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Everything posted by HailtotheYo

  1. Cotton Bowl is no different .... Sugar isn't any either ... It goes back to the 'old' days of college ball with "major" bowl games in the biggest "regions" of college football ....
  2. heh that's classic ........ I've got a pic with another classic old school shirt like that if you want it .........
  3. meh, couldn't really get the effect I was going for ....
  4. just playing with some text effects and stuff ..
  5. Adu is now with RSL. Intersting move to say the least. http://web.mlsnet.com/news/mls_news.jsp?ym...s&fext=.jsp The media darling is now in media hell.
  6. I do understand the rule, I just don't understand how a system is supposed to be accepted as satisfactory when it does something like this. The BCS says it is more important to divide the money fairly rather than determine the title fairly. I don't agree with that message as being correct. I mean, the BCS already doesn't properly share consideration and actual fairness in allowing teams the chance to play for the national title so why do that in terms of the money ? The BCS is about money and NOT being a proper national title determination. Anyone, ANYONE who tries to justify it as any different is a moron. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. This system goes against itself in terms of fairness and equality. In order to believe it to be a good system, you have to do the same yourself. You can indirectly call me any name that you want. That's fine. You showed exactly what I'm talking about with that last statement. The season acts as a playoff does it not ? Ok then, Boise St and OSU SHOULD be the National Title game. You said yourself that the BCS is to determine the two best teams REGARDLESS of affiliation. Well, REGARDLESS of affiliation there are only two schools that didn't lose in the season long playoff. Is that not correct ? You even said it yourself. There are THREE teams that 'deserve' the shot this year. Even going through YOUR system (the BCS) should Florida win we won't have a TRUE national title because you feel that Michigan deserved it and not UF. But, you'r still on the stance that the BCS works. Every other school made their own decision to join a conference, why is it a crime for Notre Dame to choose not to? Because they choose a conference for EVERY OTHER SPORT except football. Money drives this decision and money alone. Every person with a functional brain KNOWS that ND would have 2-3 losses every year if they were in a conference, INCLUDING ND. They cop out. It's as simple as that. Besides, just look at their schedule. The played TWO teams in the 'top-tier' and got their asses handed to them. They played hell against a 'good' GT team and damn near lost to a mediocre UCLA team. Yeah, I'd want to stay out of a conference to if I could barely make my handpicked schedule work.
  7. See, even you can't say that determining who the best team is, is as simple as Black and White. That's what you're saying here though. We both know better than that. Conferences aside ? Then seriously, using it against or for someone can no longer be done. Sure, Michigan might play a better overall schedule thanks to their conference, but they didn't choose that, it's just their luck. I mean, it sure as fuck helped Michigan out that Central Michigan won their conference and went 9-4 but that did absolutely jack for CM. How the hell is that fair ? If it were cut and dry as you and the BCS try and make it, then there wouldn't be anyone raising so much as a finger at the results. Who says ? How about the 113 of the 117 other D-1 schools that are bound by a conference whether it is for good or bad. ND has preferential treatment and that is something even you can't argue. ND gets to schedule their opponents yearly. Yes, they do usually have pretty good schedules. They also aren't bound by the rules of a conference that makes them face two - four subpar teams per year. Every other school in the nation is. How is holding that against them ignorant. How is it ignnorant to call that out as an unfair advantage ? ND is one of only FOUR teams that have this ability. If I had the ability to choose to schedule 5 'top teir' teams each year, I'd sure as hell do it too if I had any chance at the national title each year. Every other damn school has to hope that this isn't a down year for half of the teams they face. Again, how is it ignorant to call out ND on this aspect ? And that is where trying to be Black and White destroys the BCS. This year I enter Wisconsin. 