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Everything posted by mkpunk

  1. Hogan and Punk on the same level? Yeah... Hot even close, Hogan revolutionized the wrestling industry in the 90s.... CM Punk has done nothing of the sort in any shape or form. You want to start this again? why do you always try to be the negativist? Why would you wait if the guy confirmed this on his twitter same for Rosa. I'm starting to think you have an anti-Punk bias. Hogan's reactions seem on par with Punk's and Lesnar's. The only thing is Hogan would have more of a crossover appeal (that isn't exactly covered in the game though.) I am not trying to be a negativist, I also asked what is it? Is it the Hanging facebuster or his old turning heads? That was never answered. anti-Punk bias? That guy doesn't deserve the Unique gimmick. That's my only problem with him and with his fans who think that he's some kind of God and don't you dare to say anything about him. That guy mentioned that Brock doesn't deserve the Unique gimmick but why would Punk, Cena or DDP have it? Is sickening to see them with the Unique gimmick and Vince, Brock, Bret, Dusty Rhodes, Hogan or Heyman with some generic ones. Facebuster. You act like Brock is a god so there. Bret's gimmick IS generic. He was not something special gimmick wise. He was always old school face, anti-american, old school heel or maybe hero. Nothing cutting edge GIMMICK WISE (JUST LIKE BROCK LESNAR.) I love Bret, he was my favorite for YEARS but I would not dare say he had a unique gimmick unlike Hogan, Warrior, Austin, Rock, Flair, Cena, Punk (both I suggest ed to have it removed as there are gimmicks you can use for them and why not let the game decide it, and even to a lesser extent Dusty (perhaps in his hay-day,) Savage and Raven. As for an anti-Punk bias, you brought up Punk for no reason when talking about how Hogan and Brock are on the same level just to bash him again...
  2. Hogan and Punk on the same level? Yeah... Hot even close, Hogan revolutionized the wrestling industry in the 90s.... CM Punk has done nothing of the sort in any shape or form. You want to start this again? why do you always try to be the negativist? Why would you wait if the guy confirmed this on his twitter same for Rosa. I'm starting to think you have an anti-Punk bias. Hogan's reactions seem on par with Punk's and Lesnar's. The only thing is Hogan would have more of a crossover appeal (that isn't exactly covered in the game though.) I am not trying to be a negativist, I also asked what is it? Is it the Hanging facebuster or his old turning heads? That was never answered.
  3. http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/wwe/Curtis_Axel_Names_His_Finishing_Move_WWE_Legends_House_Preview_WWE_Network_Updates.html Oh because Lords of Pain reports it, it's true. The Rosa Thorn is confirmed on Wikipedia (though we all know that isn't the best source.) Curtis Axel's was not. I had to goto Twitter to find it and it was mentioned on April 28th. I would wait until it is used on TV. Rosa's is different because she is not often on TV.
  4. Averno has left CMLL. Tiger should have Tiger Destroyer as his primary finisher.
  5. He beats The Great Khali with the Giant Swing. So Barry Horrowitz beat people with the small package in WWE, doesn't make it a finisher...
  6. IF you post results. Simply saying Sabin, Daniels and Kazarian are on One Night Onlys in the can, don't necessarily spoil things. If you say Bad Influence beat The BroMans for the titles (which hasn't happened) then yes it would be.
  7. The One Night Only PPVs are basically TNA's version of FanFiction that don't really an effect on the TNA storylines on a whole and have people show up after their contract ended or for one-offs and are never used again like Bob Holly. Edit: so I don't think spoilers are needed.
  8. I agree with you with the smartass comments by certain people that derail the talk. I think Kazarian's contract ends next month meaning he would stay in TNA for next month vs. Daniels who had his deal end yesterday. No idea on Sabin's contract status. Where's the source on this. From all that I've heard about Jasper, he is Barry O's son (Bob Orton Jr.'s brother) http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2013/1209/568124/more-on-wwe-signing-randy-orton-cousin-jasper/ https://www.wrestlingrumors.net/wwe-signed-randy-ortons-cousin-jasper-orton/15194/ Remove Mick Foley from WWE, he did not resign his legend's deal with them. NXT spoiler
  9. I would happen agree with this besides legends. I mean Austin, Hogan, Taker, Rock and Foley are basically unique because they are what they are. Cena, Punk, Bryan and others who have them currently should have gimmicks that work with their current gimmick. Cena should be a hero, Punk should be a rebel and Bryan should stay as an underdog. Other wise let the game decide as you play it. I think he is just doing that for The JBL and Cole show so I don't think he will ever be on the main roster with that gimmick. I agree with this. Unless Clem Layfield show up on a one-off appearance on RAW, SmackDown, Main Event, etc.
