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Posts posted by ravenjuice

  1. I think teh second one is pretty much the same style, same effects ont he guitars, same vocal style etc. Which is no bad thing by a long shot, with the second album being my personal favourite.

    The third album is a mixed bag in terms of styles, with rap based songs (It's a lie) "angrier" songs (born of anger) and my personal favourite type, the mellower songs (enemy, all that remains, nameless faceless)

    Yeh...go buy, or download or listen, its all brilliant in my opinion.

  2. WWE Smackdown!

    1st Match: KOTR Quarter Final: Kidman vs. CM Punk. These two cruiserweights squared off in the first off four quarter finals taking place on Smackdown this evening. They were evenly matched, and it looked for one minute like the match would go to its fifteen-minute time limit. After Punk kicked out of a Powerbomb into a face buster, Kidman went to the corner, and tore the turnbuckle pad off while Jack Doan checked on Punk, who was exhausted. Kidman climbed up top, only to see Punk on his feet, Kidman quickly came to a decision and came off with a cross body, only to be caught by Punk, who rammed him into the exposed turnbuckle! Punk hit a powerslam, but Kidman used his momentum to roll through and 1…2…3!


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

    Carlito vs. Paul London

    Abyss vs. Edge

    Kidman vs. CM Punk

    2nd Match: KOTR Quarter Final: Carlito Carribean Cool vs. Paul London. It was United States Champion versus former Cruiserweight champion in this, the second KOTR quarterfinal. Cool overpowered London in the early goings, trapping him in the corner and brawling. When he went for a superplex however, London shoved him off, and came off with a Shooting Star Press for the win! London rolled out of the ring with his hands in the air, as Carlito looked on at shock, and pushed the referee over, aghast at how quickly the match had finished.


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

    Carlito vs. Paul London

    Abyss vs. Edge

    Kidman vs. CM Punk

    Benoit comes out as Carlito is leaving the ring, with a mic in hand. “Carlito, last week you had to cheat to keep the title, I don’t back down though Carlito, I deserve to be the U.S. champion right now…PROVE ME WRONG”

    Carlito walked up to Benoit, and grabbed the mic out of his hand, and circled around him, so he was closer to the exit than Benoit was, before speaking. “I retained the title, like it or not, and that’s cool.” The crowd booed, and Carlito brought the mic to his mouth again, “If you want to face me again, you can run a gauntlet, every week I’ll set a challenge, you beat it, you pass on to the next week, when your ready, Carlito will give you a shot” then Carlito mocked Benoit “NOW THAS COOL!” and left.


    3rd Match: Poetic Accident vs. Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly. The tag titles were on the line in this contest, and Hardcore and Haas had every intent to win them. It wasn’t to be however, as Snitsky and Heidenreich kept Hardcore isolated for the whole match, with Haas unable to get in the ring once. Snitsky and Heidenreich hit a spike piledriver on Hardcore, and Snitsky stared Haas down as Heidenreich got the three.


    4th Match: KOTR Quarter Final: Abyss vs. Edge. Abyss was the clear underdog in the match, but an outsider watching in would never know that. Edge tried to use his speed to overcome his massive opponent, but the beast thwarted every attempt. Abyss looked to end the match, whipping Edge against the ropes setting him up for the black hole slam, but Edge flipped out, came back off the ropes and hit a spear on the big man. 1…2…kick out! Edge pounded the matt in frustration, and crouched in the corner, looking for another spear, when Eddie grabbed his foot! Edge yelled at Guerrero who had seemingly came out of nowhere, and turned around and ran at Abyss, who grabbed Edge and hit him with the black hole slam! 1…2…3! Abyss roared in triumph, and Edge ran out of the ring after Guerrero.


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

    Carlito vs. Paul London

    Abyss vs. Edge

    Kidman vs. CM Punk

    Shawn Michaels was shown in a taped segment with JR, and he explained how, for the second time in as many months, Angle had left him unable to show up to RAW, however, it was worse this time, and that unfortunately he would have to take a few weeks off this time, and he would get his revenge on Angle once and for all when he got back…Summerslam…Iron Man.


    Theodore Long is shown backstage with a contract in his hand, and he addresses the crowd “This in my hand playas, is the contract for Smackdown’s King of the Ring main event, John Cena vs. Raven. Now I am fully aware of an annoying habit that Raven has, and that is having Kidman come out and win the match for him. Well that isn’t going to happen. At KOTR these two will face off, in a steel cage match, holla!”


    5th Match: KOTR Quarter Final: Rob Van Dam vs. Eddie Guerrero. It was unclear if this match was going to go ahead, as Edge ran out and assaulted Guerrero before the bell even rung! Teddy Long soon appeared on the scene, and addressed Edge, telling him that if he interfered in this match again, he would be suspended!

    The match eventually got underway, and unsurprisingly, RVD had the advantage throughout. Hitting a split legged moonsault for 1…2…kickout. RVD bounced right back up, and went for a frog splash, only for Guerrero to get his knees up! Guerrero got a second wind, and went up top, nailing a frog splash of his own for 1…2…3!


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

    Carlito vs. Paul London

    Abyss vs. Edge

    Kidman vs. CM Punk

    Overall Rating: 76%

    TV Rating: 5.37


    WWE Smackdown!

    Teddy Long is backstage and he welcomes us to Smackdown, before announcing a John Cena vs. JBL title match for later in the night. “Holla Holla Holla!”

    1st Match: KOTR Qualifier: Carlito Caribbean Cool vs. Funaki. Carlito grabbed the mic at the start of the match, and told the crowd how It was “Not cool” that he had to face Funaki, and then later, defend his United States Title against “The Toothless Wolverine” Chris Benoit.

    Carlito and Funaki brought the best out of each other in this contest. Carlito had the most offence, however he was struggling to keep Funaki down. Funaki thought he had the match won after a Tornado Reverse DDT off the top rope, Carlito managed to get the shoulder up at 2 and a half, but Funaki did not realise this, and started to celebrate his win on the turnbuckle. Carlito took full advantage of this, and positioned himself between Funaki and the turnbuckle, grabbed his legs, and drove him onto the floor with a stiff powerbomb, picking up the three, and an advance into the next round.


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

    Rob Van Dam vs. John Heidenreich

    Carlito vs. Funaki

    Paul London vs. Akio

    Abyss vs. Gene Snitsky

    Edge vs. Hardcore Holly

    Kidman vs. ?

