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Everything posted by deli

  1. Pretty sure the homeless guy in the trailer has a resemblance to jerry whatshisname from IV. The guy who found the diamonds. Just sayin
  2. For those wondering about the song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvotLtAlIZc cool song
  3. It's in the whole of San Andreas. IGN just confirmed it. boom.
  4. I really didn't want to be excited for this game but.... GOD FUCKING DAMMIT THIS LOOKS AWESOME! sorry.
  5. With the mountins in the background i suspect that it is more than just LA in the game
  6. Yeah, I saw that. Pretty sure it was an SA fanboy making stuff up. I wouldn't trust 4chan.
  7. So the trailer is coming in around 8 hours time. Get hype.
  8. Holy Crap. I don't I have enough money for all the great games coming out. First BF3, then Uncharted on wednesday, then next thursday, Skyrim. God Dammit.
  9. eat. eat. eat. eat. eat.

  10. Wow, pretty shocking to say the least. RIP Jim
  11. Probably the old Sherlock Holmes Scene from That Mitchell and Webb Look. Completely Unexpected.
  12. Starfox: (Punch Slippy repeatedly in the face until he bleeds to death) 64 What? he was a cunt.
  13. So, which platform should I get this on then?
  14. I'm still betting it on being released in Fall 2012. 6 months seems a bit optimistic. RDR was around 9 months from Debut to Release.
  15. I Absolutely sucked at bowling though. One time I killed Roman out of anger. Well, injured, but you know what I mean
  16. In my humble opinion, GTA IV was the best of the series, with Vice City coming close. San Andreas was OK, but the story and Characters were shite.
  17. Autumn 2012 is most likely.
  18. I was thinking Blackhouse. Racist
  19. Not actual DC. a mock version, obviously
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