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Everything posted by deli

  1. Halo 4 looks pretty sweet. Cortana is going apeshit. EDIT: NOT ENTERTAINMENT! GAMES!
  2. 1 minute to the MS conference. Did Geoff Kieghley just say "Entertainment not just games" for XBOX to succeed? FUCK. RIGHT. OFF
  3. Those button placements seem really awkward to say the least
  4. Look who just turned up in Los Angeles...
  5. Posting here because Ellis hasn't set up the e3 topic yet. Nintendo have a Pre E3 Webcast today at 3pm PT/ 5pm ET.
  6. Nope. Which makes this more shocking
  7. So yeah. Holy fucking shit.
  8. You have got to be kidding me...
  9. All these leaks are bullshit. R* is probably the most tight lipped game developer in the world. Most of these leaks have barely any proof or have been proven false. EDIT: This is a little more substantial but i'm still skeptical
  10. OMG Lordi Sweeeeeeeeeedeen!!
  11. I was recently chuffed to learn that Father Ted and The IT Crowd are both from the same dude. I like the word chuffed. I hope it becomes the subject of a rap song. Black Books is an other one. If you have ever watched that. Man I'm a huge Graham Linehan fan.
  12. deli

    WWE '13

    Yeah, i'm guessing they're keeping their cards close to their chest.
  13. deli

    WWE '13

    That's it? Not really a revolution...
  14. deli


    So the trailer came out 2 days ago. I think it looks pretty good. Thoughts?
  15. Lj. You're up in the EWR Scenario draft.

  16. deli

    Max Payne 3

    Because it's by Rockstar and the reason I brought this is because I enjoyed Red Dead. Which they also made. And it has pretty much the exact same combat system. :/ I also haven't played any other Max Payne games. So I brought this off the strength of their previous title. I don't see how that doesn't allow for comparisons to this and Red Dead? Had a go playing it at my mates house. If you play the first two games they are pretty similar to this. So they've done a pretty good job in that respect. Also the Mutliplayer is isane.
  17. deli

    Max Payne 3

    He's voiced by James Mcaffrey in all 3 games I think.
  18. deli

    Max Payne 3

    Trying to start a crew. Any ideas for a crew name. Both EWB V and Extreme Warfare Battleground are not allowed.
  19. deli

    Max Payne 3

    IGN's review is better
  20. deli

    The Avengers

    Saw it saturday night. Iron Mans' Dialogue with Thor during their fight was hilarious. Great film.
  21. That was the best ending to a Premier League of all time. I'm a neutral fan but holy shit.
  22. deli

    Max Payne 3

    Crews are up! Thinking about setting up an EWB one if enough people buy this. Plus they carry over to GTA V
  23. God damn fucking Shadow the Hedgehog. I asked my parents to buy me it for my birthday. Why did I get that game?! Fuck you Shadow. Fuck you and your god damn game! Also Modern Warfare 2.
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