11-1, only loss is to number 3 Michigan. They didn't play OSU. Now, the BCS is regardless of affiliation YET they have the rule that only TWO teams from any conference can be in a BCS game. Interesting. They try to determine the National Title game by being cut and dry but turn right around and aren't so themselves. Interesting indeed. You now have a 10-2 LSU team, 11-2 Oklahoma team, 11-2 WF team, and a 10-2 USC team that are all in BCS games instead of Wisconsin. Now, Oklahoma/WF/USC are all in because they won their conference titles. LSU is in based on BCS standing. They didn't even win their DIVISION, let alone their conference. How is it that they are in ? Yes, they beat Arkansas, but Arkansas beat the team that beat them, and they both lost to Florida. Arkansas has ten wins and finished ahead of LSU in conference. LSU in in the BCS and Arkansas isn't. Hhmmmmm, weird. Of course, you still have Wisconsin there with one loss waving hello to everyone. If the BCS is supposed to put the best teams into this thing regardless, then that kind of makes everything in the season moot. Why have conferences at all ? They and their standings obviously don't matter. That's a two way argument there. You just said that the conference title games are needed for the bigger conferences, but they aren't an embodiment of the teams that play in them. Yet, you have love for the two big conferences that don't have a title game even though their schools can't play each other all the time. The conference title game fixes the remedy for the Wisconsin problem. In a divided conference, they are either with Michigan, or OSU. Their heads up loss to Michigan puts them behind both UM and OSU in a divided conference system. In the linear one as the Big 10 has, it has them in the ? scenario instead. They didn't get to play OSU this year, so we have the triangle at the top. Had they played OSU this year, things would be cut and dry (or perhaps not if they'd beaten them). In the SEC, BIG 12, and ACC the two top teams in the conference played each other. I'd say that embodies the teams in the game. Only GT got the raw deal this year, as in a linear system they win the conference hands down, but they had to play the title game and lost instead. They lost to two BCS conference bowl eligible teams. Not exacly substandard. This is where it gets black and white again for the BCS. It's supposed to be regardless of conference correct ? Ok, BYU went 10-2 against their schedule, period. That puts them on par with all other BCS teams save OSU and Michigan. How do you justify them not being their ? By conference schedule and on down the line. You know, the things that are supposed to be thrown out right ? Forget that they beat 10-2 TCU (who beat TTech, a bowl game BCS conference school). See, now to argue against that you're going to have to go back into schedule and conference. That's pretty much my point. To exclude many of these teams you have to use factors that you say don't matter, or that you disregard. Not with the BCS around. One loss means shit. If you wan't to do that, then Boise St/OSU should be the title game. They're the only teams that didn't lose, and didn't knock themselves out of the hunt. Your beloved BCS system won't allow the season to be a playoff because once again, it ISN'T black/white as much as it tries to be. Losses early in the year aren't as devistating as losses late in the year. Hell, losses don't even matter most of the time. If the BCS worked like this then Auburn would have been a no brainer right ? Michigan was going to benefit from playing OSU. The only reason Michigan playes OSU ? CONFERENCE. But wait, they damn near benefited from something that isn't supposed to matter ..... perhaps THAT explains some of the votes shifting. I'm not saying this strictly for the sake of doing so. Yes, it can be argued. Boise St, Louisville, OSU, Michigan, Wis. There were FIVE teams with no or one loss. THOSE FIVE teams deserved a shot at the title if you want to be honest. Louisville is a BCS CONFERENCE CHAMPION, but that doesn't carry as much weight as being SECOND in a different BCS conference ? WTF ? Explain that one to me without getting into the conference mattering .... and you'd better have something more than who they lost too. Wisconsin has an argument because of the triangle of death that occurs when not all the teams play each other. See, that's the black and white view that I'm talking about. I proposed this on the intent of giving EVERY school in the nation an EQUAL shot at the national title when the season begins. That's the way it is in EVERY SINGLE OTHER SPORT. Why is it that it only matters in college football ? No one has a problem with the Super Bowl Champion, World Series Champion, College Basketball Champion, NHL Champion .... and on down the line. Why ? Because the fact is settled on the playing surface, which it ISN'T in college football. It's a reward for teams that did what EVERY team is supposed to do at the beginning of the year. Each team gets a shedule, each team plays it. At the end of the year, those that did the best in their conference and best overall should get the chance to move on. You want to argue that conferences shouldn't matter, that's fine. Fact is though, that that's how the CFB landscape is divided. That in itself is a punishment for some schools, and reward for others ... that's not fair. I find it funny that even though I've included EVERY BCS BOWL TEAM this year, and only added to it the BCS 'bubble' teams and conference champions, that I've proposed something so horrid. I hear the same cries that BCS schools let out each time a Tulan/Marshall/Boise St/Louisville goes undefeated. 