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The Donators
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Everything posted by Plubby

  1. Check out mah boys Boise State and our ol' Coach's new team Washington. Both undefeated! ^_^
  2. Nothing in particular, i'd just watch the second (of three) ANX/Rox matches again to be honest :>
  3. Anyone who purposefully wears facial hair that is worse than mine when i'm too lazy to shave is no quarterback of mine. GTFO my team Lynch. And give us our draft pick back.
  4. I think your offer has already been pushed over, friendo.
  5. SKloudT Telekom T9
  6. It is. For all of Thorin's vitriol on twitter yesterday, I think the one point he had is that Regi may need to consider bringing someone in who can build a roster.
  7. Honestly at this point you have to question why you would trust Regi to do anything better than assemble a team that can win NA.
  8. They won't have a choice as Doublelift will retire. Maybe they'll go for Forg1ven?
  9. They'll change ADCarries.
  10. I will fucking fight you, Piplup is incredible.
  11. THE KNICKS FUCKIN' RULE~! Upon further review, both Carmelo (4-13) and Noah (DNP: CD) are already in midseason form.
  12. Spec Ops: The Line. Also the bit in the Age of Empires 2 Teutons campaign cutscene where Barbarossa jumps in the lake with his armour on. That shit's wacky.
  14. OBJ goes for 3-for-23 but because I was only up by 4 points I lost hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahhahakillmenow
  15. Plubby

    NHL '17

    NHL 2002 was the last time you could play as a goalie and not have it be horrendously broken. This year would mark 15 years that it's been awful for. Has anyone played it?
  16. Against what seemed to be highly unlikely odds, Coby Fleener managed to overcome Jacob Tamme and an 11 point gap.
  17. Did Manti Te'o get tripped by his girlfriend when he got hurt?
  18. Brock Osweiler through 24 games (7 starts); 14 Touchdowns, 10 Interceptions, 82.4 passer rating Tim Tebow through 35 game career (16 starts): 17 Touchdowns, 9 Interceptions 75.3 passer rating You'd want a marked fucking improvement to end the season or you're going to end up with a $72 million quarterback whose crowning achievement is "marginally better than Tim Tebow".
  19. Brissett: 149 Total Yards Texans: 152 Total Yards At least they're winning now >_<
  20. Kellen Moore could do it! #TeamHomerUnite
  21. He has more yards than the entire Texans :\
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