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Everything posted by BuddyAwesome

  1. We're all getting old for this genre... But, the Bouncing Souls aren't getting any younger. I would love to see them again, though I will never go to Warped Tour.
  2. Thanks very much for that!! All I remember was I hadn't heard that song before, or at least recognized it, and my buddy was yelling "THEY'RE COVERING SLAYER!"
  3. For anybody who went to the Metal Masters tour this summer, what Slayer song was it that Judas Priest covered?
  4. This has nothing at all to do with the season, but just a question. Is Peter really Sylvester Stallone's son? Somebody told me this and I have a hard time buying into it other than the fact he played his son on Rocky Balboa... Any truth to this?
  5. Well really, out of all of those bands, I would think that on name value alone Motley Crue would pretty much have to be the headliner.
  6. Well fuck. I just saw Motley Crue this past Wednesday, and Jesus they were amazing. You guys are in for a good show.
  7. "Brutal Planet" by Alice Cooper. The entire 2000 album is damn awesome and a must have for Alice Cooper/metal fans!
  8. I would say Rob Halford was pretty damn rock and roll, judging by your definition of the term. And by the way, KISS used to be very anti-everything, but I'll be the first to admit that their fame got the best of them. Motley Crue also, very much fits the description!
  9. Buddy Holly is my all time favorite, and his death may have been the day that music died. But yes, ROC, on the whole I agree this thread is too depressing.. Oh, and by indie trash bands I was namely referring to some awful band my room mate tried getting me into called the Brian Jones Town Massacre. Garbage.
  10. Rock and roll certainly is not dead. Several rock legends are keeping it alive, and there's the new generation of indie trash who think they're all the next big thing... But yeah, AC/DC, Heaven & Hell, KISS... All of them still active. Rock and roll is a live, just not well.
  11. Anything with Sly makes me shout OH FUCK YES! This is no different.
  12. I laughed hysterically tonight when I watched The Office! The roast was great, and his line of "FRIENDS ONLY!" when Toby tried walking up had me in tears.
  13. Mike Tyson used to be in the game a long time ago. As for Austin, fine, 70 would be fine for techncial skill at his prime.
  14. Austin was never worthy of a 70-75 technical stat. IDM had it fine.
  15. I don't watch porn too often, but whenever my girlfriend and I do, it's usually Julia Bond. That's only because she was doing a special thing at the local strip club here and gave out three of her DVD's... I got one and Brittney had to get the other two
  16. I'm very excited to announce that I got this bad boy in the mail today for my Rock Band gaming
  17. 1995 was a very good year I thought. That's the year that Shawn Michaels won the Royal Rumble and finally established himself as a viable main eventer.

  18. Motley Crue WON'T be there because that would conflict with their current tour (which by the way I get to see next Wednesday in Reno, NV!) And Heaven & Hell, if they play, everybody else will pale in comparison to their amazing talent.
  19. 1. Juggernaut 2. Venom 3. Gambit 4. Apocalypse 5. Omega Red 6. Carnage 7. Magneto 8. Hulk 9. Kingpin 10. Collossus
  20. Photobucket as a website is infected right now.
  21. Well then that is good! As for Nostradomus, I loved the music on it but it definitely wasn't what I was expecting from Priest. Alice's "Along Came a Spider," was brilliant. Hopefully Death Magnetic at least finds it's way onto here, which to be fair, though, wasn't really all that but it was better than Metallica's last effort. And personally I enjoyed the hell out of Chinese Democracy, I just refuse to call them Guns N Roses... EDIT: My girlfriend likes Death Cab For Cutie (what a horrible name) and says they do get radio/MTV play... *sigh*
  22. No. I hate Audioslave. I guess this is what happens when I haven't listened to the radio or current day MTV/VH1 in about two years. I'm kind of surprised that the new Alice Cooper and Judas Priest CD's get no love on here, though. But that's what happens when these kids listen to god awful music these days.
  23. I have not heard of any one of the bands listed so far...
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