    ? vs. Orlando Jordan

    2nd Match: Orlando Jordan vs. ?. As Smackdown! Came back from commercials, JBL’s chief of staff Orlando Jordan was in the ring, awaiting the arrival of his surprise opponent.

    Miseria Cantare by AFI hits the speakers, and the crowd erupt as none other than CM Punk enters the arena, clad in a leather jacket similar to what Bret Hart wore, and full-length navy blue tights.

    Orlando was overwhelmed by the technicality of Punks attacks. He seemed to have a counter for every move Orlando attempted on him. The frustration soon built up, and when the referee was out of position, Punk got a nice field goal kicked right inbetween his legs. Jordan made the cover, 1…2…kickout. Jordan picked Punk up, and hit him with a suplex, and another cover, 1…2…kickout again. When Punk rose to his feet, he ducked a clothesline, and hit Jordan with a Fishermans Suplex for the 1…2…3!


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

    Rob Van Dam vs. John Heidenreich

    Carlito vs. Funaki

    Paul London vs. Akio

    Abyss vs. Gene Snitsky

    Edge vs. Hardcore Holly

    Kidman vs. ?

    CM Punk vs. Orlando Jordan

    Eddie Guerrero was backstage with Todd Grisham. Todd enquire as to why Edge interfered in his title match at Judgement Day.

    “I don’t know homes, you could say that it was because I left him alone in the tag match, but Edge isn’t a kid, he’s a grown man esse, he knew I’d got a title match to conserve my strength for, I even told him he could have a shot once I’d won. I don’t know what it was Todd…but I do know one thing, Edge is a dead man esse, he cost Latino Heat the title, and I wont stand for that, I’ve been told Edge isn’t here this week, but you can bet that next week, he will be, and that’s when Eddie Guerrero will strike.”

    Eddie left Todd looking scared.


    3rd Match: KOTR Qualifier: Kidman vs. ?. Kidman was well aware of the fact that the other KOTR participants who had not known their opponents had lost, and he was determined not to succumb in the qualifiers.

    The same latin riff that had greeted him at Judgement Day came through the P.A. and Kidman ran out to the aisle to meet the incoming Psychosis. The two brawled relentlessly in the aisle, as the referees struggled to try and get the contest into the ring. Psychosis busted Kidman open on the guard rails, and made his way to the ring as Kidman slouched and held his face in agony.

    Once the action got started in the ring, it didn’t leave it again, but the action was intense as it was on PPV. Not a minute passed between competitors flying off the top rope. There was one worrying part when Kidman connected with a bit too much impact on a missile dropkick. A cold thud echoed throughout the arena as Kidmans feet seemed to connect perfectly with the face of Psychosis, and he collapsed on the floor, seemingly out cold. Kidman climbed up top and ended the match there with his Shooting Star Press.


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

    Rob Van Dam vs. John Heidenreich

    Carlito vs. Funaki

    Paul London vs. Akio

    Abyss vs. Gene Snitsky

    Edge vs. Hardcore Holly

    Kidman vs. Psychosis

    CM Punk vs. Orlando Jordan

    “One of A Kind” started, and the crowd rose to welcome RVD to the show…only he didn’t arrive. The crowd fell into silence as the music stopped. There was a slight pop when a few seconds later RVD stumbled through the curtain, but that pop turned into heat as Mark Jindrak, Luther Reigns, and Kurt Angle followed him! Jindrak and Reigns set RVD up for a double powerbomb as Angle yelled insults at him. His back connected with the ramp and Angle addressed the crowd “Michaels, your next!” before the trio went backstage with smirks on their faces.


    4th Match: Carlito Carribean Cool vs. Chris Benoit. Carlito was still visibly worn out from his earlier encounter with Funaki, and his poor physical state wasn’t helped when Benoit started to work on the legs of Carlito making it even harder for him to move at full speed. Benoit connected with his three germans on Carlito, and went up top for a bit of Air Canada. However, much to the crowd’s surprise, Carlito managed to avoid this manoeuvre, and he even beat Benoit to his feet! Carlito grabbed Benoit, and hit him with the same stiff powerbomb he’d won the title and the King Of The Ring qualifier with, 1…2…kickout! Carlito shook his head, stared down at a hurt Benoit, and under his breath muttered “Thas not cool” Carlito went outside, and brought his title into the ring, preparing to hit Benoit with it, however when the ref tried to grab it, Carlito dropped the belt onto the canvas. He was soon flying through the air though, as Benoit hit an over head belly to belly, 1…2…kickout. Benoit whipped Carlito hard into the turnbuckle, where he fell over his title belt. When Benoit came over, he was hit in the groin by the title belt, and the referee disqualified Carlito, who rolled out the ring and promptly ran out of the ring, leaving Benoit in agony.


    The camera quickly cuts away from the ring, and to backstage where Angle is beating on Shawn Michaels. Angle hits Michaels with a stiff chair shot, and then an overhead belly to belly onto the concrete, before dragging him to the stage. Angle grabs the mic he dropped earlier in the night and speaks “You people all seem to love Shawn, why? He’s not an Olympic gold medallist!” Kurt kicked Shawn in the ribs and he rolled towards the edge of the ramp. “He didn’t help the WWE overcome the invasion!” he kicked Shawn closer to the edge. “He does however, deserve this!” Angle picked Shawn up and hit the Angle slam right off the stage, and Michaels crashed onto the cold floor, back of the head first. Kurt sprung up and let out a “Wooooo” then turned around to attack Michaels some more. He stopped, and the look on his face was one of horror as he failed to see Michaels. Kurt gulped, and looked off the stage, and grabbed his head in shock as he saw that he’d accidentally threw Michaels off the stage. A cold smile crept across his face, and he left the arena, not saying a word.


    5th Match: WWE Championship: John Cena vs. John Bradshaw Layfield. Cena and Bradshaw showed their hate for each other in this match, throwing the textbook out of the window and doing anything in their power to hurt the other man.

    JBL got the upper hand, and after hitting a Fall Away slam, he hit a vicious Clothesline from hell on the champion, however the impact sent Cena rolling out of the ring. When JBL followed him to the outside, a hand grabbed his leg from under the ring and pulled him under! Cena got to his feet, and rolled into the ring to break the count, before going outside to look for JBL under the ring. What he did not see was Raven come out from under the opposite side of the ring with a baseball bat, and run round behind Cena, before nailing him with a hard shot over the head, which knocked Cena out cold. The referee had no choice but to throw the match out, leaving Raven with a sadistic smile on his face.


