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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. I would have given them disco music and called them the Funky Monkeys instead, and have them be managed by Dusty Rhodes.
  2. If you have a Yamaha keyboard, just randomly mash on keys for about 10 seconds, record it to Audacity and then loop it so it stretches to five minuites. Or, just use Kevin Nash's TNA theme, which was made in the exact same fashion.
  3. There you go. In general, I find that having a deck consisting only of 7-10, Jacks, Queens, and Kings will make sure you win in ten turns or less 90% of the time.
  4. It's pretty easy to figure out. Only thing I'm not 100% sure on is how queens work; I think they let you play cards lower than the one you just played. But the important things to remember is, Kings double card values, Jacks remove cards from play, and jokers are pretty much useless. Easiest way to learn is practice. Or if you got the Collectors Edition, the card pack as rules for caravan instead of rules for poker.
  5. MASSIVE FUCKING SPOILER: Also, yeah, if you're level 4, you really should avoid that stretch of highway. Besides, south leads you to Mojave Outpost, which is a great place to get rich with Caravan.
  6. Bark Scorpions are easy. Deathclaws, it's just a matter of being prepared.
  7. I was the only one who voted for Craig Ferguson? Really?
  8. Miami? Meh, I think the Dolphins would be better off without him. All Miami needs with their passing game is more experience. I wish they didn't trade away Ted Ginn though. He was an ass WR but he was great as a kick returner.
  9. Dan Carpenter is probably the Dolphins' MVP at this point. Two back-to-back 5/5 games, and hitting a nice 54-yarder this week. Thought the TD call was a bit dodgy this week, but really, barring a fumble recovery it wouldn't have mattered. Miami would have had two more tries at the touchdown, and even then a chipshot FG would have had them up by four. In short, the Bengals would have had to play like they did at the end regardless of the TD call.
  10. Dead Rising 2, for when you absolutely must kill a zombie with a steel chair.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. New Damage

      New Damage

      Because I've done it four times and done it twice in the last 4 days. I need to get the annoying piddly crap like use EVERY melee weapon.

    3. OctoberRaven


      Mindless zombie killing > Acheivement whoring.

      That being said, I -do- want to Platinum Fallout 3, if only because I'm close to it anyway.

    4. Kaney


      Not really. I only need 72000 kills and complete it in co-op and trust me, it's more fun using all the melee weapons than it is driving back and forth and back and forth for six fucking hours in a SUV.

  11. Ghoul version of Criss Angel killed the guy for being a shitty street magician? Also, on Sloan (Not really spoilers, just a handy solution): Other tips (Kinda spoiler):
  12. Goddamn, Cole saying the word "lariat" is too surreal for me as it is, let alone using JRisms...
  13. Technically, you don't give them the hat, you equp the hat then tell the person to come with you to the dinosaur. Also, from what I've read if you go after someone who isn't the guilty party (spoiled below), Boone won't come with you. Which is a shame because Boone is a REALLY good companion.
  14. I daresay, this octopus didn't die... He was murdered. By who you ask? DOLPHIN! And WHALE!
  15. At least I know when/if I get this I'll still be able to rock out to Painkiller (Y)
  16. I have. I either come up with AI does nothing, or AI never gets close to winning, but reverses a bunch. The only time I'm ever in trouble is if the AI does mount strikes because I have a hard time countering that... whereas the AI will counter it almost all the time even on easy
  17. Well, I just don't plain like how easy it is to reverse in smackdown games, and that the AI pretty much equates to "reverse moar on high difficulty". Also, yes, damage based movesets are a big deal for me, not because it's being implemented, but the way it's going to be implemented. If they did something like Fire Pro, where your powerful moves were easy to reverse early on but that difficulty goes down as your opponent takes more damage, I'd be all over that. But I'd rather have the option of 12 strong front grapple moves throughout the match to "okay, it's late match, so your headlock is now a DDT". Maybe I'm just being cynical, but when I hear the grappling system is being revamped I tend to expect the worst.
  18. Damage based strong grapples? You betcha. Easier reversals also mean easier reversals for the AI. That, plus a one reversal button system, means very very tedious matches.
  19. Okay, that killed all interest in the game for me.
  20. Another workaround, and this is 100% true, is to use a speech check to make him give you the hat. Then your game is 100% safe, you have no risk of corruption. Though I am playing on PS3, if that in any way makes a difference.
  21. Alexei Sayle did standup!? I only knew him from The Young Ones. Hell, I'd have put him on my list if I knew that, for his Young Ones monolouges alone. "ABBA? ABBA, Swedish? I knew them when they were a Lancanshire clog dancing trio!"
  22. I don't know. Now I'm a bit hesitant about WWE Universe mode. I was expecting the ability to do things like a storyline where Santino Marella is the Raw GM and have opponents fued over the KFC secret recipe, and from what I've read, this won't be. That's what I get for wanting my WWE to be more like DDT I guess.
  23. That's why you should hard save after every major quest, and autosave every time you get in a fight or pass through a location.
  24. According to The Vault, you can only get a number of implants equal to your base Endurance. Link. (spoiler free)
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