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Posts posted by ravenjuice

  1. I don't know if anyone here watched "Peep Show" on Channel 4, but I've been wondering what the theme tune is. It was also in American Pie 1. There's a line in it that goes something like

    "I'm not sick but I'm not well" or something to that affect.

    Any help would be smashing (Y)

    Lit - I'm not sick ?

  2. I don't know if anyone here watched "Peep Show" on Channel 4, but I've been wondering what the theme tune is. It was also in American Pie 1. There's a line in it that goes something like

    "I'm not sick but I'm not well" or something to that affect.

    Any help would be smashing (Y)

  3. For those of you suffering from injury woes, are you playing with or without the patch? Im playing without as Derby, and I'm five months in, sitting 2nd in the championship, but it seems like every game i lose a first team player to injury.

    Will the patch

    a) solve this?

    b) force me to start again?

  4. WWE Smackdown!

    1st Match: John Cena vs. Rene Dupree. Cena opened the show tonight with a championship defense against his old rival Rene Dupree. Rene put up as much of a fight as he did in 2004, using every tactic in the book to get the upper hand on the champion. Rene looked to have the match won after a Death Valley Driver, but Cena somehow found the strength to power out at 2. Rene was clearly frustrated, and went for his patented driver, however Cena countered with an F-U for the victory.


    Snitsky and Heidenreich were shown backstage, with Snitsky visibly upset over the events of the last few weeks, and the apparent failure of the Snitsky search. Then a looming 6"8 monster came into view, dressed in leather pants and a leather jacket, complete with a mask. Heidenreich looked up, and stopped comforting Gene, and he approached the intruding monster. "What...do...you...want?" The monster then enquired about the Snitsky Search, John informed him it had been cancelled due to lack of interest, but said that if he wished he could tryout for them next week, and read some poetry with them until then.


    Shawn Michaels is walking around backstage, shouting after RVD, when Angle comes out of nowhere and thrusts a chair into the back of Shawns knee, and then proceeded to blast away at the lower leg and ankle, causing Michaels to scream in pain, before locking on the Angle Lock, and shouting that he was going to end Shawns career. RVD then came running and Angle sped away on foot. RVD went to help Michaels, but he was told to leave him alone, so he did as Shawn wished, and walked off, leaving him in agony on the floor


    2nd Match: Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly vs. Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns vs. The Basham Brothers. This was a rematch of the previous weeks number one contendership match, with the Bashams added into the fray. However just like the previous week on Smackdown! this match didnt have chance to start, as the Tag Team champs ran down to the ring, accompanied by the masked man who interrupted them earlier. Together they cleared the ring, hitting clotheslines left and right, before making an example of Charlie Haas, Heidenreich and Snitsky picked him up into a powerbomb position, with one of his legs on one of each big mans shoulders, and the masked man climbed the turnbuckle, and came off with a huge crossbody, splatting Haas like a fly.


    3rd Match: Billy Kidman vs. Rob Van Dam. These two high flyers faced off on Smackdown, after Kidman had called London out, only to be greeted by RVD instead, who more or less stumbled out after his earlier altercation with HBK. When asked if it was a match he was after, RVD just mumbled "yeah whatever" and the bell rang. Kidman showed he could go toe to toe with the ECW veteran, and on several occasions it looked like he would win. RVD got his knees up on a Shooting Star Press, and went up top for a Frog Splash, only for Raven who was at ringside, to pull on the ropes, and crotch RVD. Kidman hit a sunset flip off the top on RVD, and picked up the shock victory.

    After the match, RVD picked up the mike "Yo Shawn, i thought we were partners, where were you dude? You should of been out here helping me man, not hitting it with the cliq backstage! I've had enough of your lousy friendship, were over..or something" With that RVD left the ring to a mixed reaction


    Carlito Carribean Cool is shown backstage with Josh Matthews: "You know what Josh, I've just been speaking to my old friend, Teddy Long." Carlito takes a bite out of his apple, "You know, this months ppv, Judgement Day?" Carlito continued before Josh had chance to answer " Me vs. Orlando, U.S. title...now thas cool" with that Carlito spat his apple at Josh, and walked off with a grin on his face.


