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Everything posted by mkpunk

  1. Bo Dallas should have the BoDog as his primary finisher and Double Arm DDT as his secondary finisher. Ryan Drago should be renamed Simon Gotch
  2. Should Ricardo Rodriguez be renamed Elocal and put into developmental? He hasn't been used on the main roster in anything other than a commentary role since after the Rob Van Dam departure in October of last year. Perhaps lower overness to 65. Add El Local and El Local I as alter egos for Rodriguez/Elocal. Add El Local II as an alter ego for Tyson Kidd. I think Konnor needs a decrease in charisma, I don't see him being at 80. I would say 70, 75 at the highest.
  3. CHIKARA Notes: Worker Ant should NOT be added to CHIKARA as there is a new Worker Ant, the former assailANT. Worker Ant II should have Rolling GTS as as his secondary finisher which would be an impact move. Green Ant's CHIKARA Special Green should be a submission move not an impact move. Potential unknown personality spoiler Non-CHIKARA Note: Mistico/Sin Cara should have La Mistica as his primary finisher.
  4. Lucha updates: Delete Hijos del Averno as a stable (they were a threesome with Averno who jumped and the remaining duo (Ephesto and Mephisto) are no longer wearing Hijos del Avernos gear.) Add a stable for La Mascara, La Sombra and Rush called Los Indeseables in CMLL. Princessa Sugeith should be face (she is now a tecnica)
  5. There is precedent for raising someone's charisma to fit a gimmick. I remember several years ago when Charlie Haas was doing his Impressionist gimmick, the updates raised his charisma to 75 (from 60-something) so that the gimmick would work. Raising Bo's charisma from 73 to 80 isn't that huge of a jump. Other suggestions, mostly finisher talk: Lower Chris Jericho's overness to about 86 or so, which would put him on par with RVD, and make him an Upper Midcarder. His last two runs have been very similar to RVD's in terms of how he's been used and in terms of crowd reaction, thus I feel he should have a similar overness and card position. Bray Wyatt's secondary finisher should also be Sister Abigail. "Rapture" was the original name for the move and was never used outside of the FCW website. I've seen no evidence of Alberto Del Rio's secondary finisher being called the Perro Punisher, outside of some fan-sites and a single TV report on WrestleView. Change it back to Superkick, maybe make it a Ground move since he always does it to a kneeling opponent. Bo isn't REALLY a cult leader or guru. He is just an annoying inspirational speaker. For now, obnoxious works for him. Jericho 'd argue is about 89. He's more over than Rob Van Dam if you ask me. He was SUPER over at the 2013 Rumble and throughout most of his 2013 run. Del Rio's Superkick should be impact. I believe the Shining Wizard is an impact move despite the wrestler actually being on a knee. As for Perro Punisher I think a certain user suggested it off of no actual proof as Wikipedia doesn't even listed it. As for Bray, I thought the Rapture was the briefly used toss-up slap. Edit: CM Punk news from PWInsider CM Punk was interviewed today by Red Eye Chicago, discussing taking part of an art project commemorating Wrigley Field's 100th anniversary. 50 custom painted pairs of ballpark showing a famous moment from the Ballpark's history will be placed on Michigan Avenue in Chicaqo. Punk has painted a chair showing Kerry Wood's 20 strikeout game from 1998. The article stated that Punk was retired from WWE at the age of 35. Punk noted that doing charity work "felt good" and left the door open to do more based on the level of celebrity his career has given him. Thanks to Billy Krotchsen. Perhaps make Punk a non-worker.
  6. Misterioso. Actually according to promotion for the next AAA taping he is going to be called Mistico (at least for the time being) so that would be his name. FYI, he couldn't be Misterioso, that is an existing wrestler in the game that is the uncle of Misterioso Jr/II http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2014/0525/576362/beyond-the-ring-update/ actually is El Misterioso. AAA's promotional team disagrees with you. As for that "name" it is based off a tweet refering him as a The Mystery Luchadore in gold and silver and not an actual name. So for right now, go by Mistico because that is how AAA is promoting him as. The minute he is actually refered to in AAA results and tv by his new name, then let's rename it to that. Until then it's Mistico NOT El Misterioso
  7. Misterioso. Actually according to promotion for the next AAA taping he is going to be called Mistico (at least for the time being) so that would be his name. FYI, he couldn't be Misterioso, that is an existing wrestler in the game that is the uncle of Misterioso Jr/II Dalton is in the game so I am guessing a rename is in order. As for the spelling of Nokken, that would likely be the name in the game as the Mexican wrestlers with accents are not with the accents.
