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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. The lie was a huge moment sure, and I understand Jeff not just calling his bullshit. I do think that they might have just given them letters (to ensure John got one) in hopes that Sandra would find out he lied since she would completely explode at him, making good TV.
  2. Maybe because I already knew about it that it didn't really phase me as much. I think it went outside the spirit of the game and I was really hoping they would completely out him, I think giving them the letters from home was an attempt to try to get the lie outed indirectly by the show runners. Shitty move but it didn't really get him anywhere, I don't think he lasted longer because of it, all he got was to hang out with his friend for a day. In the end I despised Lillian, Osten was a little bitch for giving up as well. I didn't like Fairplay but I disliked other people a lot more.
  3. Finished Pearl Islands and it was easily my favorite season since Outback. Had a super likable character, a good villain and was really unpredictable. I didn't like seeing people brought back, but I understand they are constantly changing the game and this will likely be the only time I have an issue with it since nobody expected it and it kind of screwed over a lot of people. Rupert was easily my favorite castaway so far for so many reasons. Johnny Fairplay is obviously a little shit but for some reason people actually listened to his bullshit, but he didn't come close to the most hated castaway for me. That goes to Lillian. Seriously, fuck her. She whined and cried and would flip sides constantly, once it got down to the final 3 I knew she didn't have a chance in hell of winning and couldn't fucking stand how she would basically cry because everybody wouldn't guarantee her a spot in the final 2. Apparently they aren't allowed to have relationships on the island, but I think the jury and Sandra thoroughly fucked Lillian at the final tribal council. Pointing out that she was voted out and got to come back and screw every member of the jury over, I'm not surprised only one person voted for her because she was the least deserving person to be in the final 2 ever. Johnny Fairplay would have probably beaten her since he seemed competent enough that he could have swayed a few people to vote for him. Sandra was kind of deserving to win, I think only Rupert, Johnny and and Darrah would have been better choices to win. Watched just the first episode of All-Stars to see who was on it, I like the three tribe idea, more possibilities. Plus Richard being Richard is great. Who the hell is Jenna though? She's the only one I didn't remember. My own personal rankings. Favorite Season: 1. Outback (Season 2) 2. Pearl Islands (Season 7) 3. Borneo (Season 1) 4, Amazon (Season 6) 5. Africa (Season 3) 6. Marqueses (Season 4) 7. Thailand (Season 5) Favorite Castaways: 1. Rupert (Pearl Islands) 2. Colby (Outback) 3. Richard (Borneo) 4. Michael (Outback) 5. Elizabeth (Outback) 6. Kim P (Africa) 7. Ethan (Africa) 8. Rodger (Outback) 9. Big Tom (Africa) 10. Tammy (Marqueses) 11. Lex (Africa) 12. Rob (Amazon) Least Favorite Castaways: 1. Lillian (Pearl Islands) 2. Ghandia (Thailand) 3. Sean (Marqueses) 4. Clay (Thailand) 5. Osten (Pearl Islands) 6. Johnny Fairplay (Pearl Islands) 7. Jerri (Outback) 8. B.B. (Borneo) 9. Kathy (Marqueses) 10. Mitchell (Outback) 11. Kelly (Borneo) 12. Kelly (Africa)
  4. Slightly past the merge, Rupert has easily become my favorite castaway. I don't really like having people come back, but I guess they want to continue to evolve the game and make it more interesting, maybe I'll change my opinion once it plays out. I literally cannot tell the difference between Burton and Shawn, so that change means nothing to me, althought it likely means less arguing with Johnny Fairplay. Also, Rupert straight out telling Burton why he was voted off seems to have made him realize his mistake so he might not there to screw them over. Osten, fuck that guy. He gave up like three different times and then just quit. I don't like Lil but I would rather see anybody else there but him. I also have to give the award for dumbest move to Michelle. Her role was to act digusted and like she can't drink the seafood blend... then she just downs it like nothing and wonders why they didn't pick her for the finals.