'OH SHIT' there ARE really good teams EVERYWHERE. We're not having a 'team of the decade' title game, we're having a 2006 National Title game. You want to know who the best is ? Give ALL the teams in question a shot to prove it. The is one big significant difference, the current bowl structure rewards teams of 6 wins or more in bowls against other teams that match-up to them (normally), and has one premier game that is between two schools that have earned their right for the National Championship. It rewards medicore schools by just letting them make a bowl game, and your structure rewards these teams with a shot at the national championship. That's the only time the BCS truly works. Oddly enough, the ONLY way to have that, is to have two and only two teams that rise above the rest. We didn't need the BCS to show us that. The BCS did NOTHING in either of those situations. That's just it though, as it's already been pointed out. The schedule DOESN'T act as a playoff. Michigan NEVER had the shot of dropping below the 2nd BCS spot if they lost to OSU. The only reason they did, is because UF finished the rest of their schedule off. The actual loss to OSU did NOTHING to hurt Michigan. And again, I point to the fact that there are THREE one loss teams this year ... all of whom have some way of arguing that they should be considered. In a perfect world, the title would be determined by play on the field and nothing more. Only a select few SHOULD be rewarded. You're going to sit here and tell me that you HONESTLY feel that 6-6 and 7-5 teams that finished anywhere from 3rd to 7th in their conference DESERVE anything ? Wow, THAT is worse than me putting ONE shitty team into my playoff. Which would that be ? The tradition of the 17 bowl games that weren't around before 1990 ? Damn, I'm sorry about that. The changing economic drive of college football and need for a better way to crown a National Champion killed college football buddy, not me. I long for the days of having the Cotton, Sugar, Orange, Fiesta, and Rose hall potentially hosting the National Title game. I'd love to still have it go into the bowl season not knowing who would emerge as the title holder. I didn't change that, it was already done. I'm just making an attempt at proposing something that is fair and equal to every single party involved. I've maintained the tradition of the 14 oldest bowl games. That's more than I can say for the BCS. And Hugar, every game DOESN'T matter. That's the problem. Saying it does is incorrect. If it did, then OSU and Boise St would be the title game. Every game matters right ? Well, those two are the only teams that won every single one of theirs. But now the argument renews .... if it were merely as simple as winning and losing, then this thing would be much clearer wouldn't it ?
  8. I'd ask you to come up with a better solution, but we both know that you won't because for whatever reason you brain numbingly follow the absolute sham that is the BCS. This BCS system that allows TWO non-conference winners and a team that doesn't even play in a conference to be showcased on the 'highest' of stages and regarded as the best of the best DESPITE the fact that there are TWO ten win conference champions outside of the 'cooperating schools.' I'd ask you to come up with a better solution but you will say that the BCS works when it CLEARLY does not. Rather than accept that there are teams that are as good as the second and third place teams in "major" conferences out there, you will sit and tell me that they don't matter because they don't play certain schools. That's what sucks here. Rewarding mediocrity ? Try the current bowl games, not my playoff. I have ONE team and ONE team only that doesn't have 9 or more wins in my playoff. The current bowl structure and post-season has 33 teams with 8 wins or less, including multiple 6-6 teams. Who's the one rewarding mediocrity here ?
  9. A ) The bowl scene is so oversatured it makes the WWE product look thin. B ) After the cuts of all the other schools in the conference there will be roughly 1/4 - 2/3 of the bowl teams that make NO money, or LOSE money by going to a bowl this year. It happens every year. C ) Division winners aren't CONFERENCE winners. D ) The midlevel teams are trading MEANINGLESS bowl games for an actual shot at the national title. In this playoff every team in the nation has the exact same chance of winning the national title no matter their conference. You think midlevel teams would rather be guaranteed a shot in the national title playoffs after a 9-4 conference title year, or the MPC Computers bowl ?