    Overall Rating: 78%

    TV Rating: 5.79

  4. Ima gunner go and see them again at rock city for the second time in a year in january (Y) awesomeness.

    Question for those of you whove seen them before, did they play enemy? Cus when i went to see them back in feb, they were like promoting the new album and everything...but they didnt play enemy. it confuzzles me.

  5. Yeah so, technically im a bassist, and have been for the last 4 years, so i like to think im pretty good, i got offered a spot in a band playing rhythm guitar, and never being one too turn down a chance to play in a band, i took it.

    So im doing fine and all, but i really want to learn some solos, yet i can never seem to get them to sound right. Is there a special trick (in terms of picking and pressing down notes) or is it jsut a case of getting really fast?

    Also, can anyone reccomend some easier solos for me to learn, just make sure they are actual solos, as opposed to say the solo in seven nation army, which is basically the same riff moved up with an effect on.

    Any help/advice?

  6. WWE Smackdown!

    1st Match: KOTR Qualifier: Akio vs?. Akio made his entrance in this first round match up, unaware of his opponent. Teddy Long came out, and told Akio to take it easy on his opponent, as he had just come back from a nasty injury. Paul London’s music hit, Akio looked on in horror as London dashed towards the ring.

    London ducked Akio’s clothesline attempt on his entry and hit back with a dropkick. The match wasn’t very long, as Akio was caught by a hurricanranna from the top, and London followed that up with a 450 splash, for the victory, and advancement to the next round.


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

    Big Show vs. John Heidenreich

    Carlito vs. Funaki

    Paul London vs. Akio

    Abyss vs. Gene Snitsky

    Edge vs. Hardcore Holly

    Kidman vs. ?

    ? vs. Orlando Jordan

    Kurt Angle is in the ring, and he calls out Rob Van Dam. After RVD had arrived, he went to speak, but RVD began to question him about the events of Judgement Day.

    “What was that dude? I mean, I wasnt done, Shawn wasn’t done, and quite frankly you shouldn’t of been done either. One measly kick can keep an Olympic hero down? Whatever. RVD’s disappointed in you Kurt. I’m the whole damn show, and you, you’re a loser.”

    Kurt took the mike, and went to reply, but he chose to assault Van Dam instead, nailing him in the face with the mic. Kurt spat at RVD, and applied the Ankle Lock. RVD screamed in pain and tapped out frantically. Kurt let ago after a minute or so, gave the crowd a whooo, and went to the back.


    2nd Match: KOTR Qualifier: Abyss vs. Gene Snitsky. These two partners faced off in what promised to be a brutal King of The Ring qualifier. Both men wanted to advance, and as a result, neither held back from hurting their partner. Snitsky had control for most of the match, but when he went for the finish with a Pumphandle Slam, Abyss slid behind, pushed Snitsky to the ropes, and hit the Black Hole Slam for the victory.


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

    Big Show vs. John Heidenreich

    Carlito vs. Funaki

    Paul London vs. Akio

    Abyss vs. Gene Snitsky

    Edge vs. Hardcore Holly

    Kidman vs. ?

    ? vs. Orlando Jordan

    Teddy Long is back in his office, and tells us how pleased he is with Smackdown so far. Teddy tells us that there’s going to be a great main event tonight. We will bear witness to a number one contenders match with a difference, JBL vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Raven vs…John Cena! The winner will get a title match at SummerSlam, however, if Cena wins, then he will face whoever he pins in a non title match at the PPV.


    3rd Match: KOTR Qualifier: Big Show vs. John Heidenreich. Heidenreich was already in the ring when Teddy Long came out and informed us that, unfortunately, Big Show was unable to compete due to the injuries he sustained at Judgement Day, and he should be back after King of The Ring. However, Heidenreich still has an opponent, none other than…Rob Van Dam!

    RVD’s speed was too much for Heidenreich, and even though he put up a brave fight, RVD always had his number. A split legged moonsault almost had the monster beat, but Heidenreich just got out of it. RVD managed to struggle over to the turnbuckle after that, and came off with the frog splash for the win.

    Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

    Rob Van Dam vs. John Heidenreich

    Carlito vs. Funaki

    Paul London vs. Akio

    Abyss vs. Gene Snitsky

    Edge vs. Hardcore Holly

    Kidman vs. ?

    ? vs. Orlando Jordan

    4th Match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle. These two technical experts faced off in a battle of arguably the best wrestlers in the WWE at the moment. The winner would get a U.S. title shot the next week on Smackdown! Both men wore each other out, with their arsenal of suplexes and submissions. The end however, did have to come, and it came when Angle went for a superplex, only for Benoit to reverse it on the way down into a crossface, Angle held on for a while, but had no choice but to tap.


    5th Match: KOTR Qualifier: Edge vs. Hardcore Holly. Edge had recovered from his injuries, and was seemingly 100% when he got in the ring with Hardcore. Hardcore soon exposed Edge’s weaknesses. It looked like Holly was going to get the upset when he hit Edge with a piledriver, and seemingly knocked Edge out. Holly got the cover, 1…2…kick out. Holly picked him up for the Alabamaslam, but Edge slipped through, held on to the tights, and got an illegal win over the Mobile Alabama native.


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

    Rob Van Dam vs. John Heidenreich

    Carlito vs. Funaki

    Paul London vs. Akio

    Abyss vs.Gene Snitsky

    Edge vs. Hardcore Holly

    Kidman vs. ?

    ? vs. Orlando Jordan

    6th Match: Number One Contender: John Cena vs. Raven vs. John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Shawn Michaels. Unsurprisingly, everyone made a charge for the champion as soon as the bell rung. Bradshaw soon went after Raven though, looking for revenge after the pay per view, leaving Michaels and Cena to battle.

    Raven disposed off Bradshaw with a Raven effect through the announcer’s table, then sat and watched as Michaels and Cena tore into each other. Michaels hit the Sweet Chin Music on Cena, and crawled over for the cover, only for Raven to rush in and hit the Raven Effect on Michaels. Raven covered Cena, but Cena managed to get the shoulder up at 2. Raven, frustrated, lifted Cena up off the canvas, and drilled him with a Raven Effect, 1…2…3! Raven had beat the champion, and would face him again at King Of The Ring for the title!