  5. I'm 7 minutes into Survivor Panama and Rupert has already my favorite to win it. Also, is that Johnny Fairplay? I know he was made famous for being a dick on Survivor so I was expecting him at some point. Nevermind, he name dropped himself like 20 seconds later. Also, I am shocked to learn that Rubert did not play Ogre in Revenge of the Nerds or Ray Jackson in Bloodsport.
  6. Amazon was rather enjoyable simply because it because very unpredictable thanks to Rob being all over the place. Nobody stood out as hateable the entire season, which was nice. I wouldn't put anybody in the top 10 for likable either though. This season was the most noticeable when it came to players losing weight for some reason as well. My own personal rankings. Favorite Season: 1. Outback (Season 2) 2. Borneo (Season 1) 3, Amazon (Season 6) 4. Africa (Season 3) 5. Marqueses (Season 4) 6. Thailand (Season 5)
  7. I had Robb ready to be on my most hated list until his last night when he seemed to really realize he was a bag of dicks and I feel if he didn't get voted out the next day he would have become a lot more likable. Brian did play well in that he got the power and his entire strategy relied on getting Clay to the end because who the hell would vote for Clay? It all seemed to unravel for him during the jury questions but like Helen said, despite it all, he was the lesser of two evils. I think that is what made him a smart player, put anyone else in the final 2 with him and he would have lost. Onto Amazon and I figured the opening swerve would happen eventually. So far this season seems to be more about "hot girls" than anything and the guys are coming off like a bunch of sexist idiots.
  8. Hopefully this is true, I wouldn't say my interest is waning, I enjoy it because I can watch an entire season in 3 days and I'm usually working out while I do it so it has become kind of the perfect show for me to watch for a while. The last two seasons were the bottom of the barrel so far and while I wasn't huge on Brian, he did what he needed to do in order to win the game, and that included bringing Clay along because as bad as he was, he wasn't as bad as Clay. One of the most interesting things about this is the evolution of the game so far. Mostly with the game runners trying to break the alliance based meta with switching tribe members. It hasn't worked yet, it has only completely screwed some people out of the game earlier and saved others. I think they really want the merge to be a free for all instead of tribe vs tribe so I'm interested to see if they ever figure out how to do that.
  9. Finished Thailand and.... well I mean it wasn't completely awful? The real problem was that nobody on the cast was really likable and the final 2 was a case of "which one of you sucks less". Brian played smart mostly because Ted/Jan/Helen couldn't get their shit together and dragged Clay along with him because anybody would beat him in the Final 2, and Brian still almost lost. The best part of the entire season was how most of the jury completely shit on them during their questions. I've been keeping a tally of my favorite/least favorite players and I don't think anyone from Thailand would even make the top 20 likable. My own personal rankings. Favorite Season: 1. Outback (Season 2) 2. Borneo (Season 1) 3. Africa (Season 3) 4. Marqueses (Season 4) 5. Thailand (Season 5) Favorite Castaways: 1. Colby (Outback) 2. Richard (Borneo) 3. Michael (Outback) 4. Elizabeth (Outback) 5. Kim P (Africa) 6. Ethan (Africa) 7. Rodger (Outback) 9. Big Tom (Africa) 10. Tammy (Marqueses) I would also rank Greg, Rudy, Alicia, Marilynn, Jeff, Lex, Theresa, Gina, Hunter and The General over anybody from Thailand. Least Favorite Castaways: 1. Ghandia (Thailand) 2. Sean (Marqueses) 3. Clay (Thailand) 4. Jerri (Outback) 5. B.B. (Borneo) 6. Kathy (Marqueses) 7. Mitchell (Outback) 8. Kelly (Borneo) 9. Kelly (Africa) 10. Kimmy (Outback)
  10. Ted grinded her in his sleep or something, she told him and he apologized. Ghandia then told Helen about it and through the worst game of telephone ever Helen went back to Ghandia and basically said "Ted denies the entire thing happened. Purple Monkey Dishwasher." Ghandia flipped out, especially over the Purple Monkey Dishwasher part. I'm not sure how I feel about the fake merge trick, I get that they are trying to change it up to prevent it from being an alliance war, but this was just odd.