  10. I love the move ... I sure as HELL wouldn't want to follow Price/Shula at Alabama ... the program is a mess .... It takes someone special (see Butch Davis) to take a program in the state that 'Bama is in now and make it right. I applaud RR for staying at WV other coaching news: BC got gutted as O'Brien leaves for NC State. This could work nicely, as Amato got people to believe in the football program. He's got some things to work with and has proven to be a damn good coach. I like it. Randy Shannen is in at Miami. Interesting choice, and surprised that they didn't go with a 'name.' I truly think that this is a better decision, as a former player (one from the glory years at that) is likely to take more pride in building the program back to respectability, not just try to win games at the U. It probably won't work because the 'right' people are usually not given enough time to make things work. Hopefully he is.
  11. All right, I used my NCAA 07 and simmed this bad boy. Here's what happened. (1)Ohio State vs (16)Mid Ten St (Liberty Bowl - Memphis Tennessee) 49-21 The Liberty Bowl was rocking as the Blue Raiders took the opening kickoff 98 yds for a score, and then returned an interception 78 yds for a score and a 14-0 lead. They kept the momentum as they were only down 28-21 heading to the fourth. OSU took over from there with 21 points to seal the deal. Most notable, was Tressel's team again playing to the level of their competition accompanied with the spirited effort of MTSU. POG was Pittman with 32 - 205 and 3 TD's. (2)Florida vs (15)Central Michigan (Gator Bowl - Jacksonville Florida) 36-7 No contest with Florida outgaining the Chips 433 - 124. The MAC Champs were never in it and didn't help themselves with 3 turnovers. Leak was POG going 26/35 with 3 TDS and 1 INT. (3)Lousville vs (14)Houston (Chick-fil-A Bowl - Atlanta Georgia) 37-33 A highly entertaining game was expected, and the offenses didn't disappoint. This one was much like the Loui/WV game earlier in the year. Both Brohm and Kolb looked great, and the defenses did everything they could to try and cover somebody. Surprisingly it was Louisville's defense that held off two drives in the 4th after taking the lead with 12 minutes left to play. POG was split between Urrutia who had 171 yds rec and 2 scores, and Nate Harris who had 12 tackles/forced 2 fumbles/had final drive killing interception. (4)USC vs (13)BYU (Holiday Bowl - San Diego California) 37-23 BYU showed why it won 10 games this year, and USC showed why it has regained the dynasty. Going into the 4th tied, USC scored twice in 2 minutes to put the game away. Stat of the game was the enormous yardage differential with USC winning 531 - 155. BYU used great special teams play and capatilized on USC's two turnovers to stay in the game. POG was Booty going 17/25 with 312 yds and 3 TD's. (5)Boise St vs (12)Wake Forest (Insight Bowl - Phoenix Arizona) 35-10 Easily the most anticipated match of the first round in terms of fun turned into a statement by Boise State. 14 quick points in the first quarter was all they'd need, but only the start as they tooke a 28-3 halftime lead. Getting sacked six times and committing three turnovers doomed Wake's chances. POG was Zabransky as he threw 22/34 for 328 yds and 4 TD's. (6)Michigan vs (11)Notre Dame (Capital One Bowl - Orlando Florida) 26-17 A much different game this time around, but the same outcome. Michigan scored fifteen less points, but only allowed ND their original 17. The Irish were up 17-13 going into the fourth but couldn't hold on. 3 INT's doomed Quinn and the Irish as two of them came in the 4th. POG was Michigan's secondary for picking off Quinn 3 times. (7)LSU vs (10)Oklahoma (Independence Bowl - Shreveport Louisiana) 23-42 By far the biggest eyebrow raiser in the first round. LSU gave up 42 points and 581 yds. A 21 point thrid quarter handed Oklahoma the game. Paul Thompson was impressive with 309 yds and 3 TD's, but it was Allen Patrick stealing the show with 269 yds on the ground and 3 TD's to get him POG honors. (8)Wisconsin vs (9)Auburn (Cotton Bowl - Dallas Texas) 28-34 A very close game was decided with just 4 seconds as Irons dove over the goal line to give Auburn the win. Surprisingly offensive game with Auburn getting the yards advantage 404 - 353. POG honors went to Irons as he was 28 - 169 and the winning TD. Stocco played well also with 243 pass yards and 3 TDS. So, six of the top eight teams made it to the second round, and Auburn getting the win over Wisconsin wasn't that much of an upset if at all. The lowest seed left is the tenth seeded Big 12 champion ... not exactly a sham of a team. Only two true blowouts despite a feeling of certain teams not belonging and all that jazz. Entertaining and fun I'd say. Certainly brought about some intriguing games