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Everything posted by Braeden

  1. Happy Holidays everyone, hope you enjoy it!

  2. Kick me from the league. I don't even play Madden anymore. I stick to Black Ops 2+NHL 13.
  3. How do you do that? I simply pretended to be a slow, slightly retarded American and had a blast. Oh I thought you meant changing your voice with a voice changer. My bad.
  4. I was referring to the segment on Monday Night football so untwist your knickers that seem to be in a bunch.
  5. Tried to play my game but apparently I'm still on Auto? Wtf.
  6. I fly home tonight at 10pm and get home at 9:30am! Just so everyone knows.
  7. I'm in Maui right now otherwise I would show up! Sorry man!
  8. servers are a joke for black ops 2.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Matt


      Yeah but the only thing less funny than that joke was the subject matter at hand.

    3. apsham


      I haven't had a single problem, at least one that wasn't solved by trying to connect again.

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      At least it hasn't killed Xbox Live like that one year. I suppose it still might come Christmas.

  9. After that Blue Jays trade I'm definately considering flying there to watch a series or 2.
  10. Servers. Aren't. Working. Here.
  11. Same here haha. Anyone try League Play yet?
  12. Level 47 with a 1.093 KD ratio. I really don't care about Kill/Death anymore because there's no Kills leaderboard. All I can say that Laser Sight on an SMG is beast. Hipfire across the map for kills pretty much. Vector I have prestiged twice, love that gun but it's all I've been using. I should be using the MSMC (best SMG in the game). Hoping to prestige tomorrow.
  13. Haha I never alternated the jersey... That's the way it was previously... No idea why. Great game though. Lots of mistakes by me.
  14. Considering this is my first league and we had plans to play today... Actually your 2nd league bro What other league am I in?
  15. Considering this is my first league and we had plans to play today...
  16. Considering I worked basically everyday this week and had a concert Tuesday. Sorry bro.
  17. Pretty excited for Black Ops 2 tomorrow at midnight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. New Damage
    3. Beefus of Bethesda

      Beefus of Bethesda

      Not excited by any means, COD franchise is utter shit, but I paid my copy offf weeks ago so me, my roommates and a few of my friends have something to do this week/

    4. TKz


      THIS GAME SUCKS, I'M NOT EXCITED FOR IT AT ALL. But hey, I spent £50 on it and me and my friends are all going to play it.

  18. Dragsy and I should be getting our game done tomorrow. Kinda hard with him in UK and me in Western Canada but we will make it happen.
  19. Sons of Anarchy is such a great show.

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