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Everything posted by deli

  1. Cmon Reggie. 23 Games! Barely Any Time! Cmon.
  2. The Wii-U will sell no matter what. Yay Pikmin!
  3. Ninty conference coming up. Please show us Smash Bros!
  4. They didn't win it. But i'll be dammned if any game can top Watch Dogs.
  5. Watch Dogs. New game by Ubi. Insanely good.
  6. Messi isn't "Undisputed" as best player in the world.
  7. Medal of Honor. Because you never have too many generic FPSes around
  8. Battlefield Premium is coming up. I'd like to see them defend this.
  9. Social looks okay but I'm excited for the proper new sim city.
  10. Dead Space 3. Twice the players, twice the.. HOLY SHIT RUN AWAY RUN AWAY AHHHHHHHHH!
  11. You're gonna miss a lot. GoGo. It's starting..Dead Space 3.
  12. They haven't even mentioned Overstrike since last years E3. Shame.
  13. Dead Space 3. Crysis 3. MOH: Warfighter. Star Wars 1313. EA Sports. Battlefield Premium. NFS: Most Wanted. Sim City. (Stoked for this). And some other surprises (I hope) And yes Pris. I notice that too. Loved him on G4.
  14. Interview about Borderlands 2 on GT/Spike right now.
  15. Gametrailers. They're showing BLOPSII right now
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