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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. The MLS is going to have another past-his-prime Premier League star come this summer then... >_>
  2. In terms of declines very near and dear to my heart () Tranmere Rovers. From coming close to Premier League in '93, '94 and '95, to Conference in 2016. >_>
  3. It doesn't help that the tactics seem to be "SHIT THEY'RE CLOSING US DOWN PASS IT BACK TO THE KEEPER RUN AWAY".
  4. So undeserving it's unreal. Ah well, Merseyside Derby final should be interesting
  5. Given the drop in quality between Blood Money and Absolution, there's no chance in hell (Vince McMahon (C) 1999) I'm even contemplating a new Hitman game. Fool me once...
  6. No that was a FIFA joke. I didn't start a team, I don't play enough to warrant it.
  7. He has transcended the fivehead and become a sixhead.
  8. Wanna win something? The Royal Rumble Pool is now accepting sign ups. >_>

  9. That's the Welsh(?) Channel 4 I believe. Could be Scottish >_>
  10. Nah, we're the best parts of the Dragons. >_> (All 12 matches I've played)
  11. It's alright Lars, we'll start our own team. Something something blackjack and hookers.
  12. Speaking of annoying online experiences, the online for IV is infested by modders on the 360. Not even the good type who give you cool cars and fly you around the map, the kind that light you on fire and blow you up from across the map.
  13. You ever had two women at once? Four beeg titties to be playing with?
  14. This game consumed about four years of my life. Key is multiplayer, friends and imagination. :
  15. It gets even better if you get Ballad of Gay Tony and it mixes the eastern European songs with random pop songs >_>
  16. If anyone's around on Clubs tonight feel free to send me an invite
  17. Six goals... in a Man Utd/Newcastle match? A win for Villa? The end times are nigh.
  18. Jesus Christ, three goals in a Man U game? What year is it?
  19. A solid 110 which given that most of these transfers took place while I was in nappies....
  20. Kyle

    Fallout 4

    Yeah its the post-Bunker Hill quest that does it.
  21. And now to just do that at the Etihad and it's a final
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