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Posts posted by Krabby


    5 hours ago, Paton said:

    I am struggling to find a game that holds my interest for more than a day or two. I really want a game that I can sink hours into. Any RPG, shooter or sports game recommendations? I’m looking at PC mainly. 

    You can get a bunch of the Final Fantasy games on Steam now, those were always good time spenders for me. Otherwise have you played Elder Scrolls Oblivion or Skyrim? Those are 2 other games that you can just get totally lost in

  2. 25 minutes ago, Eric Buschenhagen said:

    You can watch, skip, or play any match.  But no way to decide a winner.

    The monthly notes on what other promotions are doing are hilarious.  I wasn’t sure if there was any sort of logic in terms of booking decisions but apparently not as Bo Dallas, Viktor, and Roman Reigns won the newly created Raw 6-man tag titles.

    The winner is based on their skills and stuff?

  3. 52 minutes ago, Jasonmufc said:

    I feel Rome 2 gets a bad rep, it's somehow been made pretty good in all the years since release. It might not be as legendary as RTW1 and MTW2, but it's definitely the easiest title to actually jump into as it has a lot of quality of life features, most notable ones being able to recruit in-state rather than needing a stack in a city and having to move them all around the world just to get them into a battle, or stacks being reinforced over time.

    Also, Warhammer Total War is quite good if they want to play with high fantasy instead.

    The biggest issue, for me, with RTW2 was the lack of character development - something that started with Shogun 2, but definitely further removed in RTW2. I missed the vices and virtues system. 


    1 hour ago, RPS said:

    My better half is getting into RTS games. Outside Warcraft and Starcraft, what should I tell him to play.

    Age of Empires is a pretty classic RTS series, Company of Heroes and it's sequel are very well done ww2 RTS games that are a lot of fun. I've spent a ton of time with both.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Chris2K said:

    I play WWE Supercard and Pokémon Go daily and Contest of Champions when I've got time, then I have a variety of games like Cooking Dash, Real Racing 3, Adventure Capitalist, Marvel Strike Force and WWE Champions to fill in more time. Then I have International Cricket Captain and New Star Soccer for playing when I don't want any time pressures.

    So yes, I play a lot of mobile games, probably more than I play my consoles because I can watch TV and play them at the same time.

    oh man yessss New Star Soccer is awesome too!

  6. I have played a bunch on my android phone and iPad - I think there are some that do gaming very well - on my ipad I love the Kairosoft games, Star Realms is a totally fun deckbuilding game, Lost Portal is another of those, Pro Football Manager and OOTP are awesome sports simulators - on my phone I have angry birds for casual fun, booking revolution to scratch the wrestling itch sometimes (and emulators shhhh)

    But like the Diablo game holds no interest to me and I really don't like Freemium games at all. I'd rather pay for a good experience then have to keep funnelling money into something.

  7. Mom and Dad: Fun crazy Nicolas Cage moments, some uncomfortable scenes but overall fun movie. Ending very underwhelming. All in all only really worth watching if you like the ridiculousnessof Cage. 3.5/10

    Hulu's New Year, New You: Started strong building good intrigue and suspense but dragged badly around the 2/3 point. Bit clichéd but the actresses did a fine job. 5.5/10

  8. 10 hours ago, Barbaro CaverLUKIEo said:

    Sephiroth absolutely destroyed me and I have no motivation of going back to that fight. FF7 will remain incomplete.

    Had something similar happen - I don't remember if it was Sephiroth, definitely the last disc, or not but I took a 5 year hiatus before I went back and finished the end of the game

  9. 2 hours ago, Eric Buschenhagen said:

    If I’m the Giants I’m offering up my 2nd rounder (#37 overall) and like a 3rd or 4th rounder in 2020.  Given the Cards won’t have any leverage if they choose to move Rosen, that seems fair.

    But what about that hot young prospect Eli Manning? 

  10. Yeah I saw Sarah Spain and around the horn, not sure what concern trolling is though.

    I get that for Kaep, the lawsuit may have simply been about recouping money and not about anything else and that's fine but I'm just saying he had the chance to expose the systemic issues in the NFL while still winning back that potential money that he lost. 

    I am disappointed that it came to a settlement because the nfl has a surplus of money, they basically print it off, that won't hurt them like taking the L in a big lawsuit. The end result is the NFL loses some dollars but doesn't have to change the way that it does things.

    He may go on to do a lot of good social justice work, that's good, but felt like he had a platform to get some change enacted. The talk of sellout maybe is a bit too far, i cant say i wouldnt do the same in his spot, but I think people being disappointed in this outcome are justified feeling that way.

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