    Overall Rating: 75%

    TV Rating: 5.37

  7. Anyone want to tell me why i cant do teh interrupt stolen taunt challenge and throw ten people out of the rumble?

    I've done both of them, the first one using two humans, the second as me against computer, both on normal difficulty, but to no avail.

    And yes with the rumble one it was the same character who eliminated all ten.

    EDIT: Just done the taunt one.

  8. The easiest way to win the Buried Alive match is to do the casket finisher (I've had choke slam and powerbomb so far, anyone else seen a different version yet?), as then there's no chance for the computer to stop the lid coming down - i'm so glad they added that, as it was taking 25+ minutes to win the match, as the computer blocked the lid about 100 times in a row :crying:

  9. "But we're better than all the rest..."

    Sorry, but I fail to see this yet.

    The diary has some good potential, but a lot of it is far too random for a WWE diary, you need to keep to a similar WWE style, but also need to try and bring in new concepts and styles without going over old ground.

    Theres a few things, like Sapp just coming into WWE. I admit I have him in my WWE Diary also, but I could never see Sapp coming into WWE full time, he's just far too over in Japan to leave it all behind. The way I came to my a semi-realistic idea out of it was to have him on an open contract, and have him still working Japan more than WWE, keeping him as a Special Attraction in my WWE, much like The Undertaker.

    Also, why on earth was Frank Kazarian just launched into the main event without no real connection to the storylines? Seems a bit odd, its usually nice to make some type of bridge, or at least a pre-build up for a reason they could be put into the match itself.

    I think this could be good if you grasped a bit more of WWE "realism" in the diary.

  10. Note that this show, along with all shows prior to Summerslam in this diary were written before we lost a legend in this business, Eddie Guerrero.

    WWE Smackdown Presents: Judgement Day 2005

    1st Match: United States Title: Orlando Jordan vs. Carlito Carribean Cool. Orlando faced Carlito to open the show, with this being Orlando’s first ppv title defence. Orlando and Carlito squared off, and Carlito took a bite out of his apple. Jordan anticipated what was coming next and hit Carlito with a right hand, and whipped him into the far turnbuckle, and went to follow it up with a clothesline, only for Carlito to run out of the way, and out of the ring for a breather. The fans booed Carlito, and the boo’s got louder as Carlito told them that it wasn’t cool to boo him. Orlando had enough of Carlito’s running around and went outside after him.

    The two exchanged blows on the outside, and Jordan got the upper hand, sending Carlito against the railings with an irish whip, before following it up with a clothesline, crushing Carlito against the barrier. Jordan climbed back in the ring, hoping for a count out victory, but it never came. Carlito was standing on the apron when Jordan ran at him, but Carlito pulled the ropes down and Jordan went flying to the outside. Carlito took advantage of this, and hit a knee drop off the apron to the neck of Jordan on the concrete below. This shot took a lot out of Jordan, and he gasped for breath. Carlito rolled Jordan back into the ring with a huge smile on his face.

    Carlito set Jordan up in the corner, and sat him on top of the turnbuckles, before climbing up and hitting a top rope fall away slam on the champion. Carlito slowly made his way over to Jordan, and made the cover. 1…2...kickout! Carlito rolled off his opponent and stared at the sky for inspiration. He lifted Jordan up by his hair, only to find himself being whipped to the ropes, Jordan went for a Hurricanrana, but was powerbombed straight into the canvas, and pinned 1…2…3! Carlito had won the United States title!


    2nd Match: WWE Tag Team Championship: Poetic Accident vs. Reigns and Jindrak vs. The Bashams vs. Hardcore Holly and Charlie Haas. Similar to the battle royal from this weeks edition of Smackdown, this match was elimination.

    Hardcore and Luther Reigns started this contest off, with Reigns throwing Holly to the ground with a gorilla press slam. Hardcore got straight up however, and slapped Reigns right across the face, before hitting a press slam of his own to the outside! This brought Jindrak into the ring, and as the referee struggled to get him back to his corner, Reigns ran into a Black Hole Slam from Abyss on the outside! Abyss rolled Reigns back into the ring, and Holly went for the cover, 1…2…3! Reigns and Jindrak have been eliminated.

    Hardcore made the tag to Charlie Haas, and Heidenreich stepped into the ring to fight. Heidenreich viciously whipped Haas into the turnbuckles, and such was the force of the impact, that he rebounded back into a spinebuster. Heidenreich roared with approval and tagged Doug Basham in, who had his ribs bandaged from his flight from the top rope two weeks ago at the hands of Holly. Doug was dying for revenge, and he got it on Haas. First he nearly smashed the canvas with a helicopter powerbomb, and then he went for the snake eyes on Haas, but dropped his neck right across the top rope, and then stomped on his neck for good measure, before tagging Danny in.

    Danny hit a rib breaker on a beaten Haas, and went for the pin 1…2..and Danny picked Haas’ shoulders up from the mat! Danny picked Charlie up over his head in a gorilla press position, and signalled to Doug to climb up top. Doug did so, and came off with an axe handle, only for Charlie to drop down, and the axe handle connected with Danny’s head. The referee dragged Doug back to his corner, and Haas began the long crawl back towards Hardcore. Charlie made the tag as soon as the referee turned around. And Hardcore ran in, first knocking Doug off the apron, and then hitting the Falcon Arrow on Danny. 1…2..kick out! Hardcore was clearly frustrated, and he picked Danny up and went for an Alabamaslam, only for Danny to roll through, 1…2..kick out! Hardcore ran against the ropes, looking for a clothesline, only for his face to be met by the boot of Danny Basham. Danny himself went against the ropes, and the boot of Snitsky met the back of his head. As both men lay motionless on the floor, Abyss distracted the referee, allowing Heidenreich and Snitsky to come in, Heidenreich hit a Shoulderbreaker on Danny, whilst Snitsky hit a Pumphandle slam on Doug. The tag champs then got back on the apron, and waited as the referee counted. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…Hardcore got up onto his knees…8…9…Danny just managed to get up, but he instantly got caught in an Alabamaslam, 1…2…3.