  11. I've started Thailand... and I hope I've already gotten passed the worst part with Ghandia... god that was a terrible thing to have to watch. Helen (that's Neleh backwards, Mike) was almost as bad during it with the "I believe her story" crap which Ted never denied in the first place. I would venture to guess the cop dude will be in the final 2 at least.
  12. He just annoyed me to no end, he would just try to argue over people to get his point across and I couldn't stand listening to him. I have no idea what is up next, I don't even know where Survivor 5 is going to be. I'm all for being people being manipulative bastards like Rob was, its when they come across like someone I would hate in real life is when they make the list, and Sean's personality so far has topped that over the 64 castaways I've seen.
  13. Finishes Marquesas and that was probably my least favorite season so far. I do appreciate how the game wasn't just make an alliance and ride it out to the end, but I didn't like most of the people. Hunter, Gina and Tammy were probably my favorite three while Sean EASILY makes my list for least liked castaway so far. Boston Rob was a manipulative bastard, but he TRIED something new and it just didn't work out. Sean was a loud mouth idiot and I wished he got voted off a lot sooner. Also probably the least deserving of all the winners so far. Tammy gets my Season 4 MVP for calling the final 2 out, because the game is about lying, manipulating and screwing people over, but they acted like they didn't do it at all. My own persona rankings. Favorite Season: 1. Outback (Season 2) 2. Borneo (Season 1) 3. Africa (Season 3) 4. Marqueses (Season 4) Favorite Castaways: 1. Colby (Outback) 2. Richard (Borneo) 3. Michael (Outback) 4. Elizabeth (Outback) 5. Kim P (Africa) 6. Ethan (Africa) 7. Rodger (Outback) 9. Big Tom (Africa) 10. Tammy (Marqueses) Least Favorite Castaways: 1. Sean (Marqueses) 2. Jerri (Outback) 3. B.B. (Borneo) 4. Kathy (Marqueses) 5. Mitchell (Outback) 6. Kelly (Borneo) 7. Kelly (Africa) 8. Kimmy (Outback)
  14. Started Season 4 (Marquesas), but didn't get very far yet. Hunter seems like the best pick to win early on, but I don't enough of the cast to even remotely predict who will make it to the end yet. I bet the showrunner were shitting their pants when people were voting for Sarah, they probably want her to stick around for a long time.
  15. I tried it out and my phone doesn't seem to like it and its constantly crashing. Had the same problem with Hearthstone which is why I never ended up playing that either.
  16. Finished Africa, the right person won for sure. The seasons started a little rocky but post merger it was a lot more enjoyable, although this one seemed less about survival and getting food than the first two. Gonna start Season 4 tonight and I have no idea what I am getting into. My own persona rankings. Favorite Season: 1. Outback (Season 2) 2. Borneo (Season 1) 3. Africa (Season 3) Favorite Castaways: 1. Colby (Outback) 2. Richard (Borneo) 3. Michael (Outback) 4. Elizabeth (Outback) 5. Kim P (Africa) 6. Ethan (Africa) 7. Rodger (Outback) 9. Big Tom (Africa) Least Favorite Castaways: 1. Jerri (Outback) 2. B.B. (Borneo) 3. Mitchell (Outback) 4. Kelly (Borneo) 5. Kelly (Africa) 6. Kimmy (Outback)
  17. Well Lex kind of fell apart post merge, so it's probably going to go to Ethan or Tom in the end. I would bet more on Ethan since I don't think Tom will win the last immunity challenge and nobody would be smart to bring him to the final 2. I don't think their attempt to destroy the early tribal alliances worked all too well this season.
