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Posts posted by thatshortguy

  1. If I'm Golden State, my eyes and ears just perked up.  San Antonio without their main superstar just made a statement against what was some fans' sexy pick for the West.

    With Duncan and Robinson, it used to be that the Spurs picked up steam during the second half of the season.  Now, it's the playoffs.  The West Finals are shaping up to be marquee tele.

  2. If you're running Gilgamesh, then by all means make dem War Carts are hunt dem Barbs like they're stranger things.  Otherwise, they just annoy me to no end.  Skews every Civ towards war regardless of their strengths.  Damn non-Mongolian Mongolians.

  3. The Civics tree really helps you streamline into what type of victory you're seeking - for better or worse.

    I'd argue to start with either America (war, baby!) or Egypt (commerce, Silvia!) and go from there.  Oh...turn off barbarians.

  4. Houston has lost Nene for the playoffs.  Not exactly a killshot, but the guy's been valuable this year.

    Look, I'm not saying I want to keep the Warriors and Cavs out of the finals, I'm just saying Rockets/Spurs vs. Celtics/Wizards would be pretty damn fun.

  5. 3 hours ago, Meacon said:

    I've not seen the contract details yet, but if we can get even just 75% of the old Jamal Charles, I'm 110% on board.

    Seems the same as AP.  1 yr./$3 mil.  Agreed with the idea that even at 75%, it's a good pickup.  Did they keep C.J. Anderson?  Seems the two could make a pretty good combo while not letting either good too over-worked.

  6. When I was growing up, I told my Mom that the saddest song I ever heard was the ending theme for Mystery Science Theater 3000.  She asked me why and I said 'it's because there's not any more MST3k to watch."

    That is still true.  When the last episode finished, I was immensely sad and yet incredibly proud of what they accomplished.  Even if this was the final hurrah, I'm exhaustively thankful to have seen their work.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Ms. Canadian Destroyer said:

    So I picked up Trey Mancini and it's a bit odd that he's only eligible to play UTIL. 

    Is that just a Yahoo thing? I've never seen that in any other league before.

    Yeah, it's usually used for players that are exclusively DH.  I think it came into prominence when David Ortiz and Alex Rodriguez shifted to DH roles as opposed to 1B or 3B.

  8. 19 hours ago, Broken Cloudy said:

    Last season pitchers had to have a minimum of 15 IP combined for our pitching to count, but I don't see that requirement listed at the bottom of the page this year. Is there a minimum IP that has to be reached again or no?

    That should still be the same as last year.  Yahoo may have removed the mentioning during a redesign.

  9. It is not a good time to be a catcher on my team.  In the span of three days:

    -Buster Posey takes a fastball to the head.
    -His replacement, Geovany Soto, busts up his elbow.

    If someone has a hit out for Lucroy or Jason Castro, just let me know now, k?

    Oh, and feel free to bitch about the league here.  Ain' nobody got time to clean up the draft thread.

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