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Posts posted by Mj3

  1. But the point is that the team shouldn't have to be able to field 2 strong teams, 11 and 11 (although it would obviously be nice). They should have requisite cover for pretty much all the players in the team, but that doesn't mean we have to expect a strong showing from a team full of cover players who don't usually play together.

    England can field more than 2 competitive sides when you look at the crossover of players in a squad, (if two or three players were injured, we can plug the gaps, basically) but when you take the best part of the whole of our main players out, and the ones that are left in are regaining fitness, then no, the team won't be as competitive as some may hope.

    When will people realise that you can't just stick any 11 players out there, name value or otherwise, and get a resullt based purely on that? Ireland (until recently) show you can get results without it, whilst Italy and Spain have flatered to decieve with it. This didn't really affect the circumstances around the game, and what the game was essentially for...to give people a run out before the World Cup, get some minutes under their belts.

    EDIT: Whether it would be against Belarus or whomever, I'm sure a lot of the bigger named teams would struggle (whether they win, lose or draw) playing just a second string 11 (due to similar circumstances that befell us), apart from probably Brazil.

  2. Im with you on this one, even if they are a solid team, we should still have the class to break them down, if we havent got enough players to be able to field 2 competitive teams, then we are doing something wrong as a "football nation".

    And you seemed to have missed the point where we need players to fill gaps in our main team, which we have, and to give us better options, which we have. Do we need a whole second 11 that can play TOGETHER well? No, we don't really. Not every starting 11 you can put out from your 23 man squad can be uber effective, as this match showed. What we need is players to plug the holes, and in that 11 last night we do have that.

  3. LOL.

    Go Belarus.

    Wow, England B are shit.

    Just cleared it up for you.

    We had several players getting a run out to test their fitness, and basically back-up players after that. I couldn't care less if we won the game tonight, because it was more about getting people a game than anything.

    Add the freakish nature of their first goal on top of it all. Besides, Belarus are what all former Russian states are like....solid, efficient and generally dirty. It isn't as if we were going to roll over them as convincingly as most people assumed.

  4. It scarcely matters since in 2008 everyone will lose their licence and have to reapply. I'd be surprised if Wigan did finish at the bottom, but it looks like a very real chance at the moment. Who are the leading sides in the National League atm?

  5. Opinions on Wigan finishing bottom?

    Insiders say if Wigan do finish bottom, RFL will cheat to help Hull KR win National League 1, as their ground isnt SL standard (which was SL standard before Wigan looked like getting relegated....) and if that doesnt happen, then the Super League will be expanded to 14 teams, something that Wigan voted against when in top 6 every year, as it would mean less TV money for them.

    Cheating Lancashire bastards.

  6. Crap Leeds performance, even worse ref performance (even worse than he was in the semis for us vs Preston).

    Apparently, there was a deal that the winners gave the losers their winning pay, would explain a lot really wouldnt it ¬_¬

    Watford to come straight back down though, even though I hope they dont aswell as Reading.

    So good luck to Watford & Reading.

  7. Not a fan of McClaren, really wanted a foreign manager as no English guy is upto the task IMO, but as he has the job, I hope he does well, if not then im Dutch from now on.

    Bit weary of a guy who said there's positives in a 7-0 defeat and has narrowly avoided relegation though...

  8. As has already been said, you cant have a team suggested, When I first started watching NRL, for some reason, I got behind Cronulla Sharks, at that point, they had Matt Rogers & Andrew Ettinghausen. (Now im more NQC).

    I'm guessing you'll end up supporting Wigan Atheletic, no-one hates them and everyone wants them to do well.

  9. I caught the end of the episode tonight, was good I enjoyed it, Billie Piper, id hit that (and would have done in 1998 wen she first appeared).

    Prefer the old episodes though, they were badly acted, the set moved when they ran past it, but it was all gold! Tom Baker's era was the best one.

    No celebrity appearances, pretty much unknowns acting in them.

    This series....... Needs more Darleks.

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