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Posts posted by Animal

  1. See I don't really care for much of these movies (friday the 13th is good but without masked Jason it just isn't all that it is cracked up to be and ok Nightmare on Elmstreet 2 is awesome, shaun of the dead and donnie darko are good but not sure if they qualify as actual horror movies) but you definitely need to get your hands on the Devil's rejects and ehm, watch it on the 16th of october mmmkay.

  2. So there I was, a boy from Bangladesh, just turned 8 years old. My parents finally let me play outside with my friends.

    Car comes by, hits me and kills me. Nice!

    Very good game, I like the little facts and stuff.

    Now starting off as little Indonesian Girl, where my (real) mother is born.

  3. It's too bad he did it,it's a good thing he got caught.

    Kinda could see it coming tho, he wasn't doing well at all and out of nothing he won the time trial and yesterday he was like an animal going up the mountains, atleast suspicious. Oh well let's hope it stops with Vino...

  4. Easily one of the best mountain stages I"ve ever seen, even though I don't like Evans it was nice to see him fighting for it, finally snapping and having to let Rasmussen and Contador go.

    So yeah it is either going to be decided on Wednesday if either Rasmussen or Contador can get away in that ridiculous mountain stage or at the last time trial. I'm (obviously) rooting for Rasmussen.

    Oh and on a side note, Thomas Dekker and Micheal Boogerd both did an excellent job today, go Dutchies!

  5. I'm pretty sure Rasmussen has got complete freedom in chasing the polka jersey, Menchov will be assisted by Boogerd and Dekker in the mountains with Niermann and de Groot also helping him in the beginning of mountain stages.

    Anyone saw today's stage, I heard there was a big crash somewhere at the en. Any word yet if any of the favorites are injured or something, that would suck.

  6. Couldn't find a topic for this yet so here it is!

    Well today is the prologue in London and I have no idea who is going to win it, but I think Vinokourov and Leipheimer are gonna get a head start on the competition today, maybe Menchov can finish in the top 5 aswell.

    For the yellow jersey I'm putting my money on Menchov, with Frank Schleck and Vinokourov as second and third.

    What do you guys think?

    Any folks from London gonna be watching from roadside today or tomorrow?

  7. I'm only going to Lowlands which is basically still during the summer but the line-up is awesome (well for me)

    Arcade Fire, Battles, C-mon & Kypski, Damien Rice, Eagles of Death Metal, Funeral for a Friend, Groove Armada, Interpol, Jamie T, Kasabian, Klaxons, New Young Pony Club, Patrick Wolf, Saybia, Sonic Youth, The Good The Bad and the Queen, the Rifles, the View, TOOL!!!!!, Air Traffic, Basement Jaxx, Bonde Do Rolé, CSS, Dinosaur Jr., Editors, Goose, Jack Penate, Jimmy Eat World, Justice, Kings of Leon, LCD Soundsystem, Mad Caddies, Moke, Nine Inch Nails, Pendulum, Simian Mobile Disco, The Answer, The Killers, the Rakes, the Shins, Trentemoller and many more.

    Just can't wait to go!

    Oh and I'm seeing UB40 in October i think. I hope the Get Happy Tour comes to the Netherlands aswell.

  8. Yeah, it's not as good as the stuff they did in the beginning but it's still a pretty solid album. I'm gonna see them live this summer so I'm really looking forward to that, really hope they'll play their cover off Just Like Heaven cause I just love that song, that and Feel the Pain ofcourse.

  9. Hehe not for the last ten years but ok, i see this is going nowhere, I still stand by my statement that the goalie wasn't cheating and that the Dutch deserved to win. but I"m Dutch so sue me. The other way around I would be pretty pissed aswell, but I"m happy now so yay for me :D

  10. Just suck it up, the fact remains that while England defended amazingly, after the 1-0 they did nothing besides that. If they would've gone for the second goal and made use of the space that was behind the Dutch defence they didn't had to go thru penalties in the first place.

  11. Well maybe instead of defending with 10 people, only keeping Lita up front, England should've tried to go for a second goal, there was plenty of space. It isn't cheating when the ref allows it, if the English goalie wanted to step off his line he was free to do so, but the Dutch goalie just was smarter i guess.

  12. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


    that's all i gotta say, now let's see if they can keep the pressure during the extra time and stuff

    hehe that was amazing

    Bit less euphoric EDIT: You have to give it to england they are defending absolutely amazing, it's like a brick wall. but the second half have been all Holland, I can't see England taking this one anymore, except if it goes to penalties, then it's 50-50

  13. Arctic Monkeys | Placebo

    Bloc Party | Queens of the Stoneage

    Simian Mobile Disco | Shitdisco | Klaxons

    Kubichek | The Pigeon Detectives | Annuals | Cold War Kids

    Alamo Race Track | Green Lizard | C-mon & Kypsi | Kraak & Smaak | (all dutch bands)

    Yeah i would go and see that :P

  14. Well I believe the first batch of 360's was heavily flawed but you're in the safe zone if you're gonna buy one now. Most of the really bad problems have been fixed so i would definitely get a 360 if I were you. I can think of no reason to buy a PS3 untill Metal Gear comes out. And even then I'd just wait for it to come to XBOX...

  15. So i picked this up yesterday after I got my salary. Normally I don't really like simulation racing games but this just blew me away. Graphics are great and races are fun (especially since you can set the difficulty also during your career mode) but the best part about it is the vinyl options.

    Thousand layers basicly gives you the ability to make anything you want. I made this great looking Nightmare before christmas car and i was amazed at the result.

    I would upload a picture but I can't go online (dammit).

    So anyone else got this?

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