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About Arsenic

  • Birthday 04/04/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Kansas, USA

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3,137 profile views

Arsenic's Achievements

Development Deal

Development Deal (2/12)



  1. Hope everyone is doing well. Take care and stay safe out there.

  2. Glad to hear that you liked and made use of my editor. It's kind of awesome to know that something that I made years upon years ago is still being used even if it is something as small as the editor.

  3. Ah great to meet you...I could not have played EWR without your editor as it saved my backside alot in the past....great job my friend :)

  4. Yes sir, that was indeed me.

  5. Hi there can I ask are you the one that made the EWR Editor??

  6. Even I can't remember the difference between 4.4 and 4.5 but I guarantee you that no version EVER had a virus. It was just a false-positive.
  7. It took long enough

    to notice it's a haiku

    that's just how I roll

  8. I just realised the comment you left me was a haiku, you magnificent bastard.

  9. Arsenic, my friend, good to hear from you! Glad you are alive.

  10. Old birthday wishes

    Went unseen until today

    Wow I'm still alive

  11. Happy birthday Arsenic, you fucking psycho.

  12. "Party Boy Theme" by Dave Roen That's what I was able to come up with.
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