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Posts posted by ravenjuice

  1. Download has made me come in excitement twice in as many weeks...what with Metallica and Guns...my two favourite bands...I dont care if guns is basically Axl and friends, still their songs, and still their vocalist. I could care less if slash and his hat were playing with him.

  2. I have liked every single metallica album, including the ones post black, and am excited as hell for the new album, if anything im kind of worried that rubin will try and get them to take a risk that wont pay off, and screw things up.

    Metallica's known for taking chances. But on their own terms. I don't think the influence of Rick Rubin will change them in anyway.

    I think it's gonna be a very modern sounding album, but yet at the same time harken back to the classic Metallica sound.

    That or it'll be like St. Anger with better production.

    Or what I fear will happen, Metallica forgets that they're 10 million times better than both bands and tries to make music like Slipknot and SOAD.

  3. Some poor schmucks were at coheed/thrice last night, which i was invited to go to, but declined, as Fozzy are better than you.

    So yeh...fozzy last night, best.fucking.gig.ever.

    First support were like some bizarre love child of whitesnake and Aerosmith. Thas not cool. Me and my cousin started a few pits tho, which soon got going, even tho we were in teh basement....which is probably better than the main hall anyway.

    Second support were....i forget their name too, but it was some OMG HEAVY STUFF, kinda like Machine Head. Very good. Some brutal pits tho, then selchuck dragged me out cus apparently i'd been punched twice and headbutted, and they were worried id get hurt. O.o Which...is kinda the point last i checked.

    Then we waited forever for fozzy to come on, but when they did, fucking hell they were good. Opened with To Kill a Stranger, followed that with Enemy, which me and Matt had a totally bitching time to. The Duke had some chicks pink cowboy hat on. Suited him. Then they said they were going to play a new song for us, called "Nottingham shreds the panties of Sean's Mum." (Sean being the bassist) Which was kind of like a grind pisstake, with palm muted chords and the duke (guitarist) growling the name of the song.

    When they'd finished that...we started a Sean's mum chant. Which made the whole band burst out laughing, funny as fuck.

    The Duke then ripped a hole in the crotch of his jeans somehow...>.< so naturally the duke made an announcement asking low level photographers not to take photos of any balls or heads that slipped out. Then he started trying to fit his fingers through the hole. He managed to get three through, which he was quite chuffed about, and jericho said "It's like im with my first girlfriend in highschool!" Biggest pop of the night for that. That started another Seans mum chant, to which the duke said "Trust me, thats more than three fingers" Before putting his fists together, inserting them into an imaginary vagina, and pulling them apart >.<

    Jericho then asked if perhaps they should play some music now, and was mid way through asking us what we wanted to hear when some guy shouted out "Skid Row!" Jericho stopped mid sentence and was all, wtf? So he told the guy to come on stage, and asked him what skid row song he wanted to sing, which started a youth gone wild chant, so he did, jericho and some random guy from the crowd spontaneously singing Youth gone wild. Bizzare.

    Played a few more songs, before the other guitarist got a guitar solo. Fucking hell, was about 8 minutes long, but, guess what he busted out in the middle of it? THE SUPER MARIO BROS THEME. secks as fuck mate.

    Jericho said they should change their name to Sean's mum as they would be more popular that way, and The Duke added "We could be an emo band and call ourselves Seans mum with a bullet"

    I love a band that will take the piss.

    Then Jericho said "last night we were in liverpool" and everyone booed. The band then had a discussion how weird it was that in the UK we booed other towns, wheras in the states and canada they were all "yeh thats cool" so Jericho tried it out again, and everyone booed. Then someone in the crowd shouted "last night i was in seans mum" quality.

    They closed with Dont You Wish You Were Me and Daze of The Weak. Glad they played enemy and eat the rich this time, but no end of days or livewire :(

    Oh yeh, best gig ever.

  4. After reading the post your cd collection thread, its blatant that Keith has the best taste in music on here, so could he (and anyone else for that matter) reccomend me some Stuck Mojo? Going to see fozzy tomorrow night at rock city, and may go see stuck mojo too if I can get into enough of their stuff.

  5. I played a LMS match last night. AJ Styles (me) vs. Kane for the WWE Title (Styles was champ) on Legend difficulty.. I swear to God, you can't put Kane down for ten. The match went on for over an hour, and the longest I could keep Kane down was with a DDT onto a chair for a seven count. I eventually just forgot about it and turned the PS2 off and went to sleep. Oh well.

