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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. You're like my Survivor Historian. I'm just watching these seasons in a bottle with no knowledge about what was going on at the time. I haven't had a real problem with Fiji yet except for what seems like a very unfair twist. Of course the team that won the first challenge would dominate, it's not even a contest at this point. Maybe it is just how I view the show, like in Fiji I actively hate a lot of people (Rocky, Dreamz, Lisi, Mookey and Stacey). So my enjoyment comes purely from hoping to see the people I like beat them. In this case it's Yao Man, Edguardo and Earl.
  2. People don't like Cook Islands? I thought it was fantastic. Candice and Jonathon left their tribe to make a 4 v 8 situation and the 4 took out the entire other tribe without ever once falling apart. Outside the tie breaker thing it was a pretty great season with two deserving finalist. The only other real downside was the Final Tribal Council wasn't that great because nobody really had anything bad to say, except Jonathon who was completely wrong about everything anyways.
  3. Is Fiji considered to be a good season? The concept of one tribe starts with a full shelter with everything and the other gets nothing is pretty terrible.
  4. If Yao Min doesn't win Fiji I'll be very unhappy.
  5. Cao Boi was ridiculous and I wish he lasted a lot longer. Billy was.... well it was the most shocked I've ever see Jeff at Tribal Council. That tie breaker though with Jeff just giving up and giving the girls matches and they STILL couldn't light a god damn fire....
  6. Finished up Cook Island and it became my favorite season so far for a lot of reason. The beginning twist of dividing people by ethnicity I didn't like but that only lasted two episodes and didn't factor into the rest of the game (which was cool to see). The twist at the end was okay, but I think for the first time ever if left two extremely deserving people in the finals which I liked. I kind of feel bad for Jonathon because I'm sure he got a bad rep for how he was on the island but he really misunderstood what the hell happened to him. He acted like he got betrayed when he turned on everyone himself, so of course they didn't trust him. The main draw for me was the fact that after the mutiny it left a tribe of 4 against 8 and the tribe of 4 took out every single person without wavering at all, mostly because Ozzy was a fucking badass. I actually hated Ozzy at first for purposely losing a challenge to out Billy, then being upset when he was in the minority like an episode later, but he turned it around big time. Favorite Season: 1. Cook Island (Season 13) 1. Outback (Season 2) 2. Pearl Islands (Season 7) 3. Palau (Season 10) 4. All Stars (Season 8) 5. Guatemala (Season 11) 6. Panama (Season 12) 7. Borneo (Season 1) 8, Amazon (Season 6) 9. Africa (Season 3) 10. Marqueses (Season 4) 11. Vanuatu (Season 9) 12. Thailand (Season 5) Favorite Castaways (reset after Allstars) 1. Tom (Palau) 2, Ozzy (Cook Island) 3. Yul (Cook Island) 4. Gary (Guatemala) 5. Danielle (Panama) 6. Dani (Guatemala) 7. Pavarti (Cook Island) 8. Ami (Vanuatu) 9. Terry (Panama) 10. Julie (Vanuatu) 11. Sarge (Vanuatu) 12. Steph (Palau) Least Favorite Castaways (reset after Allstarts) 1. Twila (Vanuatu) 2. Jamie (Guatemala) 3. Aras (Panama) 4. Scout (Vanuatu) 5. Judd (Guatemala) 6. Rory (Vanuatu) 7. Caryn (Palau) 8. Candice (Cook Island)
  7. Finished up with Panama, kind bummed Aras won because he was kind of a jackass. Terry busted his ass and deserved it more, but obviously that is why Danielle didn't pick him. Danielle still gets high on my favorites list because she was one of the more attractive people on the show. Panama was a weird season in that nobody was particularly hateable (except maybe Aras) but at the same time the cast was more just really weird and dysfunctional, but the game lacked twists. Started Cook Island just a bit, and that second tribal council was something to behold. The Billy finding love thing was ridiculous but Probst reaction was the best thing. I also love Cao Boi and hate Ozzy already. Favorite Season: 1. Outback (Season 2) 2. Pearl Islands (Season 7) 3. Palau (Season 10) 4. All Stars (Season 8) 5. Guatemala (Season 11) 6. Panama (Season 12) 7. Borneo (Season 1) 8, Amazon (Season 6) 9. Africa (Season 3) 10. Marqueses (Season 4) 11. Vanuatu (Season 9) 12. Thailand (Season 5) Favorite Castaways (reset after Allstars) 1. Tom (Palau) 2. Gary (Guatemala) 3. Danielle (Panama) 4. Dani (Guatemala) 5. Ami (Vanuatu) 6. Terry (Panama) 7. Julie (Vanuatu) 8. Sarge (Vanuatu) 9. Steph (Palau) 10. Bruce (Panama) Least Favorite Castaways (reset after Allstarts) 1. Twila (Vanuatu) 2. Jamie (Guatemala) 3. Aras (Panama) 4. Scout (Vanuatu) 5. Judd (Guatemala) 6. Rory (Vanuatu) 7. Caryn (Palau)
  8. Getting towards the end, poor Bruce. I would love to see Terry win every single immunity. The challenge where they had to stand on a little tower and poor water that Terry won and backflipped off it lead to the best moment of the season. Shane bitching and trying to do a flip as well and just landing awkwardly in like a side belly flop.