    4th Match: Raven vs. John Bradshaw Layfield. Raven was clearly pissed with JBL after he got eliminated him from the battle royal last week, and he didnt waste any time in assaulting him with rights and lefts. Raven had the upperhand for the first 5 minutes, only for JBL to hit a huge clothesline out of nowhere, which left both men in a crumpled heap on the floor. Neither man was in a fit state to escape from what came next. The Big Shows music hit, and a bandaged Big Show walked down calmly, and stood in the ring as Raven and JBL struggled to their feet. When they did, they were soon on their backs again, as Big Show chokeslammed them both at once. Before announcing a three way for Judgement Day.


    5th Match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit. This triple threat match was hotly contested between three people who had been rivals for the best part of the last 5 years. They had always put on five star matches before, and tonight was no exception, with Angle Slams, Frog Splashes and Crossfaces being traded back and forth between the three competitors. Benoit seemed to have the match won when Guerrero backdropped Angle out of the ring, and turned straight into a crossface. As Angle struggled to get into the ring, Guerrero rolled forward, pinning Benoits shoulders down, and picked up the cheap win


    Overall Rating: 76%

    TV Rating: 6.04

  5. Uh huh, apparently, Dave Mustaine announced on stage in buenos aires....or however you spell it, that the band are not splitting up, despite him saying that the current tour would be theyre last. So people with good taste in music can rejoice, as we;re getting more of the 'Deth

  6. WWE.com announcement

    The WWE wishes to announce the cancellation of two of it's long running shows - HeAt and Velocity.

    The staff at WWE feel they must focus on getting the companys flagship shows higher ratings, and as a result, mutually ended the contracts for those shows with Spike TV

  7. WWE Smackdown!

    "ITS NOT MY FAULT!...HEIDEN...HEIDENREICH" The pyro expoded, and the WWE Tag Team champions made their way down to the ring, with serious looks on their faces. Who could tell how many poems were to be read, or babies were to be killed on this edition of Smackdown!?

    Heidenreich grabbed the mike and addressed the crowd "Last week...was a bad week. The Snitsky search got off to a bad start. As a matter of fact, Gene is so upset over the events of last week that he hasnt spoken since. I've tried everything! Poems about babies, poems about Kane, even poems about Heidenreich. But none have worked. This shall change now, as we present, round two of the...SNITSKY SEARCH!"

    At that, the cabinets music played, and The Basham Brothers made their way down to the ring as Snitsky and Heidenreich shot each other confused glances, and Heidenreich spoke "You two do realise that were not looking to become the next Hart Foundation, we only want...one..brother" Doug grabbed the mike out of Heidenreichs hand and clocked him over the head, before Snitsky could respond, he got a low blow off Danny. The Bashams picked Heidenreich up and threw him out of the ring, and delivered a spike piledriver to Snitsky, before leaving the ring celebrating.


    We went from one set of Cabinet members to another, as JBL appeared on the Titantron, and he explained that it was with his deepest regret that he would be unable to make the show tonight, due to the beating that he received off Raven on Velocity.


    1st Match: Hardcore Holly and Charlie Haas vs. Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns. This was a number one contenders match for Poetic Accidents tag team titles. It was your standard tag team fare, with the action going back and forth between the two teams, however before the match had chance to get into much of a flow, it was interrupted by the Basham Brothers, who were clearly pleased with themselves for their earlier attack on the tag champs. As soon as the Bashams hit the ring, the referee threw the match out, and declared it a no contest, leaving no number one contenders.

    A three way brawl ensued, all the way to the back.


    2nd Match: Carlito Carribean Cool vs. Orlando Jordan (C). This was for Orlando's United States title, and allowed Carlito to finally get his shot, after being number one contender for weeks. Carlito started out on the offensive, dominating Orlando, first whipping im into the corner, and following it up with a clothesline. Carlito continued to beat on Orlando, and looked to have the title secured after a Hurricanrana off the turnbuckle, but mark Jindrak appeared out of nowhere to pull the ref out of the ring. Whilst the referees back was turned, Orlando hit a low blow on Carlito, and rolled him up, the ref got back in the ring, and counted the three.


