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Everything posted by BlackFlagg

  1. Isn't this one of the signs of the Apocalypse?
  2. Well the new Smackdown game will be out in a few months, so maybe hold off on HCTP and wait for the new one...Also the Chris Benoit DVD just came out and looks great<still waiting for mine to arrive, heh>
  3. PS2 controller has 1 more button than GC one does. GC controller=7 buttons, PS2 controller=8 buttons
  4. bah, what happened tonight? I missed it
  5. I'll go with RZA simply for the Kill Bill score
  6. According to Yahoo news, he died of natural causes. RIP, Rick. Thanks for all the great music. ← I severely doubt anyone dies of natural causes at only 56... Either way, RIP Rick. ← I'm sure it was natural causes brought on by previous drug use....but anyway, RIP Superfreak
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