  10. Emma's secondary finisher should be Cobra (impact). Cesaro should be a tweener. The Shield are CLEARLY face now.
  11. Not trying to clog up the update but there have been several Mexican wrestler adds I've suggested since September/October that were never added to the game that work in CMLL or AAA. Some of the AAA ones (namely Steve Pain) have a somewhat high profile. AAA spoiler notes (upcoming tv) Raise Daga's brawl to 66 (he is very good at strong style), technical to 49 and over to 48. I would also change his primary finisher to Estilete.
  12. we're not going to get anywhere if we continue with this. Like a guy said above, Shane Douglas and Scott Steiner used to shoot on Flair and DDP back on Nitro a lot so because of that Punk should not have the Unique gimmick. If Brock and Heyman don't get it then remove it from Punk. 1) No I am not dimenising the charisma debate, Brock just isn't a total package. He is a good beast that can actually wrestle. He doesn't have much charisma at all besides physical charisma. Brock's physical charisma is only done through being a machine rather than say Punk who do good in a versatile role where one week he could be a guy making jokes like the Dynamic Dudes Slammy's segment, the next being serious about his next challenger and the next kicking babies and not being sorry about it. Brock's only good when Heyman is talking him up and then destroying the other person in the segment. That isn't charisma at all. FYI, Brock's charisma is at 79 because he is not the total package compared to a Punk at 100 (perhaps 98 is better with the whole all he does is shoot comments that some are making), Bryan at 90 (I'd raise to 92) or even Sheamus at 86. 2) Punk's "shoots" were the promos that got him noticed. Watch his stuff when he turned heel in 2012 claiming that Rock disrespected him, those promos were filled with passion and wasn't just him crapping on Rock for being Hollywood when it wasn't in the storylines like when Steiner would crap on DDP or Flair for no reason. (Douglas was the whole ECW vs WCW us vs. them logic in ECW, in WCW he didn't shoot as much after the Revolution ended when the Radicalz jumped to WWF.) I can understand that, I am just trying to say the "Punk is only good when he makes shoot comments in promos" logic isn't exactly true. There is a lot of great Punk promos, something Bret never really had except the Hart Foundation 97 (which itself was "shoot" comments about Americans in the view of non-Americans.) I think Punk is a unique star but I would not put him nor Bryan in the Mount Rushmore of WWF like Hogan, Rock, Triple H and Austin would be. I would say they are like Savage, Warrior Hart and Michaels who got the ball and were unique to their generations but not the icons of their generation.
  13. None of this please Colly, or anyone else, it is post whoring and flame baiting Winning a pre-determined match does not make one unique. Yeah...and? Maybe you should consider that second sentence within the context established in the rest of the post. His gimmick is LITERALLY that he is the most unique athlete to ever grace a WWE ring and he actually IS the most physically gifted athlete they have ever had. He transcended pro wrestling itself by becoming a credible athlete in an actual sport AFTER he broke into professional wrestling, came back, and was a infinitely bigger star than when he left. He has done more to establish himself as one of a kind than, for example, a guy who did a couple worked shoots and whose character was frustrated with the status quo (you know like countless guys before him). The thesis of the post, which you so clearly ignored/missed, is that he is comparably more unique than someone who ALREADY has it set as their gimmick. "If Brock isn't going to be set to unique, then remove it from CM Punk as well." CM Punk is comparable with other guys. Brock Lesnar is undisputedly less so and imo not at all. That's the actual point I was making. I only vaguely referenced "a pre-determined match" because that is where the catchphrase "the 1 in 21-1" came from. That was one half-sentence in a 200+ word post.... Brock is unlike anyone because he is a 290 pound guy that is not only strong but he is agile and can do a shooting star press. FYI, Uhaa Nation can do that to. Brock threw in submission as well. So yeah, he's unique but CHARACTER WISE he isn't. I can compare him with Goldberg, Warrior, Rhino and other muscle men. CM Punk can only be compared to Piper or Austin if anything but he is much more than that. He is pretty unique CHARACTER WISE. Also Punk can do great promos whether they are pipe bombs or his straight edge promos. Brock would NEVER be confused with a great