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Everything posted by deli

  1. Despite not liking COD. It's clearly popular so it obvious that people will talk about it.
  2. It was above average. I overacted about the entertainment thing. Halo and Gears looked good. The tablet thing is OK, if a bit unoriginal. Best bits were the FIFA 'swearing at the ref' part and South Park.
  3. That went on for over 10 minutes I think.
  4. Nope. Halo 4. New Gears. Nike Fitness Game. NBA. BLOPS 2. South Park. Resi 6. Tomb Raider. What was expected really.
  5. Call of Duty: Future Soldier. Directed by Micheal Bay.
  6. "Ushering in." Mattrick is really a Joker. NOW IT'S COD TIME!
  7. They always do this at E3 which means that it's fine and not god awful and cringe worthy. For people saying that they've been doing this for years. Does it make it any better? Does the majority of the audience watch E3 for this? Or things like tomb raider?
  8. I fell so awkward playing Dance Central...
  9. South Park! Also. Kinect games are still games. IE isn't.
  10. You mean those past years where they showed games?
  11. The thing that pisses me off most about this is that they could of literally picked any other time than the biggest core gaming event of the year to do this.
  12. There having a whole segment about A NIKE FITNESS GAME?!
  13. Shame none of these "Experiences" are coming to the UK.
  14. People can Fly are developing this. The guys who made Bulletstorm.
  15. WUB WUB WUB. Knew dubstep would get on at least one trailer.
  16. Ok. The ref reaction thing was pretty funny.
  18. "God Damn Americans. Always playing cowboy"
  19. It's call of duty time! PSYCHE. New Splinter Cell. Totally called it
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