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Roster Depth Sicko No. 2

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Everything posted by Roster Depth Sicko No. 2

  1. The Gen 9 pokemon are all leaking and some of the designs are AMAZING. Absolutely gonna have to buy this.
  2. I think it's actually tomorrow when the "season" ends.
  3. Yeah it's an hour every Monday, I've had 2 so far
  4. The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent lived up to expectations for me. Wonderful.
  5. I'd have rathered pretty much anyone else than Gakpo given I did the first one but on the other hand it's an easy upgrade to my Eredivisie team so gimme
  6. Appreciate your team might be personal preference but I'd swap the following: Willock in for Mount - The only real area Mount wins in is defending, which you don't really need on your CAM. He's faster stronger, better in the air, and improves on all the key shooting and passing stats. James in for Trippier - stronger, faster, better dribbling and crossing for use going forward. Bellingham in for Phillips - his base card I think goes for around 5k but if you can get his in form for around 35k I'd do it, excellent all round card for either version. OOP Hudson-Odoi in for Shaw - you can get him free fro objectives and he's a massive upgrade.
  7. Finally climbed up to Div 5 courtesy of someone scoring an own goal straight after kicking off, won't knock it.
  8. As a non-fan I've got to be fair and say I actually really enjoy the whole Swift album.
  9. Oh none of them are Icon teams, they're all people doing objectives, they just all seem to be way way better than me lol.
  10. Yeah I'm really enjoying the Eredivisie team I'm assembling, changing up from my normal line up ihas definitely helped. Finally ground out enough Friendly wins (how are friendlies harder than Rivals??) to get the striker from the squad foundations since I haven't had the time to get the Luuk de Jong Rulebreaker, so just need to do I think 14 rivals/squad battles with 6 wins to get the last two of those and then it's the grind for Dirk Kuyt. Berghuis arriving in TOTW this week was a nice boost too.
  11. Here's mine currently, although I'm gonna work on an Eredivisie team to take a break from it. Kuyt is gonna set me back a few and then I just need the Foundations players, everything else for it is set.
  12. Finished Bad Sisters today. Really enjoyed it. Apple TV have some really good content and seem to get some good names for their projects. Seems a shame I've seen almost none of these advertised before getting a free trial of it.
  13. SBCs release at 6pm GMT, so whatever the requirements are for the newest ones usually causes a surge.
  14. Not sure, managed to do it with cards I had. Think I spent 2.5k on an 84 to round the overall rating up. You can probably get it done around 75k from scratch (playstation prices, can't remember which markets are shared).
  15. Dumped Kroos into the guaranteed Hero SBC, got Ljungberg! He's a nice upgrade on Jack Harrison so I'll take that. Third hero of the year now.
  16. Urghhhh red picks were rubbish, some useless 83 and 84, but I got a Casemiro in one of the packs which is pretty sweet. I realised after the fact that the TOTW was rubbish and if I didn't get Neymar or Barella (who I already use the base card of so would have been ideal) or Kroos (who I already have the TOTW card for) it was gonna be bollocks. Need to re-think my team I think. That or just chill out for a week and work on the squad foundation cards.
  17. I watched it with no context for anything having missed most of Jodie's run and thought it was a mess really. A fun mess, but a lot of it was nonsense. Ending was great though.
  18. Went 6-12 in Champs and can't go up another tier so cba with the last two games, it honestly baffles me how annoyingly good some people are. I think I lost the first two games by an aggregate of 1-24.
  19. I honestly didn't even know there had been episodes this year at all, I thought they were having a year off before the 60th special. I'll go back and give them a fair go at some point, I think I got as far as the spiders one and gave up. Might as well catch up before the anniversary.
  20. I'd keep him, he's only about 40k and he does actually look a really nice card.
  21. Pens are fine but I can't nail the new free kick system yet.
  22. The way the new chemistry system affects Icons seems too hindering to use some of the weirder ones, depending on the team, they should have done it similar to how Heroes work. Marquee Matchups SBCs paid off big time this week, got TOTW Kroos and Hero Carvalho in back to back packs. I've got two heroes this year now after never packing an Icon or Hero before.
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