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Posts posted by Mj3

  1. Stevo said something useful on Boots N All, "Joey Johns, undoubtedly the best player in the World, arguably, the best player EVER"

    Would anyone here say that Johns is the best EVER?

    I'm pretty close to saying yes, but something from keeps me saying he is, in the top 5 all time, defiantely, maybe even top 3.

  2. Yep, Klien is a joke, there was one instance where Briers (me thinks) threw an inside pass, deacon got a hand to it, it went forward and Withers regathered before it went to ground, play on waved.

    Stevo made the greatest ballsed up ever. "Its not a forward pass if the person recieving is behind the passer", he's a knob jockey really, if the ball goes forward..... Forward pass.

  3. Middlesbrough - claim to be class, never back it up, the chairmen actually bragged about finishing 7th in the Premiership once, how deluded can you get?

    Man United - obviously....

    Tadcaster Albion - cheating bastards, shit ground, and its hard to find.

    Castleford Tigers RLFC - For generally being inbreeding scum of the Earth, arrogance & twatiness of the highest order. Note - Should be renamed Chavleford.

    York City Knights RL - Biased fans

    Salford City Reds - What do their fans offer? apart from beatings with bricks & a reason for another holocaust.

  4. Stevo claims a lot of untrue things, but he's not that big an idiot to say Fielden, a prop, is the best in the world, I've heard him say he's the best prop in the world though, between him and Webcke.

    And a note on Webcke, fookin awesome! people talk about HHH bringing his A-game around 'mania time, this guy doesnt have an a-game, its his only game, same with Fielden.

  5. To weigh in with the whole ESL vs. NRL debate, the NRL is currently a good distance ahead of the ESL in terms of genuine quality. Whilst the World Club Challenge typically goes the way of the ESL side it's important to note that they're playing a home fixture, generally play warm-up games, and take it deadly serious. Whilst some sides have taken it seriously in recent years (most notably Sydney and Melbourne), most do just treat it as a trial. I don't deny that Bradford, St Helens, and Leeds could compete in the NRL - but they'd not be able to match it up consistently with the likes of Sydney, Canterbury, Newcastle, North Queensland etc.

  6. Well, 15 teams from 3 states, 1 territory and New Zealand actually, but whatever >_>

    Jamie Lyon isn't second-rate, no, in fact he's probably the best centre in the world. And he's hot favourites to come to Manly next year :)

    But, we do have second-rate/retired players over there going very well. Darren Alberts (2nd rate ever since the 1997 Grand Final, the drug cheat. We'll be taking his head off this round though), Chad Randall (useless hack who only got into first grade because of his father, suppose he was a good defender though), Ian Hindmarsh (right?), Andrew Walker (he was alright I guess, but then he got done in for drugs), Bret Dallas, Scott Donald etc.

    And North Queensland rely on their back 3 plus Thurston to take them to Premierships. And Thurston is a grub who should be locked up in gaol rather than playing League <_<

  7. Since Liam pretty much covered it, why not move on to a slightly different topic, namely which of the two do you prefer? I always liked Union better simply because it was less complicated, and particularly since the Quins are kicking arse.

    Oh how I laughed at seeing them relegated.. Happy Days.

    I've grown up with Union so always prefered it but most likely through that main purpose. It just seems more fluid to me and there are some stupid rules in Lewague. The whole, if you kick it and our man charges it down we still get the ball one being perhaps the most laughable of the lot, come to thingk of it Uriah Rennie used that in the Spurs game yesterday...

    Laughable rules? how about turn the scrum 90 degrees you either win a scrum or conceding a penalty depending on how the ref feels? or the rediculous amount of advantage after a knock on? and theres a lot of those in union.

    Ps. the rule is known as a "charge down" and they have them in union too.

  8. I'm Doncaster, 10 games into my 3rd year in the Championship, as I got promoted last year via the play-offs (Rotherham 0 Doncaster 6, I was shocked too).

    Problem is, Youth team is crap so need to sign out of contract players at the end of the year who demand big wages, apart from Foy whos on £400 a week, basic.

    Enzo Giovanni Scorza should be picked up by anyone, 18, Uruguayan with Italian passport so doesnt need a work permit & 35k is only a small amount.

  9. Scientology? what is it? ive heard of it but only know the fact Tom Cruise is part of it?

    Is it the worship of Tom Cruise?

    EDIT: Wait, went on wikipedia and almost wish it was the worship of Tom Cruise, its all a bunch of tree hugging hippy crap anyway...




  10. NOTW is a level below The Sun, whereas The Sun tries to start racial hatred, NOTW is trying to stir some homophobic reactions, they are scum who failed the jounralism classes....

    Ashley Cole............. HOW? Cheryl Tweedy? he pulls her, he is a God, so how on Earth he could even look at another woman (unless its Nicola Roberts of course :)), but another BLOKE?

    All seriousness, I couldnt give a toss about whos gay in the football World, but the Chav's will have a field day if they found out, and thats what makes me sick about NOTW.

  11. I can see England performing better this year, maybe winning it, now they have realised that there are more players in a team than Wilkinson, so the pressure will be off Hodgson to be the next Wilko and he'll be a better player.

    Its obvious to see that League coaches are teaching Union players. Which is good because League are better at technical running (hitting the gaps etc). Basically, League is better than Union :)

    So its between France (despite their loss) & England

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