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Heel Turn

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Everything posted by Heel Turn

  1. I'm so glad I don't live in the U.K. I've never heard "Crazy Frog", and hopefully, never will.
  2. This is going to sound like an asshole answer, but if you need to ask, your comp can't handle it. ←
  3. Don't expect Half-Life 3 for at least another five years, if not longer. Valve revolutionizes the industry when it releases a game, and HL3 will be no different. The only thing I've heard, other than Lost Coast (which I can't wait for, as I built a new comp specifically to handle the Source engine) is a HL2 expansion, possibly with Alyx as the main character. I wouldn't expect that for another year, though. The one I'm waitng for, though, is Team Fortress Classic 2.
  4. ...jesus. That was chilling to watch. Talk about your cliffhangers, and the show isn't even over yet. Is Sawyer alive? Will Michael and Jin live? And most importantly, the hell do those people want with Walt? And boo to Sawyer getting jobbed out like that.
  5. I do not, Please Brother Turn. Enlighten a troubled young youth. ←
  6. Anyone else catch the irony in a man named John Locke declaring himself "...a man of faith?"
  7. Hurley on a scooter. Beautiful. My love for this show is boundless.
  8. Ha ha, Charlie and Hurley were at the same hotel. I love it. Perfectly logical.
  9. Saiyed wins understatement of the year. "This will not be pleasant."
  11. Yeah, I loved that. And the monster is a cloud of exhaust...? ←
  12. Shit, Locke saw the monster. And he actually looked afraid. ...hold me.
  13. Have I mentioned how much I love this show? "Who the hell is Hugo, and who is he to leave $160 million dollars to his mother?"
  14. ...okay, so I was wrong about the whole "no deaths" thing.
  15. There hasn't been a thread about Lost. Let's rectify that. Who's watching the season finale tonight? What do you want to see answered? Who's your favorite character? I really hope we get some kind of resolution with the hatch as well as Rosseau's "others". There's been too much ambiguity with the show, and I really want some payoff. I've heard that they might show a tiny bit of the monster, but who knows if that's the case. Also, there's supposed to be flashbacks told from Vincent's point of view. If you watch the show, you know why that's so unique. And as far as favorite characters go, I like Saiyed a lot, but Jin's moving up in the rankings. He and Sun have terrific chemistry together, and this is one of the few romances in TV or in movies that's actually moving. Thoughts? C'mon, you bastards, I'm in the mood to get all gossipy over the most awesome show on television.
  16. For those wondering, the bootleg floating around on the net is from a shitty DVD workprint. It's got two timers across the top, and various other problems endemic to workprints. The encode is pretty lousy, too, as it's not nearly the quality it ought to be, considering the source. Not worth the DL, IMHO. I snagged it just to see what it looked like, and then deleted it. I'll pay for the movie this weekend.
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