promo. In order to be unique, a wrestler needs high overness and high charisma, Brock wouldn't have that without Heyman or being carried by someone else. CM Punk is not that unique though, he was really just do a guy who was disenfranchised and then using that to "Shoot" on people. He is basically doing what a lot of people in late WCW did "Go off script". Or to use another example, Paul Heyman's promo at the first ECW One Night Stand. Just because Punk does it better doesn't mean he is definitely unique, it just means he is, to use a phrase, "The best in the world." The argument is the same for Brock, he is exceptional at what he does, and while there may have been others who have been silent, powerful killers in the ring, he is the best at it, because of his looks/physique, his charisma (he is very charismatic, it is not just about being able to speak in to a microphone) and his ability in the ring, I am not coming down on either side of the argument, but all I am saying is that they can be considered unique in that no one is as good as them at their particular niche in pro wrestling. Everyone points to the pipe bomb as Punk's best promo, it was damn good but watch his stuff with Raven again, watch his stuff as ROH champion, watch his New Dawn in FIP, watch his stuff feuding with Jeff Hardy, watch his straight edge society stuff up til Over The Limit 2010 and his 434 day reign and I know you can find stuff that was better and were ON SCRIPT. I was a Punk mark LONG before the pipe bomb because he was unique and different. He was a legit bad ass despite being a lanky guy who was a smug punk rebel who would say he is the best because he was straight edge unlike everyone else and THAT was what made him the best in the world and better than you. Brock is pretty emotionless and not charismatic in himself. I don't ever remember him having a great promo which was why he worked on SmackDown which was the wrestling show from 2002-2004ish. He is not that good of a speaker which is why he needed Paul and he doesn't have that physical charisma that say Daniel Bryan, Bret Hart, Sean Waltman, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and CM Punk had that made you buy into them even if they aren't that good on the mic (not that most of them were bad on the mic.) edit: If we give it to Brock for being a brute, Road Warriors, heel Warlord and Chris Walker deserved it too because they were just as physically intimidating as Brock is. FYI here's what the gimmick FAQ says about unique. Here's the other gimmicks you can say with Brock After looking at those, Brock is no where near being truly a unique character outside of his in-ring abilities which have little to no barring on being unique.
  14. Winning a pre-determined match does not make one unique. Yeah...and? Maybe you should consider that second sentence within the context established in the rest of the post. His gimmick is LITERALLY that he is the most unique athlete to ever grace a WWE ring and he actually IS the most physically gifted athlete they have ever had. He transcended pro wrestling itself by becoming a credible athlete in an actual sport AFTER he broke into professional wrestling, came back, and was a infinitely bigger star than when he left. He has done more to establish himself as one of a kind than, for example, a guy who did a couple worked shoots and whose character was frustrated with the status quo (you know like countless guys before him). The thesis of the post, which you so clearly ignored/missed, is that he is comparably more unique than someone who ALREADY has it set as their gimmick. "If Brock isn't going to be set to unique, then remove it from CM Punk as well." CM Punk is comparable with other guys. Brock Lesnar is undisputedly less so and imo not at all. That's the actual point I was making. I only vaguely referenced "a pre-determined match" because that is where the catchphrase "the 1 in 21-1" came from. That was one half-sentence in a 200+ word post.... Brock is unlike anyone because he is a 290 pound guy that is not only strong but he is agile and can do a shooting star press. FYI, Uhaa Nation can do that to. Brock threw in submission as well. So yeah, he's unique but CHARACTER WISE he isn't. I can compare him with Goldberg, Warrior, Rhino and other muscle men. CM Punk can only be compared to Piper or Austin if anything but he is much more than that. He is pretty unique CHARACTER WISE. Also Punk can do great promos whether they are pipe bombs or his straight edge promos. Brock would NEVER be confused with a great promo. In order to be unique, a wrestler needs high overness and high charisma, Brock wouldn't have that without Heyman or being carried by someone else.
