in. Carwin/Nelson, not so much.

    Someone over at DVDVR asked about the possibility of a triple-threat MMA match and is getting roasted for it (for obvious reasons). But someone pointed out the main reason it wouldn't work: If two fighters have submissions on the other fighter at the same time and he taps, who wins?

    (Though I'd love to see if it was a three way dance MMA fight and involved Tito Ortiz and 2 fighters who hate his guts.....)

    *edit* Forgot to ask: Is there still talk about Batista possibly doing MMA, or has that crap finally died down?

    Batista confirmed it himself during an interview with MMA Supremacy.. AND I QUOTE! [link]

    "I will not be doing MMA/Strikeforce any time soon. So you can see me in the future of the WWE."

    Also, Jose Aldo's manager wants Frankie Edgar next and Struve/McCorkle is set for UFC 124.

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