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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. I edited before seeing your post so don't get angry I'm joking. (L) Malcolm GlaZer
  2. I vote Iwc. edit- actually, this is good for the graphics forum, might get it to the participation level to nearly 50% what it was when this forum was ruled by the king.
  3. Just to point out, if if this was between two English sides, or an English side and a foreign side. There would at least be a european ban on the guilty club, and with the way UEFA are much stricter with England.... (because we're England) I reckon there'd be a European ban on all English clubs for a couple years. With Inter though, they'll play a game or two without any fan, club fined £50k, and everything back to normal.
  4. I got sacked with Everton, I liked ambition... which I did, I never bought anyone to stop me from ruining the game and winning everything. I had some beautiful regen youngsters that I was maturing, but never got chance to bring them through. They dropped Carsley and Pistone, and others . I went to pursue the lower leagues. Took over at Wrexham, no money, 9k over a 15k budget, rubbish players, etc etc. I actually dropped from 9th to 17th from when I took over, I can't actually work out why they sacked their manager in 9th. Anyway, it wasn't too bad. I won about 5, drew about 13 and lost about 5. It wasn't that bad. I've been using trialists pre season and got rid of some of my better players, mainly on free's to help the wage budget. I've loaned in one of my Everton centre backs, and bought my future goalkeeper for just 10k, Gary Megson must not like him much, and I managed to get a Liverpool youngster, who was on his way to Chelsea but my loan deal somehow went through first. I'm trying to use loans to my advantage as much as possible, as I don't pay anything for them, and the club is literally broke. It's awesome.
  5. The patches don't actually work on saved games, do they. They say they do, but for best results start a new game. But that's bollocks. They don't work on old games.
  6. Why do you start new games with new teams if you're just going to by players? Often the same players you bought in previous games....
  7. ... and a big thank you to Mr. Iwc who organised the whole thing and gave us an end product!
  8. This is falling apart due to Iwc's gay factor.
  9. Except for the lack of border, I like it. (if you don't want a border then you need to sort out the left edge)
  10. I'll be SO pissed off if we have one of those ultra GAY tight kits like Spurs, Wales and Italy. They are unbelievably GAY. Nearly as gay as pink shirts. Ugh.
  11. Cane someone tell me a bit about it? When do they play (month-month) who are the best teams, what's the quality etc? Help would be appreciated.
  12. .....Scowcroft is a very good player, I have no idea why you loaned him out in the first place.
  13. I hate divers because they always win.
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