  8. Sin Cara should be added to AAA though he has not been given a proper name.
  9. Daniel Gracie Rolles Gracie Add a relation between them (blood relative) And also add a tag team The Gracies, 5exp Yohei Komatsu Sho Tanaka Add a Tag Team: Tanaka and Komatsu, 15exp Some more stat suggestions: + I think Luke Harper deserves a boost in stats. He's been a beast lately. Maybe raise brawling to 79, and technical to 63. + Raise both The Young Bucks' overness to 65, raise Matt Jackson's charisma to 81, Nick's to 77 (They are one of the most charismatic tag teams in the world) Raise wages to 26k. + Tick menacing for Silas Young. He's a scary looking man. + Too me Eva Marie seems way overrated. She's an unwatchable worker, and I would probably lower her brawling, speed and technical close to zero. I don't think the Gracie's should be THAT low. Not confusing them with the best workers but they have 10s in brawl and submission? Not saying they should be 90's, I'd say 40s for brawl and 50's/60's for technical. I don't Silas looks that menacing. That or anyone with a scowl should have menacing ticked. Eva Marie is nowhere near as bad as a valet like say Trina Michaels or SoCal Val who don't wrestle at all who by all means should be close to 0. I'd say twenties the lowest. These should be non-workers. Non-workers are basically part time wrestlers, and that's what these guys are. They are not working in development like the others designated to NXT in the game, therefore should be designated in game as non-wrestlers and not regular wrestlers Regal I disagree with. Besides this time in Great Britian, he has wrestled every European tour, even on RAW and SmackDown and a few matches on NXT. He cannot do that in game as a non-worker as they only do angles and interviews on tv and matches on events.
  10. These are the stats for the Mexican adds that I referred to in my last post and Takashi Watanabe. Australian Suicide Black Panther II Cachorro Cavernario Dragon Lee II Gran Guerrero Guerrero Negro Jr. Hechicero Kamatachi Ludxor II Mascarita Sagrada 2007 Nino Hamburgesa Oro Jr. II Rocky Lobo Star Jr. Takaaki Watanabe Thunder CMLL Venum III
  11. Bengala spoilers: Speaking of which delete Bengala and rename Sombra de Plata to Bengala. AAA Spoilers: In another note, is Takaaki Watanabe in the game or should we get stats for him? Thanks for the information on Bengala! Takaaki Watanabe is not in the game, we need stats for him. Does anyone have stats for Cachorro or Hechicero? Not sure on Hechicero but Cachorro, the new Black Panther, Cavernario, the new Dragon Lee, Guerrero Negro, and Star Jr. (among others including the Ludxor and Venum) had stats back in the February/March update thread
  12. Bengala spoilers: Speaking of which delete Bengala and rename Sombra de Plata to Bengala. AAA Spoilers: In another note, is Takaaki Watanabe in the game or should we get stats for him?
  13. It makes no sense why they would be THAT over, especially when NXT divas are in the 40's tops. Either you raise the NXT divas as well to be higher or keep Knuckles and Havock low to be just below them (due to how much NXT is known to the Network and how over most are with the crowds (TNA effect.))
  14. But in the high 40's? that's more over than the NXT girls who get similar reactions in a venue that is about the same size but on a bigger scale (NXT averages top 10 on the Network each week so they would be more known and over. I'd say 35 tops. Baron and Slate have been gimmick less jobbers thus far on NXT. I would say Sami is as over as 3MB. On the house shows he's worked, he's gotten big reactions for a unknown, (partially due to the "rumors" he was a Generic Luchador.) Tye and Jason should be on par.
  15. How are Havok and Knuckles that high overness wise? I think they are fine as is personally. Alicia Fox should have Psycho as a gimmick based on her recent appearances on WWE. Perhaps raise her overness to 64.