and had a great mix of traditional/non-traditional games. The usage of the 'big four' bowl games is directly determined by who's left. Right, on to the second round. (1)Ohio State vs (9)Auburn (Sugar Bowl) 42-21 Dead even at the half, OSU takes control with a 14 point third quarter. Time of possesion was key with OSU holding the ball and sustaining drives, not giving Auburn the chance to answer. POG was Pittman again as he rushed for 167 yds on 27 carries and scored 2 TD's. Also key, was OSU's run defense which only surrendered 87 yds on the ground. (2)Florida vs (10)Oklahoma (Orange Bowl) 34-21 This one was dead even at 21 at the half thanks to UF getting 21 in the second quarter. Seperation was in the third as UF opened the second half with a kick return for a touchdown, and momentum they never lost. OU committed four turnovers that literally cost them the game, as they were unable to get anything going in the second half. POG was Dallas Baker who had 9 catches for 150 yds and 2 TD's. (3)Louisville vs (6)Michigan (Outback Bowl) 35-17 Probably not expected. A solid win by Louisville. The game was in their control the entire time. They jumped out 14 points and never looked back. Michigan tried to play cath up, which they aren't too good at. The Louisville D stepped up huge only allowing 243 total yds. POG was Brohm who was uber effecient in 16/20 passing for 251 yds and 4 TD's. (4)USC vs (5)Boise State (Rose Bowl) 42-31 A first half shootout calmed in the third only to see 28 points in the fourth quarter. Boise was keeping pace until Zabransky threw two interceptions that directly led to USC scores. That provided the cushion in the game. POG went to Dwayne Jarrett who had 7 catches for 121 yds and 2 TD's. The second round once again followed suit. Many would have predictd Michigan to at least make the final four, but not so. The Cardinals prove they are worthy of their ranking. The best overall game was USC/Boise, as the Broncos showed they belong at least in the conversations about top teir programs. So, we head to the semi-finals with the top four rated teams comprising the field. Wow, who knew ? Here we go. (1)OSU vs (4)USC (Fiesta Bowl) 28-21 In the battle of the best overall teams of the last five years, it was an interception return with 3:11 left on the clock that gave OSU the win. The Buckeyes controlled the yardage and the clock, but made two mistakes that led directly to points for USC. The Buckeye defense turned the Trojans one dimensional by only allowing 71 yds on the ground. Coincidentally, they made their statement on the ground by rushing for 271 yds. POG was Pittman again as he rushed 30 times for 221 yds and 2 TD's. (2)Florida vs (3)Louisville (Sun Bowl) 42-29 This one was expected to be explosive and it was. After a 7-6 first quarter, Louisville ran off 21 in the second, only to see UF outscore them 20-7 in the third. Hoping to get the ball back and one last shot at a score to tie the game, UF punted with 4:41 remaining. Louisville though returned the punt and sealed the game. While solid in his performance (17/30 253 - 3 TD's), Brohm also threw 2 INT's. It was Kolby Smith that took POG with 25 carries for 186 yds and 2 TDS's. We now have our final two teams. Not surprising in their appearence is OSU. Even through a playoff, they have shown to be the best team and worthy of a National Title game slot. A slight surprise in their opponent, but not too huge. Many have felt for a few years now that Louisville can play with anyone in the country, and right now they're proving it. Let's see how the National Title game goes. (1)OSU vs (3)Louisville (National Title Game) First Quarter 21-0 OSU Early on Louisville tried to pressure Troy Smith. It seemed to work as he was flustered and couldn't find anyone open. Then he remembered he had feet, and scampered 47 yds for a score. A fumble and two minutes later, Smith found Ginn streaking down the sideline for a 51 yd touchdown pass. The game appeared to be ugly, and out of hand as Louisville struggled to do anything on offense. With five left in the quarter, Smith threw his second touchdown pass to Gonzalez from 29 yds out. Louisville looked completely overwhelmed. Second Quarter 24-14 OSU The Cardinal D finally woke up and the pressure finally got to Troy Smith. The speed of Louisville's linebackers was finally able to reign him in, and the athleticism of their corners didn't allow anymore streaking WR's. Kolby Smith found the endzone with eight minutes left in the half, and a 65 yd fumble return put them within seven. Just before half OSU looked to find the endzone again, but a monumental goaline stand forced a 25 yd field goal. Third Quarter 31-21 OSU The momentum of the second quarter rolled over for Louisville's D. The two teams trades scores but Louisville squandered a chance