    There wasn’t much left of either Hardcore or Charlie, and as Snitsky went to the outside to further injure Haas’ throat by dropping it across the steel barricade, Heidenreich went to attack Holly, but was hit with a Falcon Arrow…1…2…Heidenreich just managed the shoulder up, but Holly thought otherwise, as he stood up with his arms in the air, Heidenreich grabbed him from behind with his partners finisher, the Pumphandle Slam, and made the cover…1…2…3! The tag champs had retained! Snitsky, Abyss and Heidenreich left the ring together, smiling at their conquest.


    3rd Match: Cruiserweight Title: Billy Kidman vs.?. Kidman made his way out, frustrated that he was seconds away from his match, and he still did not know who he was facing. Some latin dance music came out of the P.A, system, and none other than Psychosis made his way down to the ring! Kidman kicked the bottom rope with anger and yelled in annoyance.

    The match got under way, and Psychosis was the first person in months to have a clear cut advantage over Kidman, scoring with a monkey flip in the corner, and then coming off the ropes with a headscissors, which sent Kidman to the outside. Psychosis followed it up with a corkscrew plancha, which Kidman avoided, and left Psychosis in a crumpled heap on the floor. Kidman picked Psychosis up, and whipped him into the ring post, and then climbed the apron, and came off with a hurracanrana. Kidman backed off from Psychosis, who was lying a few feet away from the Spanish announce table. Kidman started sprinting, and he jumped onto the announce table, before coming off with a Senton bomb, which battered both competitors bodies. The referee let the match go, as a new champion needed to be crowned, and so instead of counting the competitors out, he helped them back into the ring.

    Kidman was first up, and he springboard dropkicked Psychosis in the ribs from the second rope, before picking him up and placing him in the turnbuckle. Kidman ran at Psychosis, and went for a splash, but Psychosis put his hands out against Kidmans chest, and using Kidmans momentum against him, sent him flying over the turnbuckle to the outside. Psychosis climbed the top rope, and came landed Kidmans own Shooting Star Press on the outside!

    The referee didn’t help the competitors this time, and left them to fight on the outside. Psychosis snap suplexed Kidman onto the mats, and climbed onto the apron, going for a springboard moonsault, which connected…right with Kidmans knees. Kidman slowly got up, and dragged his opponent into the ring with him. He went for a powerbomb on Psychosis, but Psychosis dropped Kidman backwards, and went for a powerbomb of his own, but Kidman hit a facebuster on the way down, 1…2…kick out! Kidman punched the mat with frustration, but didn’t take his eye off the goal, and he sprung up to the top rope, and hit a Shooting Star Press! 1…2…kick out! Kidman yelled at the referee, but moved out of the way of a Psychosis dropkick, which subsequently connected with the ref. The elimination of a referee brought Raven out from under the ring! He grabbed Psychosis from behind, and hit the Raven Effect before running backstage. Kidman revived the referee and covered Psychosis for the 1…2…kick out! Kidman went crazy, and went up top for another Shooting Star Press, but this time Psychosis got his knees up and got a cover of his own 1…2…no! Psychosis, climbed on to the top rope, and once Kidman was up came off with a tornado DDT for the 1…2..kick out! Psychosis slammed Kidman and went up top for the ??? 1…2…Kidman kicked out! Psychosis also got annoyed with the referee, and as soon as he turned his back, Kidman rolled him up 1…2…Psychosis rolled through with a cover of his own, 1…2…kick out! Both men stood up and faced each other, exhausted, Kidman swiftly kicked Psychosis in between the legs, and scored with a face buster 1…2…no! Kidman went up top for another Shooting Star Press, but again was met with knees! As Kidman lay gasping for breath on the canvas, Psychosis went to pick him up, but was cradled 1…2…3! Kidman was the new cruiserweight champion!


    4th Match: Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam. These three had been at each other throats since Wrestlemania, and in Angle and Michaels case, since the Rumble.

    Michaels was double teamed in the early going, with Angle and RVD taking it in turns to knock him down. Angle went to finish the match early with an Angle Slam, but Shawn slipped out and pushed Angle into Van Dam, which caused them two to square off as Michaels attempted to catch his breath in the corner. Before Angle could lay a finger on RVD though, they realise that Shawn was resting, and Angle ran at him, causing HBK to roll out of the ring. As Angle was yelling abuse at Shawn, RVD dropkicked him into the ropes, and as he rebounded, rolled him up for 1…2, a two count. Shawn slid back in the ring, and he and RVD took care of Angle, whipping him against the ropes, and then both connecting with spinning wheel kicks to the head of Angle. Shawn bodyslammed the Olympic gold medallist, and RVD came off the ropes with a rolling thunder, only to be rolled up from behind by Michaels, 1…2...kick out!

    RVD and Shawn traded blows, and wound up with Shawn clotheslining Rob and himself to the outside. RVD hit a fishermans suplex on Shawn, and as he lay there, he was crushed by Angle who came over the top rope with a vaulting splash. Angle caught his breath, and picked Shawn up, once again going for an Angle Slam, but once again Michaels slipped out, and pushed Angle face first into the ring post. Shawn picked RVD up, and hit him with a fishermans suplex of his own. Michaels climbed the apron, and went for an elbow, but RVD rolled out of the way. Angle used this chance to finally nail Shawn with an Angle Slam. RVD rolled the unconscious Michaels onto the Spanish announce table, and as Angle held Shawn down came off the top with a Five Star Frog Splash through the table! The table screamed along with Michaels and RVD, as Kurt surveyed the damage.

    Kurt dragged a barely moving RVD into the ring, and hit the Angle Slam on him! He made the cover, 1…2…kick out! Angle picked RVD up, but was caught in the gut by one of RVD’s swift kicks. RVD went for another one, but Kurt grabbed the Ankle and applied the Ankle Lock! RVD was yelping in pain, and Kurt let out a loud “Wooooooooooo” confident of his own ability, RVD nearly grabbed the ropes, but Kurt dragged him back into the middle of the ring. RVD put his arm up to tap SUPERKICK! Shawn Michaels had come from out of nowhere and nailed Angle with the Sweet Chin Music, right on the jaw. He collapsed on top of his rival, 1…2…3! Michaels had done it! Michaels had gotten revenge for Wrestlemania.