  9. I was enjoying Exile Island but it's starting to become one of my least favorite seasons. I think the main reason is I feel its really stagnant. You have the alliance of idiots and assholes that outnumber the other team and they are basically screwed. Unless something serious happens then the game becomes really predictable, even with a huge twist like the hidden immunity that will ultimately not mean much if nothing changes. So I am hoping for a shake up of some sort to go on here.
  10. They are certainly getting more interesting characters. Jamie was a great study on human psychology. He got pissed at Bobby Jon then took it to a whole new level, acted like a complete shitbag, got super upset when Bobby Jon told him he had no class and then they became friends? All while he became super paranoid and repeating himself.... so if Shawn outdoes that then I'm impressed. Judd was also a great person to have on the show because he was just a loud mouthed idiot, especially because he hated the nurse for telling him he might have ADHD.
  11. I JUST WANT SOMETHING THAT'S MINE! Like, seriously, quitting smoking to go on Survivor may be one of the worst decision ever because he is so irritable. I also think I have a major crush on Danielle for some reason, so I hope the final four is like Terry, Danielle, Bruce and Cirie (just because I think seeing her survive super late somehow would be great).
  12. Started Exile Island, Bruce is my early favorite because he's ridiculous. Shawn gets an MVP spot for being completely insane and Ares so far is the douche of the season.
  13. I liked that season a lot, mostly because of Rupert and because I enjoyed hating Johnny Fairplay. But it also had Lillian, which is the worst thing to happen to Survivor ever. The following paragraphs will have season 10/11 spoilers so I would avoid reading Katsuya. Palau was a really unique start and thankfully singing lady didn't make it. Tom was the absolute best and to me, sits with Ethan and Richard as the most deserving winners. Ian I really liked at the start but he really, really fell apart as the game went on despite having the advantage the entire time. The Ulong losing streak was kind of cool to see finally happen and I think overall was an enjoyable season. Since I had the weekend mostly free and Monday off I powered through Guatemala as well. My early picks were Gary and Dani and I'm glad one of them won, despite being at a disadvantage. Jamie/Bobby Jon was weird since they went from bitter rivals to friends so quickly after Jamie realized he lost his fucking mind out there. Judd was an idiot, but entertaining, so I think Seasons 10 and 11 really picked up momentum. Favorite Season: 1. Outback (Season 2) 2. Pearl Islands (Season 7) 3. Palau (Season 10) 4. All Stars (Season 8) 5. Guatemala (Season 11) 6. Borneo (Season 1) 7, Amazon (Season 6) 8. Africa (Season 3) 9. Marqueses (Season 4) 9. Vanuatu (Season 9) 10. Thailand (Season 5) Favorite Castaways (reset after Allstars) 1. Tom (Palau) 2. Gary (Guatemala) 3. Dani (Guatemala) 4. Ami (Vanuatu) 5. Julie (Vanuatu) 6. Sarge (Vanuatu) 7. Steph (Palau) 8. Brandon (Guatemala) 9. Eliza (Vanuatu) 10. Lee Ann (Vanuatu) Least Favorite Castaways (reset after Allstarts) 1. Twila (Vanuatu) 2. Jamie (Guatemala) 3. Scout (Vanuatu) 4. Judd (Guatemala) 5. Rory (Vanuatu) 6. Caryn (Palau)
  14. Vanuatu wasn't my favorite season and I would rank it on the level of Marqueses, in that it didn't really have any characters I really cared about. I would have liked to see Ami win it, once she was gone I would have laughed if Eliza won. Chris did deserve it, but only because the womens alliance cannibalized themselves in pretty spectacular faction. I did not like Twila at all, I wouldn't put her on Lillian levels of hate, closer to Ghandia levels. Good chunk into Panuta or... I actually have no idea what its called. It's hilarious to see one tribe dominate so hard and the beginning twist I think was spectacular, thankfully the singing lady didn't last. I am already ranking this season highly because I like a lot of the cast members, especially the bad ass Tom and Ian. One thing I really could not believe was how god damn stupid James is. He goes into total blame mode because Ibraheim lost them a challenge, saying he has to go because of it. The bathroom building challenge James bragged about building houses, and they lost. The knot immunity he said he could tie an unbreakable knot, and they lost. The Sumo challenge Ibraheim was the only guy to get a win, James went 0-2, and they lost. James lost a ton more things. Favorite Season: 1. Outback (Season 2) 2. Pearl Islands (Season 7) 3. All Stars (Season 8) 4. Borneo (Season 1) 5, Amazon (Season 6) 6. Africa (Season 3) 7. Marqueses (Season 4) 8. Vanuatu (Season 9) 9. Thailand (Season 5) Favorite Castaways (reset after Allstars) 1. Ami (Vanuatu) 2. Julie (Vanuatu) 3. Sarge (Vanuatu) 4. Eliza (Vanuatu) 5. Lee Ann (Vanuatu) Least Favorite Castaways (reset after Allstarts) 1. Twila (Vanuatu) 2. Scout (Vanuatu) 3. Rory (Vanuatu)
  15. Gonna finish Vanuatu tonight, I was starting to like it but I'm not really happy with the final four. Scout has been useless and Twila is a piece of shit. I was hoping for Ami, Julie, Lea Ann and Eliza to be the final four, now I just kinda hope Chris wins because it would be hilarious to see him survive from a 6 on 1 alliance
  16. I understand that people do dumb things on this show, they are tired and hungry and whatever, but holy shit Bubba and Lisa shot themselves in the foot pretty damn badly.