  6. I know there are a fair few Metallica fans on this board, and was wondering if any of you have the Live Shit dvd/cd box set, mainly because i am considering ordering it, but was wondering how good the quality of the image is, with the concerts being so old..its only a small concern, but I'd rather know what i was getting as opposed to buying it and being pissed off with bad quality video.

  7. So basically, Iv got a few quid left over, and have decided to be awesomely generous and buy my brother a cheap ps2 game for xmas. I was considering getting him a light gun game, has he has a huge hard on for them, but have just realised that he sold his G-Con 2 cause he needed to raise some money, and as I dont have any light gun games i can't test this out myself, i was wondering if the 45s work fine with slimlines, it all connects right...but so does my multi tap and that doesnt work with slimlines...any help?

  8. WWE Smackdown!

    1st Match: Chris Benoit vs. Charlie Haas. This was the first match in Carlito’s U.S challenge tournament. Carlito came out at the start and announced that Benoit’s opponent would be Charlie Haas, who entered to quite an ovation.

    The two put on a technical classic, with Benoit working on Haas’ neck and Haas working on Benoit’s back. Haas nearly pulled off the upset, locking the Haas of pain on in the middle of the ring. Benoit struggled for a good 30 seconds, before finally making it to the ropes. Haas relinquished the hold, and ran at Benoit, going for a Tornado DDT, only for Benoit to reverse it into the Crossface! Haas was in no mans land, and had no choice but to tap out to the crippler.


    John Cena is backstage, and begins to talk bout his upcoming match against Raven at King Of The Ring. “The champ…the champ is afraid, he’ll admit it. Raven’s a little cuckoo, he’s been watching one too many of those Crow movies, this Sunday, steel cage, me and Raven, my WWE title, can I survive? I don’t know. Will I be champion this time next week? You bet your reject ass I will.”


    2nd Match: KOTR Semi Final: Abyss vs. Kidman. Kidman was without Raven as he entered to new music, Babylon A.D. by Cradle of Filth. These two demons squared off before charging at each other, with Kidman sliding between Abyss’ legs and hitting a dropkick to his back, sending him over the top rope and giving him the early advantage in this match. The two brawled on the outside, with one of them always rolling back into the ring briefly to break the ten count.

    Abyss got the advantage when Kidman charged at Abyss who was propped against the turnbuckle, only for Abyss to move, stunning Kidman. Abyss went for a powerbomb through the announcer’s table, but Kidman turned it into a facebuster, driving Abyss’ face through the table! Kidman managed to roll in before the ten, as Abyss was eliminated by count out.


    Angle is in the ring, when Rob Van Dam charges down with a chair, and lays Angle out with it, RVD then gave Angle a taste of his own medicine, and locked the angle lock in, and refused to let go as Angle tapped like a mad man! Referee’s eventually came down and broke it up, but Angle had to be helped out, as he could not support his own weight.


    3rd Match: KOTR Semi Final: Paul London vs. Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero dominated London for the vast majority of this match, Using his size and power advantage to keep the flyer grounded. Guerrero was frustrated by his inability to put London away, and after missing the frog splash, went outside to get a chair. The referee told him to drop it, and Guerrero obeyed. But when the referee’s back was turned, he picked the chair up, and clocked him with it! Guerrero threw the chair at London, and then collapsed as if he had been nailed with it! London began to panic as he realised that the referee would think he had nailed both him and Guerrero with the chair. That’s exactly what happened, and the referee disqualified London.

    Edge came running down to the ring however, and showed the ref a replay on the titantron! The ref reversed his decision, and sent London into the final instead! Guerrero was furious, and chased Edge backstage.


    Paul London is shown walking back to the locker room, when Kidman appears out of nowhere and swings a chair at him! London managed to avoid the attack, and ran backstage, as Kidman looked on, smiling.


    Teddy Long is backstage, and announces that this Sunday, at King Of The Ring, Edge and Eddie Guerrero would settle their differences one on one.


    4th Match: WWE Championship Match: John Cena vs. John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Big Show. Teddy Long announced the third competitor of this match as the returning Big Show! This did not sit well with Raven, who instantly ran out the back with a baseball bat, and hit Big Show over the back of the head with it. Teddy Long demanded that Raven go to the back, but got a Raven Effect for his efforts! Cena, ever the opportunist, rolled JBL up in the ring for a quick 3 count, before the bell had even rung! Raven cleared the ring, hitting both JBL and Cena with the bat, before holding the WWE title in one hand, and gazing at it as Smackdown ended.


    Overall Rating: 76%

    TV Rating: 5.91

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