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Everything posted by BlackFlagg

  1. Can't wait, without a doubt one of the best shows...ever
  2. Hmm, well maybe he bought it, or maybe he heard it on TV or the radio or at a club or something. Using a crappy veiled question like that doesn't make you some sort of cool super sleuth/international spy, it just makes you sound like a tit. ← And besides that, if memory serves correctly, EWB has gotten a bit more lax about filesharing and such. ←
  3. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen - 3/10
  4. BlackFlagg

    MTV VMAs

    I'm not watching, I switched it after Kanye West performed since I realized there likely wasn't going to be anything better. Dead Like Me > MTV ←
  5. BlackFlagg

    MTV VMAs

    didn't even know it was on...guess I'll check it out, need something to kill the time till Dead Like Me
  6. n/m, just saw it wasn't on last night, heh
  7. http://viewaskew.com/theboard/viewtopic.php?t=14125&start=0
  8. Like it but not enough to shell out the cash fer it.
  9. Hell yah, this is the week of Marvin...nice having him as HoH 'cause anyone could be going up.
  10. Robin Hood - 7.5/10, Rickman rules you
  11. I have to go with Lion King or Robin Hood
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