  17. In Vanuatu supposed to be considered a good season? So far I'm kind of struggling to give a crap about anyone outside of thinking Rory is a jackass. Hopefully it picks up and they stop voting off all the physically capable people. I think we can also just go ahead and give Eliza the award for biggest eyeballs in Survivor. Seriously though, how are some people in this game that incredibly stupid? Why did Rory think it was a good idea to constantly yell while Sarge was directing blind people around and refused to shut up?
  18. Thank you for all that info! Now a lot of things make more sense outside the context of the show. This thread led me to starting a massive binge on this show and I'm glad there are people to kind of fill in the blanks of things I wouldn't know about watching it a decade and a half later. Another question that I can hopefully get a non spoiler answer for. I know other cast members come back, but does the game kind of cycle through a few seasons of all new players then do another "All-Stars" and repeat? Or is it kind of a mixed bag? I'm kind of hoping there is a season of former cast members that didn't make it very far (like only people who didn't make the Jury are allowed).
  19. I had to look this up and holy crap Pearl Islands taped June 23rd to July 31st Pearl Islands aired September 18th to December 14th Allstars taped November 3rd to December 11th So the last thing the All Stars would have seen was the episode where the Outcasts (Lill and Burton) come back as that aired October 30th. Rupert got back from All-Stars and 3 days later did the reunion show for Pearl Islands. So when he says he got home and left again, he was only home for 6 weeks. What really gets me is that during the reunion for Pearl Islands, Johnny Fairplay mentioned All-Stars. I would assume he knew it was already done and he wasn't part of it?
  20. A friend of mine that has watched all the seasons mentioned this to me, I know they tape a few months in advance, but with what you said I want to know. Do they actually take the next season before the current one airs? So in this case Pearl Islands hadn't even aired so nobody knew anything about Rupert? They did ask trivia questions about Pearl Islands so I'm not sure if it hadn't aired yet, or some of it had since you say they hadn't seen Rupert play. I'm just not sure of the timeline of it all. Even binge watching I was a little pissed that the final 3 were Jenna, Amber and Boston Rob (I think Rob was the only person on All Stars who didn't even make it to the jury?).
  21. Finished All Stars, I knew who the final 2 were going to be so no shockers there... except how they got there. This was All-Stars, how did nobody do anything about them? Kind of baffles me. Watching the reunion thing I can understand both sides of the "its a game" and "its personal" arguments. Rich was right in that people will perceive them how they perceive them, but at the same time I completely understand why Lex and Big Tom were pissed. I actually laughed when Big Tom made peace and then immediately called Rob stupid and wouldn't shake his hand during the final tribal. I also think Jerri was on point on the America's Tribal Council show when she gave Jeff shit for not controlling the audience, half the time people didn't get to talk because the crowd wouldn't shut up (be it booing Jerri or Lex, or cheering Rupert or Colby). Glad that Rupert won the favorite all star million, he did deserve it. All Stars was a much different game, so I'm looking forward to going back to the more mellow 16 strangers style for a bit. Also, I just realized Jenna was THAT Jenna from TNA. Also, Johnny Fairplay plugging TNA WEEKLY PAY PER VIEWS made me realize how long ago this was.
  22. That's what I figured. They would have been better choices than Jenna and Alicia for sure. You know Thailand really sucked when Shii Ann is the allstar.
  23. Allstars is an interesting season, they targeted all the strong players at the start and left a group of people that can't figure out Rob is screwing them all. Seeing more Rich was great because he's just such an ass that it's entertaining. Also, I remembered why I liked Lex at the start of Africa, then he once again went and did something incredible stupid and made me remember why I stopped liking him as much. Sadly I know who wins this season so it's less enthralling. I'm sure some people turned down allstars, but on the male side you pretty much have the 9 people you would expect from the first seasons. Michael might have been a good pick as well but it would be hard to justify replacing anyone. On the girls side, it looks like they had to dip down and pick up Jenna, Alicia and Shii Ann. Shii Ann is probably because they needed somebody from Thailand and the picking were really slim from that season.
  24. Seriously though, fuck Lillian. She was worse than Ghandia.
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