    The Big Show is shown backstage warming up, when Kidman appears in the doorway. Big Show tells him to leave him alone, only to have Raven come up behind him and level him with a crate. The Big Show fell o the floor, and Raven held him down, whilst Kidman climbed on a table, and hit a Shooting Star Press and left Big Show down on the floor.

    3rd Match: Billy Kidman vs. Funaki. Fresh from the brutal attack on the Big Show, Billy Kidman entered the ring to face off with Funaki. Funaki was made short work of, and beaten in just five minutes thanks to an armdrag off the top followed by a Shooting Star Press for the three.

    After the match, Kidman picked the mike up, and demanded that Paul London come out to defend his title, however there was no answer. Kidman then announced that if he didnt get to face London at Judgement Day, he would have to take the title himself.


    4th Match: John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels. This was a non title match, that was signed as friendly competition between two men who respect each other. The two put on a suprisingly technical contest. Shawn kicked out of an F-U, and Cena got Superkicked close enough to the ropes to get his leg on them. Shawn dragged Cena away from the ropes and went for his elbow drop, only for Cena to roll out of the way. As Michales clawed up, Cena hit a chop block, and lifted Shawn up for the F-U, only for Shawn to fight out and hit the Sweet Chin Music again! Both men were down on the canvas, and Charles Robinson started a ten count. Angle made his way down to the ring and pulled Shawn out of the ring, and hit the Angle Slam on the outside behind the ref's back. Angle drew the refs attention to Shawn, and the ref counted him out, gifting Cena a count out victory.

    Angle hit an Angle Slam on Cena, before rolling Shawn into the ring, and working on his ankle. This brought RVD out, who continued his estranged relationship with Michaels by scaring Angle off with a chair and then throwing the chair down at Shawn in disgust, and leaving.


    5th Match: Number One Contendership: Raven vs. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge. This match was an all out brawl, there were no disqualifications, no count outs, and elimination rules. Edge and Eddie worked as a team like they had been doing for the last couple of weeks, targeting Benoit for the first couple of minutes, with Raven just slouching in the corner, watching the action unfold. This however left Raven open to assault, as Edge caught him off guard with a dropkick to the face from nowhere. A fuming Raven then clotheslined Edge over the top, and left Benoit and Guerrero to chain wrestle in the ring, Raven whipped Edge into the steel steps, and then threw the announcer off his chair and used that to blast Edge with, butsing him open. Raven turned around and was met with a vicious clothesline from JBL who had just come through the crowd! JBL rolled Raven into the ring, and then hit Edge with the chair again, before leaving the way he'd came. Guerrero and Benoit took advantage of this opening, and Benoit hit his diving heabutt, then Guerrero hut his frog splash, and Raven was elminated.

    Benoit suggested to Guerrero that they should eliminated Edge next, as he was still struggling to get up on the outside. Guerrero nodded and Benoit climbed outside. As Benoit approached Edge, he sprung at him and hit the spear! Edge struggled back into the ring, and Guerrero patted him on the back, before going out after Benoit. Eddie, picked up the chair, and cracked it full force over Benoit's head, and rolled him into the ring, where Edge covered him for three.

    Guerrero worked over his injured friend, whipping him back and forth between the turnbuckles, and continually working the back of Edge. Guerrero set Edge up for a superplex, only for Edge to turn it into a cross body in mid air! Edge stumbled up, and the crowd started to get behind the heel. As Guerrero struggled up, Edge got in position for the Spear. Edge charged, but Guerrero moved, and winced as Edges shoulder connected with the steel of the turnbuckle. Guerrero rolled Edge up, and stuck his feet on the ropes, winning the match, and the number one contendership


    Overall Rating: 73%

    TV rating: 5.79

  8. Well iv just registered and my online setup disc is on it's way, so you can bet your asses Il be owning you all on Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 this time next month. Well, not the yanks :P

    I had no idea it was this easy to get though...if I'd known id of been online for the last smackdown

  9. Have a broadband internet connection and buy an online adapter(it's like 40 or 30 US dollars). You can install it yourself(damn easy to do it), plug in your ethernet chord, and voila, instant online gaming. Check your PS2 to see if it has an online adapter already, I hear some of the new ones have em.

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