    5th Match: Edge vs. Chris Benoit. Many doubted whether Edge would turn up for his match with Benoit after the events of Thursday night. Benoit calmly strode out to the ring, and waited to see if his match was going to take place. “You Think You Know Me” Alter Bridge’s Metalingus roared out of the P.A., and Edge came out to greet the fans, admittedly with a bit less enthusiasm than usual, and it was clear to see why, as he had a long row of stitches over his head from the beating he received Thursday.

    Benoit applauded his opponent’s commitment, and the two locked up. Benoit took Edge down with a headlock, and held him there for a few seconds, before rolling behind and slamming Edge’s knee against the mat. Edge slowly got up, but was knocked back down again by a viscous chop. Benoit looked down at his opponent, and dragged him back up, Benoit whipped him against the ropes, and was almost crushed by a spear! Edge had reached down and hit a huge spear out of nowhere! 1…2…kick out by Benoit. Edge lifted Benoit up and tried to hit the Edgecution,, but Benoit used his strength to flip Edge backwards into a northern lights suplex, 1…2…kick out again. Benoit picked Edge up and hit two German suplexes, but when going for the third, Edge slipped inbetween his legs, and hit a German of his own! Edge went for a second spear, but Benoit telegraphed it, and kicked Edge right in the face, opening the cuts from Smackdown! Benoit climbed up top, and hit his Headbutt for the three count. Benoit helped Edge up, he wasn’t 100%, and had tried his best, but at less than 100% he was no match for Benoit. Benoit went to shake Edge’s hand, but Edge shoved him off, and went back to the lockeroom, holding his head.


    6th Match: Raven vs. John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Big Show: Hardcore Match: Big Show and JBL entered first, and were unable to keep their hands off each other, and they started brawling as soon as they were both in the ring. Ravens music then hit, and he made his way out with his items from Smackdown. A screwdriver in one hand, a baseball bat in the other, and about two feet of barbed wire wrapped loosely around his neck.

    Raven ran walked slowly down, as the Big Show hit JBL across the chest with an open hand, and went under the ring for some “goodies” Big Show pulled out a reliable chair, and entered the ring with it. Bradshaw turned and ran, only to be met by the fist of Raven, which now had the barbed wire wrapped round it, lacerating the former 10 month champion. Big Show swung the chair at Ravens raised fist, and winced at the sound of steel pushing the barbs into Ravens hand. Raven screamed, and Big Show brought the chair down again, this time across the skull of Raven.

    Big Show turned around, and had his chair dented beyond use by JBL, who’d picked up Ravens bat. JBL went to hit Show again, but show caught the bat before any force could be put behind it. Show booted JBL in the gut, then literally snapped the bat over JBL’s head! Big Show tossed Bradshaw to the outside, and followed him menacingly. Big Show looked like he was going to Chokeslam JBL through the remaining table, when Raven came off the top rope with a screwdriver in his hand! The screwdriver made a horrible noise against Big Shows skull, and left him with a puncture mark on the back off his head that produced blood. Big Show, pushed JBL to the floor, and scored with a big boot to Ravens face. Big Show pulled the barbed wire from around Raven’s fist, not taking any precautions. He thought about wrapping the barbed wire around his own fist, but seemed to get a brighter idea. With JBL and Raven both out of commission, He grabbed the bat from the ring, and wrapped the wire around that! Big Show strode over to Raven, smiled a sick smile that you wouldn’t expect from the Big Show and he brought the barbed wire baseball bat down on Ravens forehead, before pulling it away, tearing out any stubs that were in Ravens flesh. Big Show smiled as he looked down on Raven, who was now a bloody mess. Show turned around, and was knocked off his feet by JBL with a clothesline from hell! JBL made the cover, 1…2…kick out. JBL picked up the bat, and brought it down wickedly on Big Shows stomach. Then again. Bradshaw only managed a two count. JBL attempted to pick Show up, and once he managed it, swung at him with the bat, but Big Show dodged, and chokeslammed JBL through the table! Raven was fiddling with the bat, when Big Show caught sight of him. And dragged him up by his hair, and then threw him into the ring. Big Show roared and went to Chokeslam Raven too, but Raven slipped behind onto Show’s back. The referee didn’t realise at first why Show was screaming so much, but then he saw it, Raven had one end of the barbed wire in each hand, and had wrapped it round Show’s throat! Blood was trickling down Shows neck, and once Show had collapsed onto his knees, Raven let go, and hit the Raven Effect for the 1…2…3!


    7th Match: WWE Title: John Cena vs. Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero had his first chance at the title since the June beforehand, and wasn’t about to give up easily in this contest. Guerrero dominated the early goings off the contest, working over Cena’s leg. And at one point used an innovative move where he sat Cena on top of the turnbuckle, and pushed him backwards so he was dangling out of the ring, with his legs hooked under the top rope. This is where Guerrero applied a leg grapevine, which left Cena screaming in pain. Guerrero had control of most of the match, and used his experience to outsmart his opponent on almost every occasion.

    Things were looking grim for Cena when Guerrero went for the three amigos. He got one in, but Cena reversed one into a suplex of his own, and when Eddie was getting back up, hit a throw back. Cena set Guerrero up for an F-U, but Eddie struggled out, and this time managed to connect with his three amigos! Guerrero went up top for a Frog Splash, but saw Cena was already nearly up, so he waited, and came off with a hurracanrana! This gave Eddie a 1…2…a two count. Eddie picked Cena up, and hit an F-U of his own, before climbing up for another attempt at the Frog Splash. As Guerrero was setting himself up, Edge appeared and pulled on the ropes, causing Eddie to slip and crotch himself. Cena took full advantage of this, climbed onto the second rope, and hit with a second rope F-U for 1…2…3!

    Edge had cost his friend the WWE Title, but why?


    Overall Rating: 78%

    Buy Rate: 1.89

  11. I've done buried alive, elimination chamber. Doing a royal rumble now with my bro.

    The controls are taking some getting used to. I can't believe you have to use the D-pad in this game. I thought all games were analog nowadays.


    The new way of doing rumbles SUCKS. You have to knock them over the rope. Then grapple with them whilst they're on the apron and tap furiously to knock them out. It'd be good if this was one of the ways to get people out, but it's the ONLY way.

