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Heel Turn

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Everything posted by Heel Turn

  1. I play, and I'll own any and all of you.
  2. Mouse and keyboard support. I fucking hate controllers and joysticks. Let me play like I would at a PC, and I'll buy all three next gen consoles.
  3. Have to go with Jedi as the sentimental choice. Empire's the best made, acted, and directed, but Jedi is just an incredibly exciting movie from start to finish, and was my favorite as a kid. If it hadn't included those stupid fucking Ewoks, it would have been the perfect movie.
  4. Nothing about this on Blue's News, so I'm going with false.
  5. Fallout wins this thread hands down. "War. War never changes."
  6. Silly boy it has to move slower than the average show. If they aren't still stuck on the Island they aren't exactly Lost anymore are they? Damn teens and their short attention spans! *shakes fist* ←
  7. This article is completely correct. Music piracy has shifted the entire music industry from one where revenue is generated via CDs to one where live performances and associated merchandise are going to be the major revenue generators. The real reason that the record labels are running scared isn't because people are stealing their song libraries, it's that piracy grants artists emancipation from the tyranny of the labels. Artists no longer need to have their CDs in every FYE and Best Buy across the nation; there's no need to sell a million copies of an album at 0.05% net profit to the artist when said artist can sell fifteen thousand copies at 100% profit. The industry is radically different, but record labels still cling to their ancient potions and fetishes of bone and feathers. They can either get with the program or go the way of the dodo. Personally, it's look like it'll be the latter rather than the former, and I couldn't be happier.
  8. I'll buy his CD only if it turns out there's a secret track of him covering "With My Baby Tonight".
  9. Kung Fu Hustle was spectacular! I loved it! Oh and thanks guys I think I'll give this one a chance unless something cooler comes out before I head to the movies again. ←
  10. Fashion Nugget was the band's magnum opus, but Comfort Eagle comes in at a close second. I love Short Skirt/Long Jacket. Also, if you're into it, the Wheels EP off of iTunes is pretty nice, too, featuring a great alternate version of Daria.
  11. ***SPOILERS*** Just got done watching it. Pure genius. The show hasn't lost a step. My favorite moments, you ask? Peter and the comic book. Pinocchio. The G.I. Joe parody. "Upside downface." *slow look*. "Does it smell like servitude?" The Honeymooners spoof. And, of course, the nice, obvious dig at Fox in the beginning.
  12. There's really only one way: practice. Spend lots of time with the character, and play against people with different fighting styles. It's the method I used to get awesome with King in Tekken 4.
  13. I almost never trade in copies of games, if only because I buy very few games, and those I do buy I inevitably end up replaying. If you think you might want to play through a game a second time, hang on to it. You'll be glad you did when the craving for it hits.
  14. What, no Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey? And how the Prophecy isn't at number one is beyond me.
  15. God, I hate the Wedding Singer. This horrible ex-girlfriend of mine loved that movie. I'm actually physically unable to watch it without wanting to put a chair through the television. As for a musical, no thanks. I don't want it to spread.
  16. Hey, FFVI was included. It's 43 and listed under FFIII ←
  17. This man knows. This was actually the second album I ever bought with my own money. ←
  18. Decent list, but not great. Too biased towards older games and console games. The lack of stuff like FFVI and Myst were shameful omissions, especially considering some of the garbage that got on there.
  19. Just buy "The Colour and the Shape". It's their best CD, hands down, and one of the best rock CDs I've ever heard. Every song is a gem.
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