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Everything posted by Malenko

  1. I must say it. I don't give a fuck who wins, but whoever it is, if the second half is anything similar to the first one it'll be great. I'm loving it.
  2. 3-0. That defense is sucking as much as possible.
  3. In cm 01/02 i was in the 2026/27 season managing Paços de Ferreira (a portuguese team) after having been in about 10 others before. I was at the same time managing france from when i was still in a good club which i don't remember what it was. I won the 2026 world cup. I also had managed Norway, Belgium, Sweden and Denmark before. In FM i'm only on my second season with Hornchurch, but i don't like playing it on a rush.
  4. Schumacher in a minardi wouldn't do any better than the ones they have there. He would possibly beat a jordan now and then and most likely beat his teammate every race, but it would be impossible with that car to do any better. Just like any other minardi driver he would only have the chance to score points if there were 10 cars finishing. Cars mean a lot in F1. Not in F3,F3000,Nissan,Opel, or the rest, but in F1 there are big difference between cars. And the minardi is 2 laps behind the jordan who are a lap behind the rest. For as good as he is, he isn't superman.
  5. I'm also surprised about his performance but i doubt we will see it repeated anytime soon. Fisichella was dominant this race, obviously helped by the fact that all the fastest cars were being held by slower cars in the beggining of the race, but still, it was a very solid performance. The Renaults showed they'll give a lot of opposition to ferrari's dominance over the past few years, although when Ferrari start using their F2005 in Bahrain or Spain, they'll get back to the front row spots (or near). I'm happy Schummy didn't get any points from this race and i would gladly see him do the same for the rest of the season but that obviously won't happen. The McLaren were the biggest disappointment in my eyes. Neither of them did well enough to impress me, although i had big expectations for them. Raikkonen got a lucky point and Montoya should have done a lot better. The fact that they came from behind isn't sufficient explanation since Alonso came from 13th to almost get the 2nd place. To end this, jordan and minardi still are in a league of their own, and as i said in my season analysis post, they will get the four last places for most of the season
  6. figo makes in a month what my dad makes in 10 years. That's how exagerated things are now.
  7. I still think you shouldn't sell it for anything less than 75 million. How much do you usually have to pay for a 39 million guy to join you?
  8. In other news, cole 1-0.
  9. That's not a weirdo qualifying... that's a weirdo free practice and free practice's are allways weird cause the drivers tend to use small variations in the car setup, and even in the driving to test both car and track... This practice still can mean nothing, and the qualifying may be just as one would expect. First Qualifying Results 1 G. Fisichella Renault 1:33.171 2 J. Trulli Toyota 1:35.270 3 M. Webber Williams 1:36.717 4 J. Villeneuve Sauber 1:36.984 5 C. Klien Red Bull 1:37.486 6 D. Coulthard Red Bull 1:38.320 7 N. Heidfeld Williams 1:39.717 8 J. Button BAR 1:41.512 9 N. Karthikeyan Jordan 1:44.357 10 K. Räikkönen McLaren 1:44.997 11 JP. Montoya McLaren 1:45.325 12 R. Barrichello Ferrari 1:45.481 13 T. Monteiro Jordan 1:46.846 14 F. Alonso Renault 1:47.709 15 C. Albers Minardi 1:47.708 16 P. Friesacher Minardi 1:50.864 17 R. Schumacher Toyota 1:51.495 18 M. Schumacher Ferrari 1:57.931 19 F. Massa Sauber no time 20 T. Sato BAR no time Obviously a lot will still change in the next qualifying, but if rain don't cease Fisichella's time is a guarantee to a pole. Trulli's time is also pretty good in case these conditions remain without much changing, and that's ok by me, since i like both.
  10. My favourites for this season are Renault and McLaren, mainly because they seem to be the ones who can provide any challenge to Michael Schumacher and Ferrari. Alonso is a very good driver who needs consistency, fisichella is a guy i allways rated when racing for benneton but seemed to allways be on teams that wouldn't allow him to do any better. I hope he does well this season, although i also did like trulli. I'm thinking button will do better results than last season. I think watching the first race will be enough to see if i'm right or wrong (unless he's out of the race after the first 10 laps or so). McLaren is way better than last season, although that wasn't a hard thing to achieve. Kimi and Montoya are two of the best drivers currently in there and may get excellent results. Montoya needs to know better when to take a position and when to wait for an opportunity though (he's my favourite driver nonetheless). Sauber has Villeneuve and Massa. I like both. I love Massa's overtaking. I don't expect much from anyother team. Toyota only scored points in three races last season. Although they have ralf schumacher who's not that bad, only IMO not as good as everyone seems to think of him, and trulli who's a fine driver, but i can't see him do much on toyota (unless the car has changed a LOT for better). Red Bull has a declining Coulthard who's terrible at qualifying. IIRC he was below tenth in qualifying at least half of the season. I liked him a lot when he first came to the F1 but is a mere shadow of what it was now, and all these new-wave drivers seem to be better and have a lot more potential. Jordan will end up with 17th and 18th qualifying places leaving 19th and 20th to minardi in most races. to end this, although i hope not, Michael Schumacher will probably win this yet again, and barrichello may not get the great 2nd place of last season but won't do much worse. He seems to still be very consistent.
  11. i would also recommend nobody's heros and go for it.
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