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Posts posted by KJE

  1. Just a couple of ideas for you.

    Don't bold the whole show. Just bold the titles. Something like this:

    Wrestler A -v- Wrestler B

    For A Championship


    Road Agent Notes (Overness gains/drops, title image gains/drops)

    Match Ratings

    I personally like the road agent notes in the quotes at the end. Keep working at the diary :)

  2. Thunder was good, and I love how it will be a cage match. That will just drop the quality even more, won't it? :P

    And I was a little confused about the Time Crisis stuff. How are those five lucky? Maybe I misread something, but I looked back three times. I just assume it's because they have time to prepare?

    Anyways, looks good.


  3. I liked the show, but like your "I Hate WCW" recaps better. I like the star ratings too.

    LOVED the brawl between Goldberg/Steiner. Had the WCW feel to it and the sports entertainmentish feel with all the road agents and shitty wrestlers come out for the save. Best lines ever: "The locker room clears." When really only the shitty guy scome out. Anyway.......

    Good show.


  4. Lecavalier and Luongo combined to save Luongo's ass last night. Had Brodeur been in net the game would have been either 3-1 or 3-0. I'm not sure I can really fault Luongo for giving up the rebound on the second goal, but the first and third goals were terrible. Tuesday should be a classic, since most of these players aren't going to be playing much of anything for a while.

  5. :lol: I would agree with you... but, well, the game already happened when I read the post. I didn't watch the game, I was golfing... must have been bad or something like that for Slovakia.


    Finland vs. USA

    Canada vs. Czech Republic

    I say it will be USA 4 - Finland 2 and Canada 3 - Czech Republic 1.

    But... don't quote me on that :P


  6. Wow

    I am surprised that Russia is still good. Esche is now an official God after this game. He faced like 50 shots. Bryzgalov (sp?) played well and had a good game. Good thing for the Americans (unless Dipietro & Conklin would have played this well :shifty: ) that Esche was allowed to play because of his knee...

    I enjoyed the game. :D


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