  15. I'd personally wait on Bryan a month or so but if he does become unique I won't say turn him back like say Brock. Brock isn't really a dual-sport athlete. MMA wrestlers are more legit or martial artist for the most part. He's more of a Man Beast/Machine/Monster which those gimmicks are to an extent are interchangable. Brock is basically a no frills beat the crap out of his opponent machine. Plus he isn't charismatic. Plus Brock's uniqueness is more his in-ring ability stats which have no baring on a gimmick at all (besides high flying and chameleon.) I can make Daniel Bryan into a clown, it doesn't have anything to do about their in-ring ability stats. Rock and Hogan deserve the Unique gimmick as do the others you listed but Lesnar could never be pushed as charismatic and has a gimmick which people have used before, Punk has done many memorable promos over the years whether with WWE or before then. I don't have a major gripe with Heyman being made unique but there is no chance Lesnar deserves it. I could care less about charisma as long as no one else could play his fantastic role. The same thing can be said about Goldberg. WWE tried to make Ryback just like him but it failed miserably because he didn't had Bill's intensity and I don't think that anyone has ever had it. Brock is not your typical generic monster heel like Mason Ryan, Great Khali, Batista, etc. are/were. The guy has all the credentials to have that gimmick, he's a once in a lifetime find and there will never be another one like him. Ryback and Ryan were generic monsters, Khali is a freak. I would say Batista and Goldberg were different and more nuanced but not unique based on charisma or themselves. Brock is nuanced as well but I would still say not unique for the same reasons I would say Batista and Goldberg aren't. In New Japan news, Put El Terrible, Rey Bucanero and Rob Conway under touring commitments. El Desperado should have Guitarra de Angel as his primary finisher and Guitarra de la Muerta as his secondary finisher, both impact move. Edit: Bad Luck Fale should have Bad Luck Fall as his secondary finisher.
  16. The Rock is not unique? The Rock is the most charismatic professional wrestler ever. He was still an arrogant heel despite being a face. He transcended professional wrestling in a way that no one ever has and likely ever will. He is most definitely unique. I think that is either Terrible or Bad Luck Fale with Tama Tonga.
  17. Punk is a unique gimmick that takes parts from his straight edge identity, being a rebel, being an old school heel or face, plus h could turn into a unique gimmick in game due to his charisma. Heyman is only a Sports Agent and maybe The Brain though could change into unique in game due to his charisma. Brock is NOWHERE being that good with charisma. Give it a rest.
  18. Brock is a Bad Ass legitimate athlete, either is a perfect gimmick for him. Add Big Cass as an alter ego for Colin Cassady and make that his short name. Why does Aiden English have superstar look checked, the guy does not look like a star at all. (I believe Movie Star requires superstar look so make him arrogant.) Paige should have blue chipper or old school face as her gimmick. Change Summer Rae's gimmick to Bitch. Change Layla El's gimmick to Dancer. Tye Dillenger should be a face (he is now teaming with Jason Jordan.) with an old school face gimmick.
  19. He has one match a year at WM. This is the only chance to rate them. No, he got the concussion after the second Hell's Gate when Brock slammed him. That was towards the end of the match. I watched the match again last night, he looked injured before that to be honest. Prior to the first hell's gate he was down for a good minute and stayed that way until he went for the somewhat botched last ride so I am guessing you are wrong about the second hell's gate causing the concussion. It's actually called the "Sethwalker" which he's used several times on WWE against Cena, Bryan, Punk and a lot of other guys in Shield 6-Man tags, and especially NXT television. I've never seen him use it in anything other than NXT, WWE 14 and not really until the six-man against the Wyatts Tuesday. He uses the Flying Knee Smash much more often which is why that should be his secondary over Sethwalker or Skywalker.. No, he got the concussion after the second Hell's Gate when Brock slammed him. That was towards the end of the match. Show me where you got this information. I know where, the newz sites on the interwebz, He was on the mat at that point for a whole 5 minutes and barely climbed the ropes for old school. He had his concussion before the second Hell's Gate. As lower his stats his speed is accurate at 28, his technical is at 54 