for three by going for a fourth down. For the first time in the game though, Louisville looked comfortable and confidant. They quit dropping passes, and they didn't allow a play longer than 7 yds in the quarter. Both teams had long drives that stalled deep in their opponents territory. Fourth Quarter 38-38 The last period started out good for the Cardinals as Kolby Smith found the endzone to cap a long time consuming drive. He cut the deficit to three with only eight minutes left in the game. Just a few minutes later Louisville's continued pressure paid off as they took an interception back 56 yds for a score and their first lead of the game. Ohio State responded quickly as Pittman rolled off a 62 yd scoring run only two mintues after Louisville took the lead. Down by three and starting to stall with their title hopes on the line, Louisville went for it on fourth down and got the yardage for not only the first down, but for field goal range. With 1:45 left on the clock, the tied it up. OVERTIME Louisville won the toss and went on D. On third and twenty, Smith threw an interception. It only took Louisville two plays. Kolby Smith added another TD and Louisville won the title. FINAL - 44-28 LOUISVILLE Now that was fun.
  12. Time ? on weekdays before the NFL playoffs ? Dude, the entire month of December is compromised of the bowl season. All this tournament is doing, is replacing the bowl season. There would be four weeks of games ... a month, just like the current bowl season. And no, I don't think the lower conferences are on par with the bigger one as a whole. I do however feel that conference champions should be awarded accordingly. Why is that a bad thing ? You can take the smugness somewhere else. As for the basketball argument .... you can't blame football for being the sport that it is. By saying that a conference champions deserve to be in the NCAA tourney even with its 16-17 record, just because it played 30+ games is just dumb. That's the way basketball is. There is a 25+ game season. College football has an 11 - 13 game regular season. You can't compare the number of games played between sports when the sports themselves aren't equal. If that were the case then I would start arguing that basketball has to have the post-season conference tournies because the regular season is a sham. Florida State just beat Florida, but when it's all said and done that one loss is going to mean shit all because they'll play 30 games. How is that fair when one loss in football literally all but douses your National Title hopes ? Fact is, in every other sport conference/division champions get a shot at their respective sport championships. College Football should be no different.
  13. Honestly, King's best work is his NON-Horrer stuff.
  14. A - the didn't win their conferences B - the inclusion of the current BCS formula is to determine the "best" non-conference winners, and in this case those schools aren't ranked high enough Now, if you take a look at things, Houston/BYU have 10 wins but aren't ranked/barely ranked. They won their conference and the others didn't. That's what seperates them. Now on to Central Michigan. They are a 9 win team, but a conference champion. Ooching them in based on conference champion merit isn't exactly a stretch now is it ? Mid Ten St is the only REAL stretch in receiving benefits here. They also get OSU in the first round. Their scenario is the same as any 7-5 team that eeks into a bowl in the way things are now. Hey, congrats on your season and shitty conference championship .... now go play in the craptacularsponsored.com/sucksass bowl. What's the difference really ? The controversy created is no different than that created by the NCAA Basketball tourney. There are a handful of teams with shitty records and no real track record for the season, but they get in. Why ? They're conference champs. People bitch about which BUBBLE teams get in, not why a conference champion got in over an "obviously" better team. Why is it that in EVERY OTHER SPORT that division/conference winners get to advance controversy free, but in this case it isn't fair ? Sorry folks, but it is NCAA Football that has it wrong, not every other sport. So, in the case of West Virginia/VT/Rutgers/TCU ... argue them against ND/Mich/Wis/LSU/Auburn .... not a team that DID IT'S JOB and won its conference. Edit 1 - As far as too many games to play ... hogwash. It is easily applicable for a team to play a 16 game schedule in college. Already there are teams that have reached the 14 game mark several times, and 13 is the norm for teams with a conference title game. Stretching it by at the most 2 isn't a stretch at all. Edit 2 - thanks CD ... much appreciated. If only those that make the difference in this matter could hear the logic rather than see the $$$$$ .
