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Status Replies posted by Braeden

  1. I was planning on going out and getting that new shooter tonight. What was it called again? Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare?

  2. Keeping it spoiler free, is it too late to vote for Romney?

  3. are there any ewb'ers in canada that would take me in if romney wins the election?

    1. Braeden


      Sure. 1 24 pack of beer each week though.

  4. So glad Braeden is working. Braeden isn't even a real name.

    1. Braeden


      Hah coming from someone named Summers!? You sound like some fine prostitute.... psst meet me around the corner ;)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Really wish Braeden didn't have to work this weekend.

  6. Mom made me hot chocolate with marshmallows...DEEEEELICIOUS

  7. Mom made me hot chocolate with marshmallows...DEEEEELICIOUS

  8. Is there a way to make text bigger than size 7 on here?

  9. I'm starting to browse these forums more than I browse Reddit...uhoh

    1. Braeden


      Reddit is cats and bacon. None of that weird shit unless you go into like spacedicks... Ehhhhhhw :(

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. I'm starting to browse these forums more than I browse Reddit...uhoh

  11. I'm starting to browse these forums more than I browse Reddit...uhoh

  12. is there anyway to "simulate" ewr?

  13. is there anyway to "simulate" ewr?

    1. Braeden


      I meant like to advance a month at a time or something like that or do you just have to book the shows/have an auto booker?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. :\ Someone teach me some tips about Fifa 13! I suck :P

  15. :\ Someone teach me some tips about Fifa 13! I suck :P

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