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Everything posted by deli

  1. Thank god Italy scored first. They deserve it.
  2. This film looks awesome. Huge Tarantino fan. But the youtube comments... urgh. Are there that many stupid people in this world?
  3. South Park the Game sounds amazing. Article
  4. On Gametrailers they're announcing a platinum games project for the WiiU
  5. Not as bad as Ellis. Is there anything worth checking out for PS3 or 360 for a guy that mainly plays sports and RPGs? Thanks. New Madden looks OK I guess. So does FIFA. There's Dawngaurd DLC and... that's about it. E3 this year was mostly about Shooters
  6. THAT'S IT?! THATS IT?! Fucking Seriously?!
  7. Nobody wins E3 this year. All were mediocre at best with only a couple of semi-decent titles.
  8. That Tekken bit was hilarious. Did he just say MY BODY IS READY again?
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