  15. Here's how I see that a playoff could work. Just one scenario. I'd love to see something like this instead of the BCS mess we seem to get more often than not. Besides, what does playing one game after a 30 to 50 day layoff prove anyway ? At this rate, we'll be clamoring for the way college football used to be. Of course, the funny thing in all of it, is that at the end of the day .... the same thing ends up deciding who's playing for the National Title in both the old, and the BCS scenarios. But, on to the show. The concept of the BCS is sound. It can be implemented in this playoff deal as well, and I shall do that. The human polls have their say as well, but that's more for seeding at the end of the year. Now, first things first. No more conference title games. The season ends at the last full weekend of November. A 12 game limit is put on schedules. To determine the field for the playoffs we FIRST go to conference champions. It is only fair that EVERY school and EVERY conference has EQUAL chance at the national title, so each conference champion is in. Now we go to the BCS. To round out the field we will take the top 5 non conference champion BCS rated schools. In the case of the independent, they must be in the top 16 of the BCS rankings to be included (as there are 16 teams in this playoff). Seeding shall be done according to BOTH human poll and BCS rankings. The only exception to this, is that a non conference champion cannot be seeded higher than a conference champion IF the conference champion is in the top 8 of the BCS (or the top half of the playoff field). So, this year the rankings would be as follows. 1.Ohio State (1 human - 1 BCS - Big Ten Champ) 2. Florida (2 human - 2 BCS - SEC Champ) 3. Louisville (5 human - 6 BCS - Big East Champ) 4. USC (8 human - 5 BCS - Pac 10 Champ) 5. Boise State (9 human - 8 BCS - Wac Champion 6. Michigan (3 human - 3 BCS - Big Ten runner up) 7. LSU (4 human - 4 BCS - SEC West runner up) 8. Wisconsin (6 human - 7 BCS - Big 10 runner up) 9. Auburn (10 human - 9 BCS - SEC East runner up) 10. Oklahoma (7 human - 10 BCS - Big 12 Champ) 11. Notre Dame (11 human - 11 BCS - Indepenent) 12. Wake Forest (15 human - 14 BCS - ACC Champ) 13. BYU (19 human - NR BCS - Mountain West Champ) 14. Houston (NR human - NR BCS - Conf USA Champ) 15. Central Michigan (NR human - NR BCS - MAC Champ) 16. Mid Ten St (NR human - NR BCS - Sun Belt Champ) Ok, so now we've got some teams, so we need to match them up. Well, obviously it would be done just as any other tournament with seedings. 1 plays 16 and etc on down the line. BUT, what about the bowl games ? Easy. The bowl game market is more saturated beyond all repair at this point anyway, so doing away with 2 dozen GaylordFurnitureGallery.com bowls won't be a bad thing. In my scenario, I just took the 15 longest running bowl games and there you go. I went with longevity, history ... all that stuff. So, where do the play ? Easy, I borrow the D III footbal strategy (and logic) and try as humanly possible to match the first round matches with a geographically sound bowl. The higher seeded team obviously being home and getting the geographical nudge. Our first round would be: Ohio State vs Mid Ten St (Liberty Bowl - Memphis Tennessee) Florida vs Central Michigan (Gator Bowl - Jacksonville Florida) Lousville vs Houston (Chick-fil-A Bowl - Atlanta Georgia) USC vs BYU (Holiday Bowl - San Diego California) Boise St vs Wake Forest (Insight Bowl - Phoenix Arizona) Michigan vs Notre Dame (Capital One Bowl - Orlando Florida) LSU vs Oklahoma (Independence Bowl - Shreveport Louisiana) Wisconsin vs Auburn (Cotton Bowl - Dallas Texas) Now, I know that because of some of the pairings, the geographical placements suck. All in all though, it evens out. Interesting things to note about the first round: - Ohio State essentially plays a road game in Tennessee, but it is the BEST geographical placement for them - Michigan gets their rematch ..... against Notre Dame, now why is it that on the other foot, the shoe don't fit ? Irony is amazing so I gave them a slight break in sending them to Florida in hopes of nice weather - Wisconsin gets hosed worst of all, but the use of the Cotton