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Posts posted by Krabby

  1. Down a Dark Hall started off really good and had an interesting premise but the script just loses its way like half way through and doesn't ever recover. AnnaSophia Robb and Uma Thurman and the others do an ok acting job but they couldn't make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t here

     I give it a 5 out of 10.

  2. 9 hours ago, SeanDMan said:

    Anybody good at Chrono Trigger? I am stuck at the black tyrano.

    Oh gosh, it's been awhile. I feel like I remember killing the lizard buddy first, lots of healing to stay in the fight combined with a lot of lightning based stuff. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Jericode said:

    Finally finished Chapter 2 of X-2 for the first time in years. This 100% play through will be the end of me, but I seem to be on track so far.

    At some point I'll have to go back and finish FFX, but the trophy for the first boss glitched and I don't know if I can be arsed starting over again for it. Counterpoint, I'm currently fighting Jecht who was the boss I.never got passed the first time I played it, so I'm half tempted to just redo it anyway and be more planned doing the stupid sphere grid.

    I liked the sphere grid! What's wrong with it?

  4. 46 minutes ago, The Fork Horsemen said:

    Final Fantasy X was fun even if it was very linear and Tidus isn't as annoying as I used to think he was. Maybe it's that I've matured (not much) a bit.

    I didn't mind how linear it was especially because the story was awesome and there was a good chunk of fun side-questy things to do (BLITZBALL...I made sure I won that damn trophy in the first Blitz tourney), I also enjoyed the sphere system. I know my friends hated Tidus but I never really hated him, I viewed him less as "my character" and more as one of the "party's characters" with a really wild background, which I think helped me find him less annoying than they did lmao.

    FFX is awesome

  5. On 17/01/2018 at 17:32, apsham said:

    Man I forgot how much I loved this game and I barely remember a thing about it too - so I get to experience it again. :shifty:

    I'd say I'm in the minority if I said that 12 was probably my favorite, yeah?


    On 18/01/2018 at 05:05, Ollie said:

    You're not alone, I've made that bold claim before.

    My opinion changes like the wind as far as whether I prefer IX or XII but it's almost always too close to call.

    12 is freaking awesome - could have used some more clear/better storytelling at points - but the gameplay and the setting are beyond fantastic

  6. @Bobfoc

    • Monks and Mystics
    • The Reaper's Due
    • Conclave
    • Way of Life

    All add pretty good core gameplay elements

    • Sons of Abraham
    • The Old Gods
    • Legacy of Rome

    Are good for a lot of mods that utilize the stuff it adds

    • Charlemagne

    I like having for the Vanilla game because you can start as early as the 8th century

    The others you could get by without I think - I also have Sword of Islam, Rajas of India, and The Republic but I don't know how much you'd be missing without them if you don't play as those civs

    I don't have Sunset Invasion, Jade Dragon, or Horse Lords so I can't really speak to them but I didn't find them necessary at the time. I'll probably wait on Holy Fury right now but do want to get it at some point. It's on sale now for 33% off



    • Like 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, Gabriel said:

    Roger Clemens Baseball was king of the NES

    That was a good one too!

    I also had Bo Jackson baseball and if you struck out Bo a cutscene would play of him snapping his bat. 

    I had Bases Loaded 2 as well, it was generic but an okay game. I rented Baseball Stars a lot too.

  8. On 22/03/2019 at 15:34, Meacon said:

    In my effort to avoid the Show this year and to help pass the time during my flights to and back from California, I bought RBI Baseball 19. Fun little game considering it’s only $29.99.

    I remember playing the original RBI baseball on the NES, cartridge is still at my parents place, buried somewhere in storage I am sure haha

  9. Watched all 3 parts of Leaving Neverland yesterday; controversial sure, but it was definitely interesting with a lot of primary sources that I presume have never been seen or heard. I'd give it a strong 8/10

    We also watched Life of the Party and it wasn't ground breaking but it was a cute, funny film that definitely lightened the room after Leaving Neverland. Melissa McCarthy does a good job with these kinds of movies. 7/10

  10. 8 minutes ago, Paton said:

    I could try a Final Fantasy game. I’ve played the beginning of Skyrim that many damn times, I just can’t seem to bring myself to it for some reason. 


    Few recommendations/experiences:

    • I've finished FFX and put a ton of hours into the sidequest stuff, I really enjoyed it a lot. BLITZBALL!
    • I've also finished FF7, which has a pretty incredible story that is well told with fun minigames and characters. There is side stuff but I didn't end up doing too much of it
    • I started but didn't get to into FF8 because I was hella busy when i tried playing it
    • Played through a good chunk of FFXIII, it's got a pretty neat battle system and looks awesome
    • I've finished FFIV - probably one of the best loved for it's story
    • Haven't played FFXV but it's the big new title out there
    • I really want to play FF Type-0 but missed the last sale on it
    • Started FFVI and III before, both seem very promising
    • Had a lot of friends who played and enjoyed IX but I haven't
    • Really wish they'd bring XII to the PC


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