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Posts posted by KJE

  1. All the tournaments and stuff I like are not important in the general scheme of things, at least here in Canada. Basically, I am a huge fan of international events.

    • I prefer the World Championships in hockey to the NHL's playoffs, but I'm definately a minority there.
    • I absolutely love the World Baseball Classic (I hate the format, but love the idea). Canada's two games versus the United States were fantastic to watch, as was Japan vs. Korea five times in 2009 (seriously, how do two teams play each other five times in one tournamnet? Either way, most of the games were awesome)
    • Olympic hockey
    • Olympic Baseball (RIP)

  2. I'm a little confused for Be A Pro. I wasn't able to change anything except my name, position, and player type. I couldn't change my look and stuff. And I can't even change my hometown.

    So far I find it disappointing, but the game I did play I had a blast. Game play is fine, just the features will take some getting used to I think. Such as my Be A Pro problems.

  3. As far as I know they do not have a TV station yet.

    They changed the names of three teams (Diablos, Steal, and Bandits) to the Hombres, Maulers, and Rousties (not in any particular order I forget which team is which). I hate teh new names. Maulers is okay, but Diablos and Steal were fine names in my opinion.

    I think the new names suck, as did the old names.

    I think cities as prefixes would be better then just lame single named teams.

    I read they are planning on selling each team. They plan to make seven figures per sale, I don't know how (I could see 100,000 tops per team, if that).

    Some big company (IMG?) is their primary backer which is why they are tyring to make it into a true league, which is fine by me.

  4. As far as I know they do not have a TV station yet.

    They changed the names of three teams (Diablos, Steal, and Bandits) to the Hombres, Maulers, and Rousties (not in any particular order I forget which team is which). I hate teh new names. Maulers is okay, but Diablos and Steal were fine names in my opinion.

  5. Sorry to bump an old thread, but Slamball is returning. They are having a shortened season three right (just held the draft a couple days ago) now and want to make it into a real league.



  6. Russia dominated (in the shot department, anyways - the game seemed closer than what the shots indicated) game one, but Canada murdered them in game two. Canada still has a 2-0 lead. Enjoyable games, and there seems to be some emotion behind it now. But like Gabe, I'll still be waking up at the hours to watch the series. 4 AM for me on Saturday.

  7. Is anyone stoked about this series at all? Although Canada - Russia will be great and the anniversary of the Summit Series and all, but I'd have loved it if it was Canada - US. Still, though, this will be much better than the Canada/Russia challenge that gets put on every year. Russia actually has a chance of winning.

    On a side note, it will be great to see Peter Loubardias and Pierre McGuire together. People rant on Pierre all the time, but both of these guys are passionate about the game and juniors in general (not that Gord Miller isn't), so it will be sweet to hear them together.

    First game is in about seven hours on TSN.

    August 27 - 9:00 a.m. EST - Canada @ Russia (TSN / RDS)

    August 29 - 9:00 a.m. EST - Canada @ Russia (RSN / RDS)

    August 31 - 8:00 a.m. EST - Canada @ Russia (RSN / RDS)

    September 1 - 6:00 a.m. EST - Canada @ Russia (TSN / RDS)

    September 4 - 8:00 p.m. EST - Russia @ Canada (TSN / RDS)

    September 5 - 8:00 p.m. EST - Russia @ Canada (TSN / RDS)

    September 7 - 10:00 p.m. EST - Russia @ Canada (RSN / RDS)

    September 9 - 8:00 p.m. EST - Russia @ Canada (RSN / RDS)

  8. The first time I found out about this tournament was in 2003 when Anson Carter scored the goal against Sweden in overtime. I THINK (not totally sure) that this was the first time (2003) that TSN showed the tournament, but again, I'm not totally sure. I've been in love with them ever since. If it came between NHL and IHWC, I would watch the IHWC. Even if it wasn't Canada playing.

  9. Bah I'm late for the predictions. Oh well, only 3 games done so far.

    Buffalo over New York in 4 games.

    New Jersey over Tampa Bay in 6 games.

    New York over Atlanta in 6 games.

    Ottawa over Pittsburgh in 5 games.

    Calgary over Detroit in 7 games.

    Anaheim over Minnesota in 6 games.

    Vancouver over Dallas in 6 game.

    San Jose over Nashville in 6 games.

    Ottawa and Pittsburgh game sucked. Too many bad penalties. I'm still undecided who I'm cheering for in that one. GYS, Fleury had a shaky first 10-15 mins, but played great in the second period. I quit watching in the third for the Nashville / San Jose game, which was awesome.

    I didn'tw atch much of Anaheim / Minnesota, but from what I did it was a good game. Vancouver and Dallas is good in the overtime, but didn't watch the first three periods so I can't comment on that.

  10. Jindrak & O'Haire - 15

    Jung Dragons - 15

    Mamalukes - 20

    Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire - 1 [Their first match together was a battle royal on the last Thunder of 2000]

    Three Count (Helms & Moore) - 10

    That is what I had for tag teams for January 2001. For April, I'd say add 5 to Jung Dragons, 10 to Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire.

    This scenario is aweosme, I hope you are still putting the finishing touches on it.



    WCW World Heavyweight - 85

    WCW Tag Team - 65

    WCW Cruiserweight - 65

    WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team - 55

    WWF Light Heavyweight - 45

    WWF Women's - 35 (Suggestion - add the ' in the name)

    The max. image for XPW and CZW titles should be 40.


