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Big Red Fury

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Everything posted by Big Red Fury

  1. I've got to come to the defense of Miguel. From my viewpoint, and I rewound it a few times to see if he infact dove, it looked like just as he got rid of the ball his left leg planted in the ground and he kept going forward. Looked to me as if he tweaked his knee then, so I've got to say I don't think he purposely dove, many other Portuguese players did throughout the game, but for me it looked like him falling was as a result of the tweak.
  2. As much as I don't like Italy, those two goals were very nice and realistically Lehman had no chance at either. I have a feeling the Cup is Italy's to lose now, and how ridiculous is it that they've yet to allow a legit goal throughout the tournament?
  3. What Would Jesus Do? yielded Jesus Dson Jesus H. Christ yielded Chreca Peres and old school Franklin_1 yielded Frankleca
  4. As Erik I got Bengtsao with a tilde thing over the a. As Gunner which was the name I should have been(damn parents who chose Erik in favor of Gunner) Bengtsson (Actually looks Swedish which is what I am.) Both number 9.
  5. Not on my behalf. I'm all for Germany rocking the homeland hardcore with a Cup win.
  6. Yea Ronaldo to Madrid I think. Perhaps it's easier when you're not in the heat of battle, but if a bunch of people are being jackasses and calling for your head on a silver platter, _walk away_. Just let them act like complete morons while you continue to do whatever you can to lower the tension. The LAST thing you should do is get into a machismo contest with them. There's an old saying in US sports: "They always catch the second foul." Rooney did the worst thing humanly possible when he retaliated. And as an old saying goes, nobody cares what US Sports say when it comes down to football. Never heard that one before.
  7. I really really don't like France as a footballing nation, but they were damn impressive today. Also if the Cup has been any indication, Zidane shouldn't be talking retirement after.
  8. Perhaps it's easier when you're not in the heat of battle, but if a bunch of people are being jackasses and calling for your head on a silver platter, _walk away_. Just let them act like complete morons while you continue to do whatever you can to lower the tension. The LAST thing you should do is get into a machismo contest with them. There's an old saying in US sports: "They always catch the second foul." Rooney did the worst thing humanly possible when he retaliated. And as an old saying goes, nobody cares what US Sports say when it comes down to football.
  9. Perhaps it's easier when you're not in the heat of battle, but if a bunch of people are being jackasses and calling for your head on a silver platter, _walk away_. Just let them act like complete morons while you continue to do whatever you can to lower the tension. The LAST thing you should do is get into a machismo contest with them. There's an old saying in US sports: "They always catch the second foul." Rooney did the worst thing humanly possible when he retaliated.
  10. The fuck are you on about now? We made it to the Quarters in the last Cup. Of course our World Rankings was a joke and yea the team wasn't very good but we gave a decent account of ourselves in our final two games, especially against Italy when we finished the game with 9 and still managed a draw. Also we didn't go out first, so I don't know where you came up with that unless you forgot that zero points is less than one in which case I guess I can see where you made that mistake. You went out in the first round by coming bottom, playing a game the next day or getting 1 point based on an own goal amounts for fuck all. You made it to the quarters in the last cup because of a fluke and rightfully thats as far as you got, this time you thought you deserved more and you were rightfully beaten, now you somehow believe that because we offered a more than fair opinion on you guys coming in last place that you can somehow 'mock' us for getting knocked out too, but it doesn't work because you guys went out fairly and squarely and for the most part you know fuck all. Lets go defense.
  11. The fuck are you on about now? We made it to the Quarters in the last Cup. Of course our World Rankings was a joke and yea the team wasn't very good but we gave a decent account of ourselves in our final two games, especially against Italy when we finished the game with 9 and still managed a draw. Also we didn't go out first, so I don't know where you came up with that unless you forgot that zero points is less than one in which case I guess I can see where you made that mistake.
  12. Oh rite, who does he play for? what has he achieved? when I hear Dempsey I think of a boxer, not some bottom of the table American.
  13. For fuck sake, he had a reason. The guy is fucking human, he's sick of seeing people trying to fucking spoil the game we call football by diving and totally cheating. He ACCIDENTLY stepped on the player, bullshit was it done on purpose. The guy deserves credit because he's calmed himself down so much over the last year or so. When you have ten Portugal players trying to act like cunts and get you sent off though, what the fuck do you expect? He's passionate about the game, fuck off moaning about the guy.
  14. Yeah but the american announcer probably knows fuck all.
  15. American announcer blamed the 4-5-1 and that dumbfuck Eriksson for the English crashing out.
  16. BRILLLLLIANT STUFF. I was for England before the cup but 300 pages of this thread and consistant bashing of America has turned me 180 in opinion. Having Portugal in the EWB sweepstakes doesn't hurt either, but I still would have cheered on England if not for what has happened.
  17. This ref is shit for allowing the game to go seven seconds longer than it should have.
  18. What the fuck is up with that substitution?
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