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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Too many people here liked to jump to conclusions and are related to Rupert Lowe. One bad result, lets sack him. I don't get it. His record as England coach is pretty good if you ask me, and people like him don't get to where they are today by being rubbish. I admit, today seemed extremely pointless, playing debutants out of position. But I can't ..... I dunno, I trust Sven. We're doing well.
  2. Guess you're not fifteen then
  3. That's some qualification to judge at the EWB monthly graphics contest. I thought the only requirement was you have to realise scanlines are for losers.
  4. Can you post the comments I made too, Ayge? I would but I didn't save them and they've gone from my PM sent folder...
  5. The better team won. The better manager won. There's no comeback. No decisions you can moan at. If anything, Arsenal got the rub of the green. It sucks when you can't blame anything else. Because you got outplayed.
  6. Spurs have always had money, and always spent it badly. If I wanted to research it I would, but two that come to mind are Rebrov and Postiga.
  7. FINALLY somebody has noticed how good Hibbert is. Took your fucking time . btw, even thoguh I always want to see England play their best team, I think this is the time to do exactly what Spears says. Although for real games I want to see David James back in goal. He organises defences far better than any other English Goalkeepers. As well as this, England have the best set of defenders in the world. Gary Neville is the BEST right back in the world. Cole in one of the best, Campbell and Rio are the best. It's just the best.
  8. .... There was me getting all angry.... It such an important part of the game.
  9. I always suck at re-training positions for players, it just never seems to work. How do you do it?/how long does it take?
  10. Goal for Everton, number eight, Jaaaaaames Beattie!
  11. Hopefully, Iwc will, shortly, come around to tell you the, answer.
  12. Thomas


    Just to add something else in. Is there actually ANYWHERE to play poker in the whole of England?
  13. Thomas


    Poker poker poker, yay poker. Don't die thread.
  14. Y'know it really REALLY doesn't matter if you club has any money.
  15. I'm still playing wit restrictions and not ruining the game. It's actually fairly hard. But buying the best is too easy. I prefer to make my own stars.
  16. Thomas

    Red Dwarf

    "That's a load of Tottenham, that is. It's a steaming pile of Hotspur." ←
  17. Thomas


    Yes that's what I mean. ←
  18. Threeeeeeeeee one. Chaddy wraps it up with aplom(B). Things are still looking good for the boys in blue.
  19. Thomas

    Red Dwarf

    I'm not sure I can even remember series 7.
  20. Ugh, starting new games is where the problem is. When all the players you know retire is the time when it gets most fun. But I'm the best.
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