  18. Started Africa and I'm not sure how I feel about this season. Most of the cast (mostly Samburu) is detestable. The lazy trio that would die if left alone, Silas is an idiot and Linda is a lunatic. Boran was fine outside of the first episode shenanigans with Clarence. I'm not sure how I feel about the swap, since it spiced the game up and destroyed the Samburu team completely, which was probably good for the long term of the show since they were not fun to watch, and they probably would have died. I'm not at the merge yet but I almost feel like Jeff put doubt in their mind about it because Ethan threw the immunity challenge (which was brilliant strategy). Almost as if the show runners are reacting to the game and tossing twists to make it less predictable. I'm going to guess a final 4 of Ethan, Lex, Tom and Kelly (maybe Kim). Right now I am hoping Lex or Ethan wins.
  19. To be fair, after Season 2 I know literally nothing about Survivor, so saying Jerri is a modest villain compared to now might be true, I just don't have anyone else to compare her to yet. I didn't like her personality and I didn't know anything about what Tina did, but voting Mitchell off basically got them to where they were since otherwise Jerri/Amber/Mitchell would have had the power post merge the final 2 would have probably been Colby and Amber or Mitchell (since he won everything anyway). I'm sure the production changed after certain things happened that they didn't expect but from a complete newbie point of view, I didn't like Jerri. My opinion might change once I see other seasons.
  20. Jerri was a bitch and she had Amber and Mitchell as her minions. Colby was smart, he broke up that trio early on to give himself, Keith and Tina all the power but never came off like an asshole where as Jerri basically pissed everyone off. I think its like of "Jerri the Villain" and more that she would be someone I would hate if I had to spend 20 minutes with.
  21. I somehow managed to binge through all of Outback over the weekend. Season 1 was good, but didn't have the most likable cast. I liked Richard, but a lot of the other players I wasn't big on (though I won't blame Rudy for some of his opinions since he was born in the 20's). Outback had a way more likable cast outside of a few people. I did remember more about it than I thought once I saw it and enjoyed it a lot more. Africa is next. I looked up a spoiler free cast and I don't recognize a single person so this will be my first time going in blind. Overall the favorite players are slim for season 1 and would probably just be Richard. Season 2 has a lot more likable and hateable people. With Jerri, Mitchell and Kel being high on my did not like list (Jerri is obvious, Mitchell was just a follower and Kel looked like a tool at the reunion). Where as Mad Dog, Michael, Elizabeth, Rodger, Colby, Tina, Nick, Jeff, Amber and Alicia were all likable people.
  22. I'm going to finish Season 1 tonight and start on Outback, I want to see how much I remember about that. I know Tina, Colby, Michael and Jerri (though I could be wrong). I'll probably recognize some other faces once I see it because I think I actually watched that one when it aired and was 100% behind Michael winning. I don't think I have a clue who won season 3 or who is even on it and everything after that I have no idea. The only other thing I know is Johnny Fairplay due to his ties to wrestling and Danny Bonaduce breaking his face, but I have no idea what season he was on, if he won or even if he was hated while on the island. Basically I have a ton of completely new material to watch.
  23. I have 2 episodes to go on Season 1, and I remember how it goes down so I'm not in for any surprises. Rudy is a very interesting character. He doesn't care for homosexuals or having children out of wedlock, which I can understand coming from someone born in the 1920's. However, he never makes anything out of it and just accepts it despite not agreeing with it. It's easy to saw knowing more about how the game works now, so it's understandable not everyone would be playing smart the first season, but some of them are pretty awful at it. Sean doesn't want to vote for everyone, and even though they all suspect an alliance between Rich, Rudy and Sue, nobody every tries to do anything about it.
  24. I'm excited for Season 3 and on since I don't know a single thing about any of them. Season 2 I remember the final 2 and might remember some more players once I see it, but that's about it. The opening has some spoilers in it though, like Rudy with a beard even though its half way in and he doesn't have one yet.... though I assume he has the ability to shave because its been 27 days and even I would have more facial hair then all of them and I can't grow a beard at all.
  25. After seeing this threat I decided to check Survivor out since I wanted something to sort of watch while I did other things. I only remember parts of season 1 and 2 from when I was young so most of it will be completely new to me and I can see it evolve quickly over time. I'm halfway through the first season and I now realized 14 year old me was dumb and Richard is easily the best.
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