  12. WWE Smackdown!

    1st Match: Billy Kidman vs. Carlito Carribean Cool. Kidman was on a mean streak, and showed no signs of relenting. Carlito was in the middle of his pre-match “your not cool” speech, when Kidman slapped the mic out of Carlito’s hand and nailed him with a dropkick. Carlito soon recovered however, and whipped Kidman against the ropes, catching him with a spinebuster on the way back. Carlito picked Kidman up over his head, as if setting him up for a powerbomb, only for Kidman to roll forward in a sunset flip, and grab Carlito’s pants for the quick count. Kidman rolled out of the ring with a grin on his face as Carlito told the referee “Thas not cool” before spitting his apple into his face.


    A cameraman is running towards the sounds of arguing backstage. The camera focuses on Edge throwing his briefcase across the corridor at Guerrero “What was that about last week Guerrero? We were partners! You left me to tap!” Guerrero was trying to run away from Edge, “Calm down esse!” Edge ran at Guerrero and tackled him to the ground, but he was instantly thrown off by security. “Your dead Eddie!” Edge yelled as he was dragged away. Eddie got up, brushed himself down, and muttered under his breath “sonofabitch”


    2nd Match: KOTR Qualifier: Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas. Eddie was still visibly shaken from the attack he’d just suffered, but still managed to bring his A game to this match. The former member of a The Worlds Greatest Tag Team put up a brave fight, but he never managed to gain much advantage in the match. Charlie showed an incredible amount of resilience however, kicking out of the first Frog Splash, only to be put away by the second.


    Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

    Big Show vs. John Heidenreich

    Carlito vs. Funaki

    ? vs. Akio

    Abyss vs. Gene Snitsky

    Edge vs. Hardcore Holly

    Kidman vs. ?

    ? vs. Orlando Jordan

    3rd Match: Gene Snitsky vs. Mark Jindrak vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Danny Basham. Each tag team involved in the title match at Judgement Day put one member into this elimination match. Danny Basham wasn’t in the match long, attacked by Snitsky, Heidenreich and Abyss before he could even get in the ring. This caused referee Charles Robinson to send Abyss and Heidenreich backstage, although it was too late for Danny. Snitsky got him in the ring and hit the Pumphandle Slam for 3 as Jindrak and Holly faught in the corner.

    Holly worked over Jindrak with a series of chops, and Snitsky charged at Holly. Holly moved out of the way and Snitsky’s huge boot connected with the face of Jindrak, and Hardcore hit Snitsky with a dropkick as he recoiled from the impact. Jindrak was still a little woozy, and Hardcore ducked his clothesline and hit him with an Alabamaslam! Holly rolled ontop of Jindrak and picked up the win.

    Snitsky grabbed Holly by the leg and swung him around, before letting go and sending him rolling out of the ring. Gene followed Hardcore to the outside, and whipped him into the steps, only to have Hardcore reverse it. Holly then dropkicked Snitsky in the face, causing the back of his head to smash against the steps again. Holly rolled Gene back into the ring, and locked in the Full Nelson and picked up the submission victory, as Snitsky had been knocked out cold by the dropkick.


    Shawn was backstage with Josh Matthews. “To be honest with you Josh, I’m disappointed with Robbie V, I thought we were pals you know, but, obviously Rob had other ideas, and its boiled down to a triple threat this Sunday. While we’re on the subject of this Sunday, I heard Kurts comments last week. I’m whining am I? I think challenging you to a rematch after being brutalised back stage is hardly whining, I’m the showstopper, and we’ll find out why, Sunday, Judgement Day.”


    4th Match: Raven vs. Rob Van Dam. Both superstars had been an integral part of ECW over the years, and they faced off once again on this episode of Smackdown. Ravens rough, hard hitting style prevented RVD from utilising his martial arts skills, and this worked in Ravens favour, and he controlled the early goings.

    This all changed however when Raven sent RVD outside, and went for a suplex on the Spanish announcers table. RVD reversed this, and sent Raven off the table and to the concrete below with a suplex of his own. RVD taunted to the crowd, and rolled Raven onto the table. RVD went up top, looking for a Frog Splash through the table! Raven rolled off at the last possible second, and RVD crashed through the table. Raven crawled back into the ring, and won by countout.

    After the match, Angle came running down, and Angle slammed RVD through the other announce table, and smiled sadistically over RVD’s broken body, as Smackdown went to commercials.


    As we come back just before the main event, we see that during the break, Edge was found unconscious on the floor by his opponent at Judgement Day, Chris Benoit. Benoit called for help, and then tried to revive Edge.


    5th Match: John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Big Show. Before the bell rang, Ravens music hit and he came walking down to ringside carrying a wooden crate under his arm. Cole and Tazz questioned Raven all the way through this slobberknocker, about the items inside the box, and all Raven would tell them is that it was full of treats for this Sundays match. Big Show was put away on the ten minute mark by a vicious clothesline, but before he could have his hand raised in victory Raven had smashed the crate over JBl’s head, revealing the contents; Some barbed wire, a screwdriver, and a baseball bat.


    Overall Rating: 76%

    TV Rating: 6.04

    Judgement Day Card

    WWE Championship Match - John Cena vs. Eddie Guerrero

    Hardcore Match - Raven vs. JBL vs. Big Show

    Edge vs. Chris Benoit

    Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

    Cruiserweight Title - Billy Kidman vs. ?

    Tag Team Battle Royal - Poetic Accident vs. Hardcore Holly and Charlie Haas vs. The Bashams vs. Reigns and Jindrak

    U.S. Title - Orlando Jordan vs. Carlito
  13. IMO No Mercy is terrible now, but back in the day it was easily the best game out there, and no wrestling game since has had that impact on release...for saying that, always found Wrestlemania 2000 better...i mean, you could create a Gay title and give it to the rock! (not that i did that...)

    Im not liking this though. I'v got to leave for college in exactly one hour, and i wish the postman would hurry the fuck up with my game so i can play it before college. To make things worse, a chicks coming round after college til about 8, so i wont be able to play on it then either. :angry:

    and to tarheels...i imagine that would be easily enough.

  14. Apologies about lateness of last smackdown...not that anyone noticed <_<

    WWE Smackdown!

    1st Match: The Bashams vs. Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly. With just 10 days until four teams squared off in one ring for the WWE tag team titles, two of them squared off, with the winners gaining an undeniable psychological advantage.