which maybe could be lowered but his brawl at 84, definitely could be lowered but now lower than 79. the only ones that really should be kept are family because many get jobs based on that. CMLL, WWE, ect. Dislikes and Hatreds only come into play when you have people in power that don't like the others. Think about the Radicalz jumping to WWE, they did so mainly due to Kevin Sullivan becoming the head writer. As for Edge's stats I think his brawl is fine, his speed can be dropped a little and his technical could be lowered more. I wouldn't say 0's because he could brawl (condition notwithstanding.) Also let's remember that the is no real way to cover concussion, back, leg and other injury based retirements in game other than making them non-workers. On vickie's departure, not so fast... That came from PWInsider.com so I would wait and see. Also I noticed that lately the divas got much better but their stats remain rather low in most cases. AJ Lee: raise brawl to 51, speed to 66, technical to 65 Aksana: raise brawl to 45 Bayley: raise technical to 45 Cameron Lynn: raise speed to 31, technical to 34 Charlotte: lower brawl to 37, technical to 42 Brie Bella: raise Speed to 55, technical to 47 Emma: raise brawl to 53, speed to 51, technical to 64 Eva Marie: raise speed to 21, technical to 24 Layla: raise speed to 51 Nikki Bella: raise Brawl to 51 Paige: raise technical to 68 Rosa Mendes: raise speed to 35 Sasha Banks: raise brawl to 40, speed to 38 Summer Rae: raise brawl to 41, raise speed to 40, technical to 48 Tamina: raise brawl to 61, lower speed to 42
  20. Rowe and Hanson's team is called War Machine. create the team and have 5 experience. Remove Marshall Law stable and make team inactive. Remove QT Marshall from ROH. Adam Cole, Matt Hardy, Michel Bennett, and Maria have formed a stable over the last few months. No name right now but commentary has called then The Empire (Saying Cole has built an Empire around himself.) Turn Adam Page Heel, new gimmick lackey, add him to The Decade. Michel Bennett's Anaconda Vice submission is called Go Back To Japan (Which I find funny) Change R.D. Evens gimmick to Comedy Character (#NewStreak!) Isn't Steve Corino with Cole, Hardy and Bennett? How long has Marshall been gone? I think he was in still in January/February. Corino wants to be and supports Cole 100% (Though not the finish at SCOH) but Cole does not like Corino. On one of the recent TV episodes Cole joined Kelly and Corino on commentary where Corino asked why Cole has not returned his calls. Cole said he got a new number. Last match via Cagematch has QT last wrestling a tag match with R.D. against Outlaw Inc in September. He has not been mentioned since. R.D. has moved on changing his gimmick (#NewStreak!) OK thanks for clearing thins up. Rename Superstar Romeo to Romeo and remove it as an alter ego. He has is NOT Superstar Romeo. Edit: Should Colony Xtreme Forces: Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant and Orbit Adventure Ant be added to the game as workers? I am not quite sure on stats for each of them. Perhaps someone would know.
  21. Rowe and Hanson's team is called War Machine. create the team and have 5 experience. Remove Marshall Law stable and make team inactive. Remove QT Marshall from ROH. Adam Cole, Matt Hardy, Michel Bennett, and Maria have formed a stable over the last few months. No name right now but commentary has called then The Empire (Saying Cole has built an Empire around himself.) Turn Adam Page Heel, new gimmick lackey, add him to The Decade. Michel Bennett's Anaconda Vice submission is called Go Back To Japan (Which I find funny) Change R.D. Evens gimmick to Comedy Character (#NewStreak!) Isn't Steve Corino with Cole, Hardy and Bennett? How long has Marshall been gone? I think he was in still in January/February.
  22. No, no more than 99, he's been over for a couple of months where as Austin and Rock were on top for many years, if he's still majorly over in 5 years time then maybe 100 overness, also he's not unique, his gimmick suits Underdog/Old School Face. couple of months? The guy got great reactions since WrestleMania 28. To say Daniel Bryan has been this over since WrestleMania XXVIII is wrong, Sure that was the start but he really started getting the heat in 2013. Though I think a 99 overness is enough. Hoga, Austin, Rock, are still just a tad bit known and get a slightly better reaction.
  23. RoH spoilers: WWN notes: Add Eddie Graves Add Mr. A Add Mr. A to Premier Athlete Brand. Teddy Stigma should have Trina Michaels as a manager and I would raise his over to 26. Create a tag team for Eddie Graves and Teddy Stigma called The Savages at 8 exp.
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