Bowl here is the best I could give them - Boise St still ends up getting their annual 'home' bowl game - We get great traditional pairings like LSU/Oklahoma, Wisconsin/Auburn, and USC/BYU - The only apparent clear cut winners are the top two rated teams ... as it should be .... right ? As far as the rest of the playoff goes, the seedings will remain to determine the pairings. We still have the Outback Bowl, Sun Bowl, and of course the big four. The use of the big four would only make sense in a rotating system of having two years on, two years off in hosting the semi-finals. They already rotate the National Title game as of now, so what's the difference really ? After it is all said and done, we have a TRUE BCS National Title Game ...... and no one can bitch about the winner. But what if it ends up being a team with 2 or more losses ? That doesn't matter. They EARNED it on the field. In this scenario, each team in the playoff field earned the right to be there by either winning their conference, or by being ranked high enough in the BCS by jockeying for position ...... um, you know .... which is exactly how it's done now.
  16. D'oh, got it now ........ I'll be messing with this tonight, thanks again Doc !
  17. when I open the pic, its to small to read ............
  18. please elaborate mr. dochappy ........ please
  19. I completely agree with the man that has Amy Reid in his signature .................................................. yummy.
  20. Thank you GOD. We all know why I WISHED that Michigan wouldn't get a rematch, but let me do it in a different manner. Before anyone says anything about me just jumping on Florida, I point them back in this thread where I asked the question if there was a better one loss team in the nation than Florida. Who did they beat ? Florida - TWO ten win teams (Arkansas/LSU) and nine win Tennessee. Their preseason schedule was 27th in the nation and the final winning percentage of their opponents ? -> .643 ....... highest in the nation. Non conference schedule includes So. Miss, a team that played for its conference title. FSU, UCF (trash) and West Car (minus points). Mixed bag there, but with FSU and So. Miss, two credible non conference games. Florida only played one conference game against an opponent that didn't have a winning record. Florida had the extra game. Michigan - They beat 11 win Wisconsin (highly underrated team) and ND (overrated team). The rest of their schedule looked good in pre-season, but proved to not be so hot. They do get the added bonus of Cent Mich winning the MAC Title. They also get the knock for having to do everything they possibly could not to lose to Ball St. Michigan played three. Michigan's opponents were second toughest overall in the nation. Common opponent - Vandy. Neither played well against Vandy. 20-7 for Mich and 25-19 for UF. Mich seperates with 2:00 left in the third, and a touchdown with 2:00 left in the game gives Vandy a shot at Florida. So, this really tells us shit. They both lost to a team with ten wins. *Others* Florida is 21st with 410 ypg Michigan is 33rd with 384 ypg (Florida had the tougher schedule) Florida passed for 3091 yds and rushed for 2084 Michigan passed for 2229 and rushed for 2270 Michigan is 1st in rushing defense Florida is 6th (neither allow more than 80 per game) Florida is 6th in scoring defense Michigan is 8th (neither allow more than 15 per game) Michigan is 6th in total defense Florida is 10th There are other things that factor in, but looking at the numbers in conjunction with the opponents, I say Florida IS better than Michigan. And yes, I've thought that before.
  21. I sit here with GSN on in the background, and all of a sudden I'm seeing the greatest thing ever. Bobby Heenan, The Mountie, Scary Sherrie, Jerry Saggs, and Jimmy Hart are a team on Family Feud ..... against a team of guys from the WBF. Dear God this is amazing !
  22. Rancid Milk JellyFingers Hoof-Hearted Cool-Arrows Jason and the Seven Dwarfs loves Snow White and the Argonauts Conjuction Junction I'm Just a Bill Green Back Bills with Pictures of Presidents The ATHF Quartet there's so many more ............
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