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Posts posted by Powerhart

  1. You guys are making this too much of a big deal. (Peyton) Manning and Brady never settle for ties, either they win or they lose. It's not the first time either of them has done something like that. The Colts and Manning wouldn't be themselves if they didn't try to score a TD even when they need a FG.

    As for the Giants; it's just one game. Calm down guys, there's a lot of football still ahead.

  2. Hated the campaign, same shit as always. The Zombie-mode is what really makes this game work for me, if it wasn't for this game mode I wouldn't had bought it.

    I hate the fact that you can't play as Nixo or Castro, that would've been totally awesome.

  3. It looks like Matt Stafford might miss the rest of the year. I feel bad for the Lions fans out there since they've had very little to cheer for ever since Sanders retired. They finally make a decent high end 1st round pick, but the guy's shoulders are made out of glass.

    Did you see the tackle that broke his clavicle last year? That tackle would've broken Brady's clavicle too, so it's not his problem. The tackles he gets, he ends up landing on that shoulder - at least the one that put him out against the NYJ.

    Isn't there some sort of special equipment they can put on his shoulders to protect it? Because the shoulder pads isn't enough.

  4. I really loved the premiere. I'm hooked. The moment that he turned that corner on the horse and saw the giant swarm of zombies was incredible, but the last image is the one that stuck with me. The panning up on the scene where you see all the zombies lurking the streets gave me a huge sense of claustrophobia and fear. It was crazy.

    ... until the end. That moment where he was stuck under the tank. Oh fuck, I don't think I've ever felt more claustrophobic in all my life. Fuck. The moment he sat next to the soldier inside you just knew what was going to happen, but you're still panicking from before, so you react to Rick's reaction.

    I found them the complete opposite, found them very weak and didn't feel anything like you two.

  5. DMN, does your problem with Moss come from his lame and forgettable stint with Oakland a few years ago? I mean, the guy can obviously play and if he didn't care about winning he wouldn't had given the Vikings some tips on the Pats, the Vikings didn't want to take his advice so they lost.

  6. Hmm. I expected more of it, sure it's just been one episode but it's already the same zombie's story as always. Guy goes into some kind of coma and then suddenly wakes up at the hospital and he's all alone. Everyone else is already a zombie except for a few survivors here and there.

    The zombies look fucking awesome though. I'm still gonna watch to see if it gets better and more original in future episodes.

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