    I suggest changing the speed level for some guys. I would switch Lance Storm's brawl and speed stats and do the same for Chris Jericho. Those are the two I noticed. This is minor, but I think Angle and Benoit's tech should both be 95 and Jericho's around 85. I'd lower Steiner's brawl to about 72.


    According to OWW, Crowbar was released from WCW in February 2001.

    I suggest making Sid a manager because he broke his leg (this is the most realistic way I ever found to do it. That way he does not lose moral for not being used).

    This scenario is awesome, though. I love how the stats are more realistic for EWR 4.2. I always like games that have worse stats as it makes it too easy. And of course, these are only suggestions and if you wanted to you could politely tell me to fuck off. Or, you know, just say you don't agree with them. (Y)

    EDIT ~~ Also, technically WrestleMania hasn't happened yet so most of the WWF champions are wrong ... doesn't really matter, though, as you can't do two PPV's in one month unless you do the file switch.

    EDIT 2 ~~ Torrie Wilson was also released in December of 2000.

  11. Wow. December to Dismember was terrible. I feel disappointed for spending $39 on that. Then again, what choice did you have? It was amazingly realistic, tieing up all of the ECW loose ends. Lashley winning the Extreme World Championship was pretty good and the logical choice. Gangrel returned and should form a sweet team with Ariel and Thorn. Anyway, this show just felt like another TV show. Like I say, though, it was the best way to promote D2D with a week to build the event, so kudos for that. I can't wait until you get to Armageddon.

  12. I think I've seen some of your other work but have yet to reply, mostly because it was well underway when I got started. Simply put, this diary is amazing and it is only one show in. Okay, there are some easy drawbacks, but it is still awesome. First off, the format rules. The maroon-red colour that you use is perfect. Onto the actual show now, Mr. McMahon's promo sounded to a tee to me. The only suggestion I could make is to break it up a little. I'm intrigued by next week's contest for the Tag Team championships. On one hand, it would make London & Kendrick, but on the other it would break Edge and Orton (if losing cleanly). I see Edge and Orton dropping the belts due to DX interference. The DX segment was well written too. You had me laughing with the King Booker / John Cena segment. Booker is one of the best guys in WWE right now, IMO. Typical WWE main event, but I have to ask why did Carlito's Cabana close out the show?

  13. Well, I'm a little late getting here. But here goes ...


    1. Ottawa

    2. Carolina

    3. New Jersey

    4. New York R.

    5. Philadelphia

    6. Montreal

    7. Buffalo

    8. Boston

    9. Tampa Bay

    10. Toronto

    11. Florida

    12. Atlanta

    13. Pittsburgh

    14. New York I.

    15. Washington

    Goaltending question is out of Ottawa, for the regular season at least. They lost Chara but should still be good enough to take first place. Buffalo will still hold onto a playoff position but will not contend for the championship. The Rangers have a much better chance this year than last; in fact, I would not be surprised to see them take the division and go farther into the playoffs. But, I am still picking Jersey for that pool. I think Tampa is a better team this year (Marc Denis is a good goalie) but I believe they will not make the playoffs as everyone around them got better too. I don't think the Leafs will make it for a second straight year, mainly due to goaltending.


    1. Detroit

    2. Anaheim

    3. Calgary

    4. Dallas

    5. Nashville

    6. San Jose

    7. Colorado

    8. Columbus

    9. Vancouver

    10. Edmonton

    11. Phoenix

    12. St. Louis

    13. Los Angeles

    14. Minnesota

    15. Chicago

    Detroit wins the conference because of their division. Anaheim wins the Pacific due to their defence, but if Bryzgalov is their goalie I don't see them going far in the playoffs. I trust Giguere over him. Dallas won't do much of anything in thte playoffs. Nashville should go far. St. Louis upgrades but does not improve their playoff status.

    Personally, I'm hoping Phoenix makes the playoffs (they are my team). I have a lot of hope as I think teams 7 - 11 are interchangeable in both conferences.

    I think if a non-contending team picks up Martin Biron from Buffalo they will instantly have a chance. I really hope the Coyotes make an offer as he would be an awesome guy to have to take over Joseph next year, or this year if Joseph doesn't do a second miraculous season.

    Long story short, I can't wait for October 4 / 5!

  14. I can't say enough about the diary. It is awesome and very realistic. You are able to keep everything interesting in the "new" ECW while slowly reverting back to some of the "old" ways (like the first match from the last show).

    I'm guessing you're saving Big Show and Kurt Angle for the DTD pay-per-view. I don't like that Punk is the number one contender as Big Show will just squash him. Or, is it to be the main event of the two hour special? That would be awesome.

  15. Wow, All Star break and AJ is healthy. Hopefully Ted gets #8 tomorrow.

    The Red Sox would REALLY help the Blue Jays if they lost, you know, at least once in a while.

    Seriously, Halladay / Burnett / Lilly is a pretty strong top 3, while Jannsen's future looks safe.

    Wonder if the Jays will trade for another arm?

  16. Roloson played great, Edmonton made it to the Stanley Cup finals!

    I haven't posted here for a while, but I am glad. I'd much rather the Oilers play this far than the Flames, plus I am a fan of Roloson (I am a big fan of Minnesota).

    The game was quite well and scary at the end. Anaheim had a 5 on 3 (only for about 20 seconds) with like two minutes left and the goalie pulled. Scary.

    Good game, though.

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