    Haas started off against Danny, using his quickness to pace the match and control Danny in the opening minutes. Haas’ luck soon changed however as he went up top for a cross body, only to be caught by Danny, and hit with a monstrous Powerslam. The two Bashams worked over Haas, using their power to beat down and isolate him, frustrating Hardcore in the process. Hardcore had had enough when the Bashams set Charlie up for a spike piledriver, and he ran in and clotheslined Danny, before throwing Doug off the top to the outside! The referee dragged Hardcore back to his corner, but this gave Haas the necessary time to recover and make a tag. Hardcore ran in, and cleaned house, hitting an Alabama Slam on Danny, whilst the referee checked on an injured Doug on the outside. Before Hardcore could get the referees attention however, Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns appeared from nowhere and hit a double powerbomb on Holly, before getting the refs attention, allowing Danny to roll over, and pick up the victory.

    Jindrak and Reigns then picked Danny up, and gave him a double powerbomb, before leaving the ring smiling.


    2nd Match: Abyss vs. John Bradshaw Layfield. Upset with the way the 6 man tag match ended the week before, JBL had arranged this match with GM Teddy Long, in an attempt to gain some revenge on Abyss, and show him just why he was a wrestling god.

    JBL had clearly underestimated his opponent, and he struggled to keep the big newcomer down, even after a series of powerslams and spinebusters. The frustration became too much for JBL, and he shoved the referee, and got into an argument with him over the speed of his counts. This was all Abyss needed to get the upperhand, and he nearly destroyed JBL with high impact slams, from a simple body slam, to a powerbomb off the top rope. Abyss showed his inexperience when, instead of going for the pin, he picked JBL up and sent him to the ropes in an attempt to set up a black hole slam, only for JBL to come back and nail Abyss with the clothesline for the victory.

    JBL didn’t have any time to celebrate however, as he was greeted by the Big Show who hit a huge Chokeslam on the stage, creating a vicious thud that echoed throughout the arena. EMT’s attended to Layfield, as the Big Show made his exit.


    Kurt Angle is backstage with Josh Matthews, and is asked what he thinks his chances are at Judgement Day

    “Well Josh, these past few weeks have been ridiculous, it’s bad enough that I’ve had to put up with Shawn Michaels pissing and moaning over Wrestlemania, I’m a former WWE champion, I don’t deserve that sort of childish behaviour in my life, but to make things even worse, that idiot RVD is incapable of realising that Shawn was his friend, so now I’ve got to put up with that too, it’s just not fair Josh. Nonetheless, in just 10 days time, I’m going to Judgement Day, and I’m going to show the world how worthless those two are, wooo! Judgement Day, Angles going over, then he’s going after his title, its true, its damn true!”


    3rd Match: Billy Kidman vs. Nunzio. The number one contender for the cruserweight title faced the former ECW superstar in what was a warm up match for Kidman. Just as with all the matches he’s participated in lately Kidman dominated, using his quickness and varied move set to bamboozle his opponent. After a powerbomb into a facebuster, Kidman went up top and hit his Shooting Star Press for the win.

    The lights then dimmed, as Raven entered the ring with what looked like wire, and he wrapped it round Nunzio’s neck until he passed out, before hitting the Raven Effect to add insult to injury. The two outcast superstars nodded at each other before leaving together.


    Josh Matthews is shown backstage, and is about to speak when he see’s Raven walking backstage, and he runs up to him.

    “Raven, what was the meaning of that vile attack?” Raven laughs, before commenting

    “That was nothing, nothing compared to what I’m going to do at Judgement Day. Now leave me alone.”

    Raven shoved Matthews to the ground, and left.


    4th Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Shawn Michaels. Michaels was reluctant to fight his former partner, as the only reason the match was assigned was because RVD thought Michaels had something against him.

    Michaels experience gave him the early advantage, with him working RVD’s head, firstly with a snapmare, then into a headlock. RVD got his feet on the ropes for leverage, and he flipped out of the headlock, and got a hurricanrana in on the Heartbreak Kid. The two went back and forth for another five minutes, before Michaels reversed a superplex, and went for his Showstopper elbow drop, only for RVD to roll out of the way, leaving both men down, side by side. As Nick Patrick counted the two men down, Angle came through the crowd, climbed the top rope, and hit a moonsault on his two rivals, causing the ref to throw the match out. Angle hit RVD with the Angle slam, and locked an Ankle Lock on Shawn, until the referees broke it up. Angle left the ring celebrating, with a clear advantage over his two opponents.


    Teddy Long was shown in his office. “I think its about time I let all my playas know what is going down concerning the King Of The Ring Tournament. The first match will take place next week on Smackdown, Eddie Guerrero will face Charlie Haas, and the brackets are as follows:

    Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

    Big Show vs. John Heidenreich

    Abyss vs. Gene Snitsky

    Edge vs. Hardcore Holly

    Paul London vs. Akio

    Kidman vs. ?

    ? vs. Orlando Jordan

    Carlito vs. Funaki

    5th Match: John Cena and Chris Benoit vs. Edge and Eddie Guerrero. Benoit started this contest off by challenging Edge to a match at Judgement Day. Edge wryly accepted the challenge, which gave Guerrero the chance to blindside Benoit and get things going.

    Benoit and Guerrero put on a chain-wrestling masterpiece for the fans, before Cena tagged in Cena. Cena had a stare down with his opponent for Judgement Day, and just when it looked like they would erupt into a brawl, Guerrero fell back and tagged Edge in. This caught the champ off guard, and allowed Edge to get the upperhand and dominate the champ. Edge nailed an Electric Chair Drop on Cena and went in the corner for the spear. Cena saw the spear at the latest possible moment, but managed to move out of the way, and Edge collided with the turnbuckle. The fans got behind Cena as he struggled to reach Benoit for the tag. Just when it looked like Edge would recover first, Cena made the tag. Edge charged at Benoit and went for the clothesline, only for it to be reversed into a crippler crossface! Instead of running in to break it up though, Guerrero just left the arena as Edge tapped, giving the face team the victory.


    Overall Rating: 79%

    TV Rating: 5.66

  15. Ok so i preordered the new smackdown off here today for 28.98 (paid for first class delivery) and just for the people that have pre ordered games off it before, when do you usually get the game?

    My mum pre ordered the last harry potter book from the same site, but i can't remember how long it took...any help would be appreciated, and yes i do realise it can vary with out awkward postal service, i just want to know what its been like in your experience.

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