  16. Marcus Louis was suggested a few months ago. I included him in my April NXT update. I would say Tyler Reks' charisma should be no higher than 63. He was pretty flat. Speaking of my NXT update, here is my May update. It features the gimmick changes I mentioned for WWE, the WWN updates I've made (as most are not just recent departures/arrivals), as well as the renames like Jason Albert, Big E and Cesaro. Edit Updated the link:http://www.mediafire.com/download/ps8g057un1qgjiu/MAYUpdateNXT.zip
  17. WWN notes: Bravado Brothers should have Welcome Wagon as their finisher. Add Ethan Page to WWN as a face. Remove Jon Williams from WWN (last appeared in December) Add Josh Alexander to WWN as a face. Remove Latin Dragon from WWN (last appeared in December) Remove Mark Angelosetti from WWN (last appeared in November) Remove Pinkie Sanchez from WWN (last appeared in December) Add Shelly Martinez to WWN as a manager of JT Dunn. Add Tim Donst to WWN as a lower midcard heel. Remove Trey Williams from WWN (last appeared in December)
  18. (Antonio) Cesaro should be no gimmicks needed. Bayley should be face with a fun babyface gimmick. Bo Dallas should have an egomaniac gimmick.
  19. Shachihoko BOY, Shachihoko Machine and Shachihoko Machine #2 are alternative spellings. Flamita should be at 28 overness, this is a North American game and he only had a few showings in AAA. I'd want him higher but honestly, I don't want to over-rate him for stuff he has done. Flamita should have Flame Fly as his primary finisher (it's a Spanish Fly so make it a corner move.) La Sombra, La Mascara and Rush should all be tweeners in CMLL. They are tecnico (face) by default but don't get along with any other than themselves. AAA Spoilers:
  20. I am looking for stats of FIP guys: Aaron Solo Jack Gallow Josh Hess Maxwell Chicago Moose Nikki Kneeds Saso Rivera Trevor Lee
  21. hippie, I have an honest question for you, can you just stop talking about Punk if it's just going to start flame wars? And can we get back to topic? I saw the mini tron and the name but I did hear the Alexander part last night. Then again Big E's iTunes theme artwork was the Big E Langston artwork so who knows if it was a goof or not. I'd wait until it is official.
  22. Great update Bill. Alexander Rusev should be a Comrade. Maybe Bo Dallas should have obnoxious as his gimmick? It's most like Guru but he isn't charismatic enough. Camacho should have Samoan Drop as his primary finisher. I think Cesaro should be tweener. I think besides the RVD match from tonight he's been mostly face. Corey Graves should have punk as his gimmick. Hornswoggle should have sidekick as his gimmick. R-Truth and Xavier Woods should not have mangers. FIP Updates Corey Hollis should be gone from FIP. (add to ROH as an opener) Johnny Vandal should have Trina Michaels as his manager. Kenneth Cameron (TNA's Bram) should be gone from FIP Sugar Dunkerton should be gone from FIP. There are several people who needed to be added for FIP including Aaron Solo, Jack Gallow, Josh Hess, Maxwell Chicago, Moose, Nikki Kneeds, Saso Rivera and Trevor Lee
  23. Cena when serious is good. When he is goofy and making random inside reference he is TERRIBLE. Seriously tell me the Wyatt picture promo was better than most promos Punk has done even when he didn't shoot. At least when Punk "shoots" it is entertaining. I'll agree on physical charisma but I would put Punk higher than Cena on. FYI Hogan has butchered promos a lot in the last 10 or so years. He is at most 98.
  24. I am putting spoiler tag on this so we don't need to read this. Brock beating the streak is not a gimmick, it is just legacy. Bret is a legend but that isn't a gimmick for him. I do think with your Punk comments where you claim he is only good for shoot promos and a "meaningless" 435 day reign as champion, the longest since Hogan's first reign in 1984-8 show a bias. I know I have one with Orton and Batista, you know what I do with them when it comes to stats, nothing because I know my bias. You should know your's too and know when not to say anything relating to Punk. Cena, Orton, Batista though Cena was the constant over the other two. As or Brock's UFC run, his intestine disorder ruined it more so than being scared to fight Frank Mir. I think this is the idea with the gimmick. Who is beyond the typical gimmicks and has the charisma to back it. These two criteria Lesnar and Bret don't have as much as I enjoy both of them. Lesnar COULD if Paul Heyman does the knock, knock joke that I loved from RAW. Seriously, it could happen with Heyman interview or a segment where he is the focus. I would say delete her, she never appeared on NXT or wrestled on house shows and I think she is done with wrestling.
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