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Big Red Fury

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Everything posted by Big Red Fury

  1. I need me some Miguel in the prem.
  2. 10 on 10 because Valente is down after running into the Brick Wall of Rio.
  3. Maybe after today, Ronaldo actually will go to Real.
  4. He stepped on Carvalho's groin?
  5. Crouch for Joe Cole, ugh that sucks.
  6. The Weekly Standard has no credibility whatsoever. It is conservative trash at it's finest, the Fox News of magazines.
  7. Terry's made more mistakes in the last four games than he probably has in the past year and a half. :blink:
  8. I'm going to be in tears laughing if you guys still lose to either team.
  9. So I had Juninho on my fantasy roster, he didn't see time either of the first two games and I replaced him. Obviously the next logical step is to have him score today, the bastard.
  10. Yep, Poll's done and Kewell's goal shouldn't have counted but, c'est la vie.
  11. Oh my God what a fucking save by Pletikosa.
  12. I don't rate Ghana's chances against Brazil with them missing Essien. Also it was nice to see that Ghana is just like every other African nation, with players who go down and roll around for about five minutes after a light breeze makes contact with them.
  14. Not just Campbell and Hargreaves, there was Terry and Robinson too, but of course you'd only focus on the first two.
  15. I just recently stumbled across my own little hidden gem. His name is Hamdi Salihi and he is a striker from KF Tirana. Got him for 1.3 million pounds(2.5 million US) and he scored 27 league goals for me the first season I had him for FC Dallas.
  16. Italy already has enough conspiracy theory on their plate, don't they?
  17. For the sake of being objective, the refs today had an all-around nightmare, it wasn't just one-sided towards the US.
  18. HAHAHA this ref wasn't allowed to be in the last World Cup because of "irregularities".
  19. Well then you can see where we are coming from...and great now down to 9. This ref is a fucking idiot.
  20. Let's say Gerrard or Lampard make that tackle, is it a yellow or a red? And let's be realisitic about your responses here...
  21. I really have a tough time with the being a red card, though I suppose I can see where you could argue that it was. In the EPL or Serie A that's a yellow at best, and if that was an English player this collective board would be shitting bricks at that call.
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